Pro-Life Organizations

Author: A.L.L.


American Life League

Pay as little attention to discouragement as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough or smooth, rain or shine. To carry your cargo and make port is the point.

                                                                                                       Maltbie Babcock.

Anti-Life Philosophy.

Opposition to abortion comes largely from the Roman Catholic Church. One of the more effective ways of scoring this point is to read from the [attached] List of Organizations Favoring Repeal [of all abortion laws] the names of prestigious national organizations ... and then to challenge your [pro-life debating] opponent to name one nonreligious organization in any of these categories (health, welfare, legal, medical, etc.) that supports their contention that abortion is murder.

                                                                  National Abortion Rights Action League.[1]


When you scan lists of groups opposing abortion, you find all of them are religious in nature.

                                                              Anne Nicol Gaylor, Abortion is a Blessing.[2]

Anti-Religious Bigotry.

The above quotes are two of many attempts by the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and other pro-abort groups to stereotype and pigeonhole the entire pro-life movement.

There is good strategic reasoning behind this blatant bigotry. If NARAL and their contemptible ilk can convince the public that the pro-life movement is very narrow in focus and unrepresentative of the American mainstream by painting it as an organ of an 'unholy alliance' between the Pope and Fundamentalist preachers, they will have won a great psychological victory. They will have successfully tapped into the deep reservoir of residual anti-Catholic and anti-religious bigotry that lurks within the souls of tens of millions of Americans.

To show how one-sided this kind of stereotyping really is, try to imagine the uproar that the Neoliberal media would make if some pro-life leader snottily declared that all abortophiles were nothing but a bunch of sexually perverted, atheist lowlife scum!

An anti-life debater may very well make a statement similar to the above NARAL quote. If this happens, the pro-life debater may respond by simply reading aloud the names of all of the non-religious pro-life groups listed in Figure 20-1. The non-religious pro-life groups in this figure are marked with an asterisk (*).


