To the Diocese of Belem (8 July 1980)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On 8 July 1980, the Holy Father, speaking in their Cathedral, addressed the Diocese of Belém, saying he prays for them and asking for their prayers for him. 

Archbishop, auxiliary bishop,
My brothers in the episcopate,
Beloved sons and daughters in Christ the Lord,

1. I cordially greet you all in the joy of this meeting in this beautiful city and ancient see, founded under the aegis of Our Lady of Grace and still today entrusted to the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

This greeting extends to all those who are dear to you and to all the inhabitants of this state of Parà and neighboring territories. Through you, my brother bishops in these missionary lands, through you, priests, men and women religious, seminarians, fathers and mothers of families, adults and young people present here, my special greeting goes to all those who, in your communities, they have already heard the word of God and strive to put it into practice.

My best wishes to everyone, at this hour, become a prayer for those who suffer in body and soul, for those who have not been able to come, for the children, for the elderly and for those who with abnegation and disinterest they assist. The Pope thinks of everyone with great benevolence and would like, if it were possible, to meet with everyone, personally: as a brother because he is a man, and as a "minister of Christ and steward of the mysteries of God" (cf. 1 Cor 4:1). At least have the certainty that no one is excluded or forgotten in the Pope's affection and in his prayers.

Yes, the Pope prays for everyone, because he loves everyone: he came here precisely to get to know you and be able to love you even more. And I would like to leave everyone a memory. Which? Symbolically, after the Eucharist celebrated just now, I would like to distribute to everyone a little piece of the bread of the word of God. I say "a little piece" because we have little time available.

2. "Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it" (Lk 11:28); observing the word of God is synonymous with living the commandment of love: self-love, enlightened and orderly, a source of serenity; love for brothers in the faith and for all men, a working love - "what you want men to do to you, you also do to them" (Lk 6:31) -, a source of peace; love to God, above all things, source of joy.

3. Blessed are "the meek and humble of heart" who cultivate in themselves "the same sentiments that were in Jesus Christ" (cf. Phil 2:5): cultivate the truth that is he (cf. Jn 14:6), since by obeying the truth you will sanctify your souls in order to practice sincere brotherly love: "Honor all, love your brothers, fear God, honour" authority (cf. 1Pet 2:17). Practice justice, that justice of the kingdom of God which always and in everything takes priority (cf. Mt 6:33); to do this, explains the apostle John, is to remain in him, in Christ, and not to sin, because "he who does justice is just as he is just" (1Jn 3:7). Yes, it is necessary to overcome evil with good, to place the gifts received at the service of one another, and to continually put on feelings of mercy, goodness, humility, meekness and patience,

4. "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news" (cf. Rom 10:15), especially the good news par excellence, the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ: the joy of having a Savior and to be called by him to be children of God and brothers to one another... Be heralds of this good news to everyone. Proclaim it in all circles, proposing it for the hearts of men to adhere to, in full respect for the freedom of conscience, and thus you will contribute to the transformation of humanity internally and externally, renewing it with the perennial newness of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of man.

5. These simple words contain my message to you, brothers and sisters. Pray for the Pope who prays for you. And so that our meeting may be more intimate and leave us with a lasting memory, let us already begin to pray for one another: a moment of silent prayer, with Mary Most Holy, Mother of our trust... so that our faith may grow strong and radiant , according to the evangelical image of the mustard seed (cf. Lk 13:19; 17:6). Like the faith of Our Lady: she was so close to God that she was able to welcome the Word, who came so that all those who believe in him may become children of God (cf. Jn 1:12). Imploring this grace for all, I bless you.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

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