Catholic Café

From the Diocese of Memphis, a popular destination for men to share experiences, strengthen their faith and become better husbands and fathers
Love Is Faithful: Summer of Holy Matrimony
This is the sixth in a series of episodes delving into Holy Matrimony in an effort to rekindle an appreciation of this sacred sacrament of the Church that has fallen out of favor in our modern and worldly culture. In this episode, we discuss how God loved us faithfully and how this must be reflected in Marriage.
Love Is Free And Total: Summer of Holy Matrimony
This is the fifth in a series of episodes delving into Holy Matrimony in an effort to rekindle an appreciation of this sacred sacrament of the Church that has fallen out of favor in our modern and worldly culture. In this episode, we discuss how God loved us freely and totally and how this must be reflected in Marriage.
Summer of Holy Matrimony
Deacon Jeff and friends continue through their Summer of Holy Matrimony series.
Summer of Marriage
This is the third in a series of episodes delving into Holy Matrimony in an effort to rekindle an appreciation of this sacred sacrament of the Church that has fallen out of favor in our modern and worldly culture. In this episode, we reread the fifth chapter of the Letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians.
Theology Of Marriage
This is the second in a series of episodes delving into Holy Matrimony in an effort to rekindle an appreciation of this sacred sacrament of the Church that has fallen out of favor in our modern and worldly culture. In this episode, we discuss the theology of Marriage.
Mary And Elizabeth: Spiritual Ministry For Women
Mary And Elizabeth is an apostolate for the interior renewal of women that daily answers the spiritual needs of women while helping them come to know themselves, Jesus, and their role in the Church and in the world.
Our Own Pentecost: Come Holy Spirit
Some folks may think that the various Feasts of the Church are somewhat randomly arranged throughout the liturgical year. But, they would be wrong. There is a beautiful thematic connectivity running through every feast the Church celebrates that affords even more meaning to them once you are aware.
Trinitarian Love: A Model For Marriage
As the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity and unfolds for us this great mystery, we see that the love of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the source and model for all love, and especially the love of man and wife in Holy Matrimony.
Our Own Pentecost
As the Church rounds out the season of Easter with the celebration of Pentecost, it is important to realize that the coming of the promised Holy Spirit is not just for the Universal Church, there is also a personal aspect of Pentecost when we recall our own reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The Ascension
The Easter Season is still upon us and the Church calls us to celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. Many may have lost sight of what this feast can mean for us if we know how to look at it in the proper context. Our Lord not only rose from the grave, he rose from the earth as well!
My Kids Have Left The Church: Losing Our Kids To The World
My kids have left the Church. Or my friends, or my family. This seems to be a constant refrain from concerned Catholics today. As a continuation of our show last week, we delve a little further into what to do and what not to do when the ones we care about stop caring about God.
The Catholic Church In A Pagan World
When you look at all the events that are occurring around us, you realize that our modern world has slipped into a pagan existence not unlike the times of early Christianity. But, we are not left without hope, The Church is truly a light in the darkness for our families.
Holy Face Devotion: Work of Reparation
The Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus, usually represented by the Shroud of Turin image of the face of Jesus, was started by a lesser-known Carmelite nun from the middle of the nineteenth century. It is Church-approved and based on her private revelations. With a focus on the evils of Communism and atheism, it is especially relevant even in our world today.
The Season Of Resurrection
When all the Easter candy and decorations are cleared out of stores, many think Easter is over. But, that is not true for the Church. In much the same way we prepare for Easter through the season of Lent, it is appropriate that we realize and take the time to celebrate the entire season of Easter afforded us by the Church.
Resurrection Morning: The Resurrection Is Real
By recounting the scriptural accounts of the morning of the Resurrection, the state of mind of those involved, and the evidence of the events that occurred, we can rest assured that the Christian faith in a Risen Christ is not only feasible and reasonable, but most assuredly true.