Welcome Ceremony to Guatemala (6 March 1983)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Sunday, 6 March 1983, the Holy Father was welcomed to Guatemala, where he described himself as a “pilgrim of faith and hope.”

Mr President,
Brothers in the Episcopate,
dear brothers and sisters

A pilgrim of faith and hope, I arrive today in this land of Guatemala, a country of "eternal spring" and a place of particular significance in the history of Central America.

I thank you in advance for the demonstrations of affection from all dear Guatemalans, in whose name and in your own name, Your Excellency, Mr. President, extended a cordial welcome to me.

I greet all the Authorities present at this airport, Cardinal Mário Casariego, Archbishop of Guatemala, my brother Bishops presided over by D. Próspero Penados del Barrio, the priests, the consecrated people, the lay people committed to the apostolate and the faithful people. I greet with equal affection the members of the country's various ethnic groups.

This Nation has been the scene of calamities that have sown death and destruction in many homes, even in recent times. And today he continues to be a victim of the scourge of fighting between brothers that causes so much suffering. On behalf of all the innocent victims, I would like to ask that all forces of good will be mobilized to achieve peaceful social coexistence, the fruit of justice and a great reconciliation of spirits.

I now encourage all efforts made in this direction, associating myself with the objectives indicated by the Episcopal Conference of Guatemala in the statement in preparation for my visit.

I recommend these objectives to your prayers and from now on I bless all the children of Guatemala, especially the sick and those who suffer in body and soul. May the Mother of the Assumption accompany us with her support!


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