Beacon of Truth with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

The Beacon of Truth with Deacon Harold Burke Sivers is a show for listeners of all ages who want to strengthen – or to learn to develop – a deep, personal, loving relationship with Jesus Christ. Covering hot topics that are currently in the news and that may be causing people to lose hope; guests who address a specific topic like marriage and the family or sexual addiction; as well as your questions. Deacon Harold also brings his love of the psalms, music, and the many talks he gives at parishes across the country to each days show. Join "Dynamic Deacon" at 4 p.m. ET weekdays on EWTN Radio.
Light From the East – Saint Charbel
Saint Charbel Makhlouf is one of the best known saints in the Middle East. He arouses admiration and universal awe because of the extraordinary miracles and signs wrought through the power of his intercession. No one ever photographed Saint Charbel, neither did anyone paint a portrait of him in his lifetime. On May 8th, 1950, still another extraordinary event occurred. Several Maronite missionaries took a photo of themselves before the Saint’s grave. After the photo was developed, it turned out that there was another unknown figure—that of a monk—standing among them. Some of the elderly monks recognized that figure as Father Charbel himself, and from that time on this photo has been the prototype of all subsequent portraits of the saint hermit. Deacon Harold dives deeper today along with Soulful Psalm 147A.
Sinner to Saint – Mary Magdalene
All four Gospels refer to Mary Magdalene. She is one of the witnesses of Christ’s crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. Deacon Harold brings more of her significance to the show today as well as looking into Soulful Psalm 52.
The Samaritan Woman
The Samaritan, in the eyes of the Jews, were aliens and unwanted foreigners, hence the longer route to bypass Samaria So why did Jesus go that way and what can we learn on today's Word of God Wednesday talking about the Samaritan Woman and looking at Soulful Psalm 7
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Deacon Harold bring his dynamic moments from the 7th Annual Holy League conference in Salem, Oregon talking about A Light in the Darkness: Seeing Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
ENCORE: Music in the Mass
The major objection with inculturation and music at Mass that causes the most angst is the variety of unique cultural expressions that occur while singing: rhythmic swaying, clapping hands, and dance-like movements. These are often seen as irreverent but, in many cultures, are actually forms of prayer and joy-filled articulations of worship. Worship leader and artist, Dave Moore joins Deacon Harold to talk about music at mass and how it can enhance our connection to God.
Sacraments: Eucharist
Join us for a special live broadcast from the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis! In today's episode, we delve into the profound significance of the Eucharist, exploring its sacred place in the life of the Church and the hearts of believers. Additionally, we'll immerse ourselves in the beauty and depth of Psalm 65:1-8, reflecting on its timeless message of praise and thanksgiving.
What is Beauty?
Today Deacon Harold is LIVE at the National Eucharistic Congress talking about What is Beauty? and looking into Soulful Psalm 65.
Know Your Faith
Today Deacon Harold challenges us to know our faith and extends the help of Guest Tim Staples. Also we're looking into Soulful Psalm 70.
Catholic Bioethics
Deacon Harold welcomes Arland Nichols to the show. Arland K. Nichols is president and founder of the St. John Paul II Foundation. Early in his career, as an educator and non-profit executive, he became a popular speaker and successful writer while he established the groundwork for the initiatives that would become the St. John Paul II Foundation. Arland launched the St. John Paul II Foundation in 2014 and he is author of the 4th edition of the Handbook on Critical Life Issues published in 2024 by the National Catholic Bioethics Center. Arland earned a B.A. in philosophy from Texas A&M, an M.Div. in Theology from University of St. Thomas, and pursued doctoral studies in bioethics at Regina Apostolorum in Rome. With the generous support of his wife, Cindy, and their ten children, Arland is blessed to lead the St. John Paul II Foundation as it serves, educates, and supports medical professionals, married couples, and clergy.
Purpose & Parenting
Today Deacon Harold challenges us in our purpose on parenting from one of his LIVE Dynamic events.
The Cardinal Virtues: Temperance
Temperance is the moral virtue that moderates the attraction of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created goods. It ensures the will's mastery over instincts and keeps desires within the limits of what is honorable. Deacon Harold continues the Cardinal Virtues and looks into Soulful Psalm 35.
The Cardinal Virtues: Fortitude
"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Deacon Harold challenges us with the Beatitudes as well as Soulful Psalm 125
It's Word of God Wednesday as we look into our own Discipleship with the first 6 verses in Mark 6. Also diving into Soulful Psalms 18:36-46
The Cardinal Virtues: Justice
A virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to do the good. It allows the person not only to perform good acts, but to give the best of himself. Deacon Harold expands this virtue today as well as Soulful Psalm 119 AYIN
The Cardinal Virtues: Prudence
Four virtues play a pivotal role and accordingly are called "cardinal"; all the others are grouped around them. They are: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. Prudence is "right reason in action," according to St. Thomas Aquinas. Deacon Harold opens this up more as well as looks as Soulful Psalm 26