700 Club
Abortion Abolition Society *
Abortion Case Study Project *
Abortion Lawsuit Project *
Abortion Survivors Anonymous *
Accuracy in Academia *
Accuracy in Media *
Ad Hoc Committee in Defense of Human Life *
Advocates for Life Ministries (AFLM)
Alliance for Chastity Education (ACE) *
Alternatives to Abortion International *
American Academy of Medical Ethics *
American Association of Prolife Obstetricians/Gynecologists *
American Catholic Lawyers Association (ACLA)
American Citizens Concerned for Life (ACCL) *
American Collegians for Life *
American Conservative Union *
American Family Association (AFA) *
American Family Credit Union *
American Family Defense Coalition *
American Freedom Coalition *
American Life League (ALL) *
American ProLife Council *
American Rights Coalition (ARC) *
American Victims of Abortion (AVA) *
Americans Against Abortion (AAA)
Americans United for Life (AUL) *
Ancient Order of Hibernians in America
Armed Forces for Life *
Artists for Life *
Association for Interdisciplinary Research
   in Values and Social Change *
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons *
Association of Medical Ethics (AME) *
Baptists for Life
Bethany Christian Services
Birthright International *
Black Americans for Life *
Campaign Life Coalition *
Catholic Bishop's Committee for Pro-Life Activities
Catholic Campaign for America
Catholic Charities USA
Catholic Health Association of the USA
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Catholic Telecommunications Network of America (CTNA)
Catholics United for Life (CUL)
Catholics United for the Faith (CUF)
Cato Institute *
Center for Documentation of the American Holocaust *
Center for the Rights of the Disabled *
Christian Action Council (CAC)
Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
Christian Legal Defense and Education Foundation
Christian Legal Society (CLS)
Christian Maternity/Home Association
Christian Voice
Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia (CURE) *
Concerned Women for America (CWA) *
Conservative Caucus *
Conservative National Committee *
Conservative Network *
Couple to Couple League (CCL)
DADS for Life *
Daughters of St. Paul (DSP)
Defenders of Life *
Dentists for Life *
Eagle Forum *
Elliott Institute *
Eternal Life
Ethics & Public Policy Center *
Family of the Americas Foundation *
Family Research Council (FRC) *
Family Research Institute (FRI) *
Fellowship of Catholic Scholars (FCS)
Feminists for Life of America (FFLA) *
Focus on the Family
Fortress International
Free Speech Advocates (FSA) *
Gays Against Abortion *
Good Counsel
Heartbeat International
Heritage Foundation
Heritage House
Hispanics for Life *
Human Life Center (HLC) *
Human Life Foundation (HLF) *
Human Life International (HLI)
Institute for Abortion Recovery & Research *
International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force (IAETF) *
International Black Women's Network *
International Federation for Family Life Promotion *
International Federation of Catholic Alumnae
International Life Services (ILS) *
International Right to Life Foundation *
Jewish Anti-Abortion League
John Birch Society *
Knights of Columbus
Last Days Ministries
Leadership Institute *
League Against Neo-Hitlerism *
Legal Action for Women *
Life After Assault League (LAAL) *
Life Amendment Political Action Committee *
Life Civil Liberties Union Defense Fund *
Life Fund *
Lobby for Life *
Lutherans for Life
March for Life *
Media Institute *
Media Research Center *
Methodists for Life
Michael Fund *
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) *
Mothers Against Minor's Abortions (MAMA) *
National Association for Abstinence Education *
National Association for the Advancement
   of Preborn Children (NAAPC) *
National Association of Evangelicals
National Association of Pro-Life Nurses (NAPN) *
National Association of Scholars *
National Catholic Coalition
National Chastity Association *
National Coalition of Clergy and Laity
National Commission on Human Life, Reproduction, and Rhythm *
National Committee for a Human Life Amendment *
National Committee of Catholic Laymen
National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB)
National Conservative Foundation *
National Council of Catholic Women
National Federation for Life *
National Federation of Catholic Physician's Guilds
National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled *
National Legal Foundation *
National Officers for Life Federation *
National Organization of Episcopalians for Life (NOEL)
National Pro-Family Coalition *
National Pro-Life Democrats *
National Pro-Life Oratorical Committee *
National Pro-Life Political Action Committee *
National Pro-Life Religious Council
National Pro-Life Youth Coalition *
National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) *
National Teens for Life *
National Women's Coalition for Life *
Nurses for Life *
Nurturing Network *
Officers for Life *
Open ARMS Ministry
Operation Rescue (OR)
Pearson Institute
People Concerned for the Unborn Child (PCUC) *
Pharmacists for Life *
Physicians for Moral Responsibility (PMR)
Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research & Education Center
Pope Paul VI Institute for Human Reproduction
Population Research Institute *
Post-Abortion Counseling and Healing (PACE)
Presbyterians for Life
Priests for Life
Pro-Life Action League *
Pro-Life Action Ministries
Pro-Life Direct Action League *
Pro-Life Seminarians International
Professional Women's Network *
Project Life *
Project Rachel
Psychiatrists for Life and Family Values *
Public Health Workers for Life *
Rachel's Rescues
Republican Coalition for Life *
Rescue America *
Rescue Outreach
Rosary Novena for Life
Rutherford Institute *
Sanctity of Life Ministries
Scientists for Life *
Seamless Garment Network
Shield of Roses
Sisters of Life (Soror Vitae)
Sons of Mary
Southern Baptist Convention, Christian Life Commission
Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP) *
Task Force of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality
Teen Aid *
Today's Family *
Traditional Values Coalition
University Faculty for Life *
Unwed Parents Anonymous
Value of Life Committee
Victim Souls for the Unborn Christ Child
Victims of Choice
Vida Humana Internacional
Voice Network International (VNI) *
Women Affirming Life
Women Exploited By Abortion (WEBA)
Women for Faith and Family (WFF)
Women for Human Rights *
Women for Women *
Women's Aglow Fellowship International
World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life *
Young America's Foundation *
Young Americans for Freedom *

Note. Organizations marked with an asterisk (*) are primarily non-religious in their work, although they may be partially or mostly composed of people who are Christians and Jews.

The pro-abort debater is likely to concede defeat on this point by the time the pro-lifer gets one-fourth of the way through the list! If the pro-lifer somehow does get through the first list, he could then read aloud the names of all of the affiliates of the National Right to Life Committee in Figure 20-2, which are all non-religious as well.



