To the Diocese of Manaus (10 July 1980)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On 10 July 1980, the Holy Father addressed the Diocese of Manaus, in their Cathedral, speaking of “the faithfulness of the love with which God first loved us and expects our love in return”.

Archbishop Apostolic Administrator of Manaus,
Your Excellency Archbishops and Bishops,
dearest brothers and sisters in Christ.

1. Divine providence has once again been generous with the Pope, reserving for him, after such great joys, that of coming to conclude here, in Manaus, in the heart of the fabulous Amazonia, the intense program of this pastoral visit. I am deeply grateful to her for this meeting with you in a scenario that speaks of the Creator and proclaims that "he alone has done wonders" (Ps 135:4), and I raise to the triune God, in whose name I stand here, praise and homage.

I am happy to be able to meet the Church - so especially missionary - of this region; to meet with civil society, its rulers and representatives and, in a particular way, I am very grateful for the warm welcome from all, well expressed in the kind words of the Archbishop, Apostolic Administrator.

2. Present everywhere, the Lord wanted to be present here among us in other particular ways: truly present in body, soul and divinity in the most holy Eucharist which we will celebrate; present in his word, entrusted to the Church as a deposit and patrimony, a word of life and truth that the Pope wishes to proclaim here too; present in the vicar of Christ who was given the power "to feed his sheep and his lambs" (cf. Jn 21:15ff); present in each of his "saints" that is, of those who live the divine life; present in the community of us all gathered here in his name; and finally present in the "little ones", in those "poor in spirit" whom the Lord proclaims blessed (cf. Mt 5:3), because they are empty of themselves to welcome the kingdom and because the Lord in some way identifies himself with them:

Present before him and in him united by the bond of charity, may it be the Lord who speaks to you through "Peter": I give him my voice and my visible affection so that a sign of his love may reach everyone.

3. A greeting first of all to my beloved brothers in the episcopate who, united with me collegially, share the concern of all the Churches. With them I greet the crown of priests, diocesans and religious. You are a gift that God gives to his Church. Through the sacrament of Holy Orders the Lord, who has chosen and called you, consecrates you with a new title to be servants of his Gospel of salvation (cf. Gal 1:7): ​​the vision of the Church as Christ willed it, universal though covered in every part of the world by different external aspects and expressions, always one and only. For this reason, while you seek to be close to the people and their problems, you do well to cultivate ecclesial unity, "rooted and grounded in love" (cf. Eph 3:17).

4. I also greet you - you know with how much affectionate esteem - dear men and women religious. Through your consecration you have placed your life in the hands of the Lord. Let yourselves be molded by him in the intimacy that is nourished by prayer and adoration "in spirit and truth", as the Father wishes his adorers. May the Spirit of love always lead you on the path of spiritual ascent, with simple poverty, transparent chastity and generous obedience.

5. To all of you, equally beloved children who occupy positions of responsibility or who are engaged in simpler jobs as Christians, my same affectionate greeting is extended to all. In direct union with your pastors and in the communion that you give in your day-to-day reality in your being and your actions and translate the testimony of the good news into life.

Look to Christ, our model and teacher: he went about "working and teaching" (cf. Acts 1:1).

He reminds us all of the duty of fidelity to the vocation received from God and to the commitments personally assumed in baptism. To accomplish them we are continually enriched with grace upon grace.

I recall to your memory in this circumstance that only one thing is necessary: ​​coherence with our being Christians, the faithfulness of the love with which God first loved us and expects our love. The truth is that we are all called - let us not fear the word! - to holiness (and the world today has so much need of saints!), a holiness cultivated by all, in the various genres and lives and in the different professions and lived according to the gifts and tasks that each one has obtained, advancing without delay on the path of living faith, which kindles hope and works through charity (cf. Lumen Gentium , 41)

6. The last but most cordial greeting I address is for the beloved Indians, whom I will meet shortly.

7. From this cathedral I also send a cordial greeting to the entire population of this hospitable city and of all of Amazonia, neighboring territories and states, thinking especially of the Catholic communities of the dioceses and prelatures of northern Brazil. And in an affectionate thought I also want to embrace those who are suffering in body and spirit. Christ be their hope and their peace.

May the peace of God descend upon all of you and upon each inhabitant of this city and upon all those who live and struggle in these wonderful Brazilian lands.

With my apostolic blessing.


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