             State Address and Telephone Number

ALABAMA: Alabama Citizens for Life, Post Office Box 184, Montgomery, Alabama 36101, telephone: (205) 344-6483
ALASKA: Alaska Right to Life, Post Office Box 772449, Eagle River, Alaska 99577, telephone: (907) 349-2645
ARIZONA: Arizona Right to Life, Post Office Box 3148, Tempe, Arizona 85280, telephone: (602) 244-1102
ARKANSAS: Arkansas Right to Life, Post Office Box 1697, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203, telephone: (501) 374-0445
CALIFORNIA: California Pro-Life Council, 926 J Street, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95814, telephone: (916) 442-8315
COLORADO: Colorado Right to Life Committee, 2500 Curtis, #118, Denver, Colorado 80205, telephone: (303) 293-2936
CONNECTICUT: Pro-Life Council of Connecticut, 411 Townsend Avenue, New Haven, CT 06512, telephone: (203) 469-9185
DELAWARE: Delaware Citizens for Life, Post Office Box 210, Rockland, Delaware 19732, telephone: (302) 652-1562
FLORIDA: Florida Right to Life, Post Office Box 794, Casselberry, Florida 32707, telephone: (407) 834-9699
GEORGIA: Georgia Right to Life, Post Office Box 81474, Atlanta, Georgia 30366, telephone: (404) 454-7612
HAWAII: Hawaii Right to Life, 1019 University Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96826, telephone: (808) 943-1595
IDAHO: Right to Life of Idaho, 1425 South Mountainview Road, Moscow, Idaho 83843, telephone: (208) 883-3039
ILLINOIS: Illinois Right to Life Federation, 412 Langdon, Alton, Illinois 62002, telephone: (618) 465-7655
INDIANA: Indiana Right to Life, 127 East Michigan Street, L.L., Indianapolis, IN 46204, telephone: (317) 637-2722
IOWA: Iowa Right to Life Committee, 6000 Douglas Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50322, telephone: (515) 270-6655
KANSAS: Kansans for Life, 1302 West 13th Street, Suite 1-A, Wichita, Kansas 67203, telephone: (316) 945-9291
KENTUCKY: Kentucky Right to Life Association, 134 Breckinridge Lane, Louisville, KY 40207, telephone: (502) 895-5959
LOUISIANA: Louisiana Right to Life Federation, PO Box 8807, Metairie, Louisiana 70011, telephone: (504) 834-LIFE
MAINE: Maine Right to Life Committee, 9 Densmore Court, Hallowell, Maine 04347, telephone: (207) 622-3837
MARYLAND: Maryland Right to Life, Post Office Box 115, Kensington, Maryland 20895, telephone: (301) 933-1933
MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts Citizens for Life, 529 Main Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02129, telephone: (617) 242-4199
MICHIGAN: Right to Life of Michigan, 920 Cherry SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506, telephone: (616) 451-0601
MINNESOTA: Minn. Citizens Concerned for Life, 4249 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55409, telephone: (612) 825-6831
MISSISSIPPI: Mississippi Right to Life, RR 3, Box 205C, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180, telephone: (601) 634-1304
MISSOURI: Missouri Citizens for Life, Post Office Box 651, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102, telephone: (314) 635-5110
MONTANA: Montana Right to Life Association, 2139 Broadwater Avenue, Billings, MT 59102, telephone: (406) 652-6097
NEBRASKA: Nebraska Coalition for Life, 5561 South 48th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68516, telephone: (402) 423-1375
NEVADA: Nevada Right to Life Committee, 1600 East Desert Inn Road, Las Vegas, NV 89109, telephone: (702) 735-8216
NEW HAMPSHIRE: New Hampshire Right to Life, PO Box 421, Merrimack, New Hampshire 03054, telephone: (603) 645-6131
NEW JERSEY: New Jersey Right to Life Committee, 102 Walnut Avenue, Cranford, NJ 07016, telephone: (201) 276-6620
NEW MEXICO: Right to Life of New Mexico, 2800 San Mateo Blvd., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, telephone: (505) 881-4563
NEW YORK: New York State Right to Life, 41 State Street, Albany, New York 12207, telephone: (518) 434-1293
NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina Right to Life, Post Office Box 9282, Greensboro, NC 27429, telephone: (919) 274-LIFE
NORTH DAKOTA: North Dakota Right to Life, 115 North Second St., Box 551, Bismarck, ND 58502, telephone: (701) 258-3811
OHIO: Ohio Right to Life, 718 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43206, telephone: (614) 445-8369
OKLAHOMA: Oklahomans for Life, 3150 East 41st Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105, telephone: (918) 749-5022
OREGON: Oregon Right to Life, 11220 SE Stark Street, #6, Portland, Oregon 97216, telephone: (503) 254-3107
PENNSYLVANIA: Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, 1801 Investment Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, telephone: (412) 391-6862
RHODE ISLAND: Rhode Island Right to Life Committee, 27 Marcy Street, Cranston, RI 02905, telephone: (401) 521-1860
SOUTH CAROLINA: South Carolina Citizens for Life, Post Office Box 50622, Columbia, SC 29250, telephone: (803) 252-LIFE
SOUTH DAKOTA: South Dakota Right to Life, 366-1/2 South Pierre Street, Pierre, SD 57501, telephone: (605) 224-9181
TENNESSEE: Tennessee Volunteers for Life, 8005 Church Street, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027, telephone: (615) 370-0027
TEXAS: Texas Right to Life Committee, 7011 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas 77074, telephone: (713) 772-LIFE
UTAH: Right to Life of Utah, 95 North 575 West, Layton, Utah 84041, telephone: (801) 544-1050
VERMONT: Vermont Right to Life, Post Office Box 1079, Montpelier, Vermont 05602, telephone: (802) 229-4885
VIRGINIA: Virginia Society for Human Life, 1214 Westover Hills Blvd., Richmond, VA 23225, telephone: (804) 233-LIFE
WASHINGTON: Washington HUMAN LIFE, 2725 152nd Avenue NE, Redmond, WA 98052, telephone: (206) 882-4397
WEST VIRGINIA: West Virginians for Life, 227 Chestnut Street, Morgantown, WV 26505, telephone: (304) 291-LIFE
WISCONSIN: Wisconsin Right to Life, 4840 Fond du Lac, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216, telephone: (414) 447-8333
WYOMING: Right to Life of Wyoming, Post Office Box 1601, Glenrock, Wyoming 82637, telephone: (307) 436-8890

Hundreds of Pro-Life Groups.

There are literally hundreds of large and small pro-life groups scattered all over the United States. Their areas of interest and types of activism encompass the entire range of pro-life action: From legislative research to education to picketing and sidewalk counseling to rescue missions.

By contrast, the pro-abortion propagandists pad their numbers by counting those Neoliberal organizations that have absolutely nothing at all to do with abortion other than 'signing on' just to show "solidarity" with their "sisters and brothers battling for reproductive rights." Typical of these groups are the American Home Economics Association, the American Veterans Committee, and the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists.

It is critical to note that only five percent of the groups listed in the figures in Chapter 5 ("Anti-Life Organizations) are primarily concerned with keeping abortion 'safe and legal,' and, by contrast, a whopping 90 percent of the groups shown in the comprehensive list of pro-life organizations in Figure 20-1 are specifically single-issue pro-life.

A Place For Everyone ...

There is a place for every pro-life activist and every imaginable skill in one of these local or national groups.

This chapter lists national and international pro-life organizations which have numerous local chapters or affiliates, and are willing to share their resources with other pro-life groups upon request. For those activists with more specific interests, local or national groups can usually provide guidance and contact points. Chapter 23 lists many of the periodicals issued by these groups.

Many of these are 'ad-hoc'-type groups that have relatively narrow fields of interest, i.e., Title X funding or individual state right-to-die bills. This chapter includes a comprehensive listing of those groups that focus their efforts on a relatively narrow field, and have resources that are of general interest to most pro-life activists. Figure 20-1 is a comprehensive list of these groups, and many addresses and telephone numbers of nationally-based pro-life organizations are listed later in this chapter.

One book that activists should be familiar with is the International Life Services' Pro-Life Resource Manual. This manual, updated every year, lists more than 4,000 local and national pro-life groups, their addresses and phone numbers, and their major fields of action. The book is available from International Life Services, Inc., 2606-1/2 West 8th Street, Los Angeles, California, 90057, telephone: (213) 382-2156.

National Pro-Life Groups.


Space does not permit a comprehensive listing of the activities of every one of the hundreds of national and local pro-life groups. However, it is possible to describe the focuses of attention of about a dozen large nationally-based groups, whose combined activities cover the entire spectrum of pro-life pursuits. These are listed below.

American Life League (ALL). 
ALL produces, gathers and disseminates activist and legislative information on a national scale with an excellent monthly magazine entitled ALL About Issues, and a biweekly legislative/ activist newsletter entitled Communique. ALL lobbies vigorously for pro-life groups, and supports various methods of direct action for saving the preborn. Director: Mrs. Judie Brown, Post Office Box 1350, Stafford, VA 22555, telephone: (703) 659-4171. FAX number is (703) 658-2586.

Americans Against Abortion (AAA). 
This organization is headed by Keith Green's widow Melody. AAA is one of the most media-savvy of all pro-life groups, and has an excellent selection of literature and other items available, including various pro-life t-shirts. AAA has sponsored the cross-country "Walk for Life" by Pastors Jerry Horn and Norm Stone, which generated considerable media attention. AAA can be reached at: Americans Against Abortion, Post Office Box 70, Lindale, Texas, 75771-0070.

Americans United for Life (AUL). 
AUL is a public interest law firm defending anti-abortion, anti-infanticide, and anti-euthanasia activists. This organization also issues its periodical AUL Studies in Law and Medicine, dealing with the legal and historical aspects of specific topics, i.e., "The Beginning of Human Life" and "Abortion, Personhood, and the 14th Amendment." AUL can be reached at 343 South Dearborn Street, Suite 1804, Chicago, Illinois 60604, telephone: (312) 786-9494.

Catholics United for Life (CUL). 
National headquarters for CUL is the 60-member third-order St. Martin de Porres Dominican Community in New Hope, Kentucky. The objectives of CUL and its 21 affiliates are sidewalk counseling and public education. CUL maintains an excellent library of pamphlets and tapes on various subjects, and a list of its materials may be obtained by writing to: Catholics United for Life, New Hope, Kentucky, 40052.
An affiliate organization, Free Speech Advocates, Post Office Box 815, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556, is dedicated to preserving the besieged right to legally protest abortion. FSA maintains a brief bank of documents from important pro-life litigation from all over the country.

Christian Action Council (CAC). 
This is a politically-oriented organization which founded the Crisis Pregnancy Center concept. Their primary goal is to get churches of all faiths involved in the struggle against abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. The CAC sponsors the fall national Pastor's Protest Against Abortion and the January Sanctity of Life Sunday. The national headquarters has an excellent reading list of material on abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and the Christian response, which may be ordered from: Christian Action Council, 101 West Broad Street, Suite 500, Falls Church, Virginia 22046.

Concerned Women for America. 
"A positive alternative to the militant feminism that threatens American society," this organization of more than half a million members fights militant homosexuality, kiddie porn, abortion, and stands for a strong national defense, religious freedom, and the free enterprise system. Director: Mrs. Beverly LaHaye, 370 L'Enfant Promenade SW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20024, telephone: (202) 488-7000.

Human Life Center (HLC). 
The HLC, directed by Mike and Rita Marker, is an educational resource center with an extensive and up-to-date library of research materials and "Life Issue Files" drawn from various publications all over the world. The HLC is considered to be the national center of pro-life material on euthanasia, and offers a "Euthanasia Packet,” which includes copies of materials that groups like the Hemlock Society and Americans Against Human Suffering use in their relentless drive to secure the 'right' to kill born human beings.
HLC also publishes two newsletters: Human Life Issues, and the International Review (formerly the International Review of Natural Family Planning), (both published quarterly). The address of HLC is; Human Life Center, University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio 43952. Telephone: (614) 282-9953.

Human Life International (HLI). 
This organization fights abortion, the "right to die," and International Planned Parenthood on a global level. Planned Parenthood has called HLI its "number one enemy," which means that it is quite effective indeed. HLI has an expert staff of consultants, researchers, and advisors, including Mother Teresa of Calcutta. The annual dues include 17 issues of the HLI newsletter, and for an additional fee there are available ten special reports, published about monthly. Father Paul Marx heads HLI. Mailing address is Human Life International, 7845-E Airpark Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879, telephone: (301) 670-7884.

National Right to Life Committee (NRLC). 
NRLC is the largest existing national pro-life organization, with more than a quarter of a million members and affiliates in every state. The primary purpose of NRLC is to sponsor community, legislative, and political action to oppose or change current and proposed liberal abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia laws. Local RTL chapters usually maintain excellent video and book libraries. NRLC's address is Suite 500, 419-7th Street, Washington DC 20004, telephone: (202) 626-8800. Claire Richter.
NRLC also maintains a legislative update hotline at (202) 393-LIFE. This is a toll call, but you can minimize the cost by calling late in the evening, since it is a 24-hour line.

A list of the fifty state Right to Life organizations and their addresses and phone numbers is shown in Figure 20-2.

Open ARMS (Abortion Related MinistrieS). 
This is a relatively new non-political support group that counsels post-abortive women, their families, parents, and boyfriends as a group. Open ARMS works closely with Crisis Pregnancy Centers to resolve bitterness and regret by post-abortive women and their families. Contact: Open ARMS, Post Office Box 1056, Columbia, Missouri 65205, telephone: (314) 449-7672.

Pro-Life Action League (PLAL). 
This Chicago group is headed by Joe Scheidler, who has been called "The Green Beret of the pro-life movement" by national syndicated columnist Patrick Buchanan. The League educates the public on abortion via the media. It has a daily hotline, which gives the latest update on current abortion-related events, both local and national. PLAL's address is 6160 N. Cicero Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60646. Their office phone number is (312) 777-2900, and their hotline is at (312) 777-2525.

Women Exploited by Abortion (WEBA). 
WEBA is a support ministry for women who have had abortions and who now regret their decisions. WEBA has about 15,000 members in 45 states. The objectives of this group are support for post-abortive women, education, and political lobbying.
Write to Route 1, Box 821, Venus, Texas 76084, telephone: (214) 366-3600.

Special Interest Groups.

The more than one hundred national pro-life groups listed in this chapter usually have a specific interest or ministry which is implied in their names. If you have a similar interest, these groups will be very useful in helping you put your talents to use in the most efficient manner, by getting you in contact with local activists who share your concerns. These groups are also usually the best source of information on their specific topics of interest, and will share this information freely, usually just for the price of copying it.

Pro-Life Youth Groups.

Catholics United for Life Youth Crusaders
New Hope, Kentucky 40052

National Teens For Life
419 7th Street NW, Suite 402
Washington, DC 20004

National Youth Pro-Life Coalition
99 Jackson Avenue
Hastings-on-Hudson, New York 10706
Telephone: (914) 478-0103

Teen Aid
West 22 Mission
Spokane, Washington 99201
Telephone: (509) 466-8679

Summer Internships.

The following organizations offer summer internships for teenagers interested in preparing for a lifetime of pro-life activism. Although the groups have a primarily legislative orientation, there are good opportunities available for developing group organization and street activism skills.

National Committee for a Human Life Amendment
1430 K Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
(application deadline January 1st)

National Right-to-Life Committee Intern Program
419 7th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004
(application deadline January 1st)

National Youth Pro-Life Coalition
99 Jackson Avenue
Hastings-on-Hudson, New York 10706
Telephone: (914) 478-0103
(application deadline early Spring)

Annual Youth Speech Contest.

This competition is open to high school juniors and seniors. It begins at the local level and progresses to the state and national levels, with a monetary grand prize awarded to the national winner. For information, write to;

National Pro-Life Oratorical Committee
Seven Portland Place
Staten Island, New York 10301
Telephone: (718) 447-4197


The Abortion Lawsuit Project
Family Concerns, Inc.
Post Office Box 550168
Atlanta, Georgia 30355
Assists women injured by abortion in filing lawsuits against abortuaries.

Abortion Recovery Canada
Telephone: (604) 640-7171
Abortion hotline that takes phone calls from women injured by abortion from all over the United States and Canada.

Abortion Survivors Anonymous
Post Office Box 279
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
Telephone: (303) 223-2097

Abortion Trauma Services
1608 13th Avenue South, #112
Birmingham, Alabama 35205
Telephone: (205) 939-0302

Accuracy in Academia and Accuracy in Media
1275 K Street NW, Suite 1150
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: (202) 371-6710
FAX: (202) 371-9054
Publishes the monthly magazines Accuracy in Academia Report and Accuracy in Media Report.

Ad Hoc Committee In Defense
of Human Life
1187 National Press Building
Washington, DC 20045.
Telephone: (202) 347-8686
Publishes the monthly Lifeletter.

Advocates for Life Ministries
Post Office Box 13656
Portland, Oregon 97213
Telephone: (503) 257-7023
Publishes the excellent monthly rescue journal The Life Advocate.

Alliance for Chastity Education (ACE)
Post Office Box 11297
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211-0297

Alternatives to Abortion International (AAI)
1213-1/2 South James Road
Columbus, Ohio 43227
Telephone: (614) 239-9433

American Academy of Medical Ethics
4205 North McAuley Boulevard, Suite 420
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73120
Pro-life physicians.

American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists
266 Pine Avenue
Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida 33303

American Catholic Lawyers Association
C/O Keep the Faith, Inc.
810 Belmont Avenue
North Haledon, New Jersey 07508

American Citizens Concerned for Life Communications Center
Post Office Box 179
Excelsior, Minnesota 55331
Telephone: (612) 474-0885

American Collegians for Life
Post Office Box 1112
Washington, DC 20013

American Conservative Union
38 Ivy Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
Telephone: (202) 546-6555
FAX: (202) 546-7370

American Family Association (AFA)
Post Office Drawer 2440
Tupelo, Mississippi 38803
Telephone: (601) 844-5036
American Family Credit Union

American Pro-Life Council
1612 South Prospect Avenue
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
Telephone: (708) 692-2183
Pro-life credit union.

American Freedom Coalition
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 850
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: (202) 393-1333
FAX: (202) 293-1337

American Life League (ALL)
Post Office Box 1350
Stafford, Virginia 22554
Telephone: (703) 659-4171
The activities of ALL are described earlier in this chapter.

American ProLife Council
Insurance Benefits Office
Post Office Box 1232
Northbrook, Illinois 60062
Telephone: (312) 272-8410
Pro-life insurance company.

American Rights Coalition (ARC)
Post Office Box 487
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401
Telephone: (615) 698-7960 or
Finds lawyers for abortion-injured women and assists in the filing of lawsuits against abortion mills.

American Victims of Abortion (AVA)
419 7th Street NW, #402
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: (202) 626-8800

Americans Against Abortion (AAA)
Post Office Box 70
Lindale, Texas, 75771-0070
Telephone: (214) 963-8671
The activities of AAA are described earlier in this chapter.

Americans United for Life (AUL)
343 South Dearborn Street, Suite 1804
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Telephone: (312) 786-9494
FAX: (312) 342-2656
The activities of AUL are described earlier in this chapter.

Armed Forces for Life
Post Office Box 658
APO New York 09098

Association for Interdisciplinary Research in Values and Social Change
419 7th Street NW, Suite 402
Washington, DC 20004
Pro-life research and development.

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
1601 North Tucson Boulevard, Suite 9
Tucson, Arizona 85716
Telephone: (602) 327-4885

Association of Medical Ethics (AME)
419 7th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004
Organization of pro-life physicians.

Baptists for Life
Post Office Box 394
Hallettsville, Texas 77964

Bernadell (Dr. Bernard Nathanson)
Post Office Box 1897
Old Chelsea Station, New York 10011

Bethany Christian Services
901 Eastern Avenue NE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Telephone: (616) 459-6273
This is a group that includes adoption agencies in 22 states and has a toll-free pregnancy helpline at 1-800-BETHANY.

Birthright International
686 North Broad Street
Woodbury, New Jersey 08096
Telephone: (609) 848-1819
Birthright operates 550 pregnancy help centers in the United States and Canada.

Black Americans for Life
419 7th Street NW, Suite 402
Washington, DC 20004

Campaign Life Coalition
53 Dundas Street East
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 1C6
Telephone: (416) 368-8479
Provides information on Canadian pro-life groups.

Catholic Bishops Committee
For Pro-Life Activities
1312 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: (202) 659-6673

Catholic Campaign for America
Mission: "To activate Catholic citizens, increase the Catholic electorate's influence in formulating public policy, and focus the public's attention on the richness and beauty of Catholic teaching."

Catholic Charities USA
1319 F Street NW
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: (202) 639-8400

Catholic Health Association of the USA
1776 K Street NW, #204
Washington, DC 20036-2304
Telephone: (202) 296-3993

Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
1100 West Wells Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
Telephone: (414) 289-0170
The Catholic League defends the rights of free speech and exercise of religion against attacks from Neoliberal groups.

Catholic Telecommunications Network of America (CTNA)
3211 Fourth Street N.E., 20017-1194
Telephone: (202) 541-3444

Catholics United for the Faith (CUF)
45 Union Avenue
New Rochelle, New York 10801
Telephone: (701) 237-5667

Catholics United for Life (CUL)
New Hope, Kentucky, 40052
The activities of CUL are described earlier in this chapter.

Cato Institute
224 2nd Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20003
Telephone: (202) 546-0200
FAX: (202) 546-0728

Center for the Documentation of the American Holocaust
Post Office Box 99
Palm Springs, California 92263

Center for the Rights of the Disabled
2319 18th Avenue South
Fargo, North Dakota 58103
Anti-euthanasia group.

Center for the Rights of the Terminally Ill
Post Office Box 54246
Hurst, Texas 76054
Telephone: (817) 656-5143.
Defends patients' rights to competent, compassionate and ethical medical care.

Christian Action Council (CAC)
101 West Broad Street, Suite 500
Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Telephone: (703) 237-2100
The activities of the CAC are described earlier in this chapter.

Christian Attorneys Supporting Evangelism (CASE)
Post Office Box 450349
Atlanta, Georgia 30345
A group of Christian attorneys working on pro-life cases, including the recent Bray decision, headed by Jay Sekulow.

Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
CBN Center
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23463
Telephone: (804) 424-7777
FAX: (804) 523-7812

Christian Defense Coalition
613 Second Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
Telephone: (202) 547-1735
Sponsors Christian direct activism, including rescue missions.

Christian Institute on Disability
Post Office Box 3333
Agoura, California 91301
Telephone: (818) 707-5664
Anti-euthanasia group offering Christian help in the disabled community.

Christian Legal Defense and Education Foundation
Post Office Box 1088
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Telephone: (703) 818-7150

Christian Legal Society (CLS)
Center for Law and Religious Freedom
Post Office Box 1492
Merrifield, Virginia 22116
Telephone: (703) 560-7314
Defends the freedoms of speech and association from Neoliberal attacks.

Christian Voice
214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20002
Telephone: (202) 544-5202
FAX: (202) 544-5213

Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia (CURE)
812 Stephen Street
Berkeley Springs, West Virginia 2541
Telephone: (304) 258-LIFE
CURE educates on the threat of euthanasia and provides assistance to families of the severely disabled.

Concerned Women for America (CWA)
370 L'Enfant Promenade SW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20024
Telephone: (202) 628-3014
CWA is the largest women's group in the United States, with over half a million members. The activities of CWA are described earlier in this chapter.

Conservative Caucus
450 East Maple Avenue
Vienna, Virginia 22180
Telephone: (703) 938-9626

Conservative National Committee
2030 Clarendon Boulevard, #305
Arlington, Virginia 22201
Telephone: (703) 522-2104

Conservative Network
444 North Capitol Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Telephone: (202) 347-3121
FAX: (202) 737-4405

Couple to Couple League (CCL)
Post Office Box 111184
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45211
One of the largest teachers of natural family planning in the country.

Daughters of St. Paul (DSP)
50 St. Paul's Avenue, Jamaica Plain
Boston, Massachusetts, 02130.
This order of Catholic Sisters publishes a wide range of pro-life and pro-family literature.

Defenders of Life
1215 Quincy Street NE
Washington, DC 20017
Telephone: (202) 529-9449
Combines pro-life and anti-war activism.

Dentists for Life
7866 Spring Avenue
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
Telephone: (215) 635-4897

Eagle Forum
Post Office Box 618
Alton, Illinois 62002
Telephone: (618) 462-5415
Washington, DC telephone: (202) 544-0352
Phyllis Schlafly's group halted the Equal Rights Amendment and is a constant pain to the Neofeminists. This group publishes The Phyllis Schlafly Report and The Education Reformer.

The Elliott Institute
David Reardon
Post Office Box 9079
Springfield, Illinois 92719
Post-abortion syndrome (PAS) research.

Ethics & Public Policy Center
1030 15th Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: (202) 682-1200
FAX: (202) 408-0632

Family of the Americas Foundation
Post Office Box 1170
Dunkirk, Maryland 20754
Telephone: (301) 627-3346
Combats the 'contraceptive mentality' by training people around the world in Natural Family Planning and hosts congresses of speakers periodically.

Family Research Council
700 13th Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: (202) 393-2100
FAX: (202) 393-2134.
A division of Focus on the Family that publishes the magazines Washington Watch and Family Policy.

Family Research Institute
Post Office Box 2091
Washington, DC 20013

Feminists for Life of America (FFLA)
811 East 47th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64110
Telephone: (816) 753-2130

Focus on the Family
Post Office Box 35500
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80935
Telephone: (719) 531-3400

Fortress International
Post Office Box 7352
Springfield, Illinois 62791
Telephone: (217) 529-9545
Helps both women and unborn children when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.

Free Speech Advocates (FSA)
Post Office Box 815
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Defends free speech rights against anti-life attacks.

Heartbeat International
1213-1/2 South James Road
Columbus, Ohio 43227
Telephone: (614) 239-9433
A network of helping centers for women with crisis pregnancies.

Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Avenue NE
Washington, DC 20002
Telephone: (202) 546-4400
FAX: (202) 546-8328

Heritage House
Pro-Family, Pro-Life Resource Center
Post Office Box 730
Taylor, Arizona 85939
The "Little Feet" people have a wide range of pro-life materials for sale and use.

Hispanics for Life
Post Office Box 9086
Torrance, California 90501

Human Development Resource Council
3961 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 200
Norcross, Georgia 30092

Human Life Center (HLC)
University of Steubenville
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Telephone: (614) 282-9953
The activities of the HLC are described earlier in this chapter.

Human Life Foundation
150 East 35th Street, Room 840
New York, New York 10016
Publishes the Human Life Review, which is described in Chapter 23.

Human Life International (HLI)
7845-E Airpark Road
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879
Telephone: (301) 670-7884
The activities of HLI are described earlier in this chapter.

Institute for Abortion Recovery & Research
111 Bow Street
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801-3819
Telephone: (603) 431-1904
FAX: (603) 436-6971

International Anti-Euthanasia
Task Force (IAETF)
Post Office Box 760
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Telephone: (614) 282-3810
or: Post Office Box 224
Concord, California 94522
Telephone: (510) 689-0170

International Black Women's Network
Post Office Box 90972
Washington, DC 20090-0972
Telephone: (301) 277-1122

International Life Services (ILS)
2606.5 West 8th Street
Los Angeles, California 90057-3810
Telephone: (213) 382-2156

Jewish Anti-Abortion League
C/O Rabbi Yehuda Levin
Post Office Box 230262
Grazesend Station
Brooklyn, New York 11223
Telephone: (718) 336-0053

Last Days Ministries
Post Office Box 40
Lindale, Texas 75771

Leadership Institute
8001 Braddock Road
Springfield, Virginia 22151
Telephone: (703) 321-8580
FAX: (703) 321-7194

Legal Action for Women (LAW)
1145 Candlewood Circle
Pensacola, Florida 32514
Telephone: (904) 474-1091 or
Assists women injured by abortion in filing lawsuits against abortuaries.

Life After Assault League (LAAL)
1336 West Lindbergh
Appleton, Wisconsin 54914
Telephone: (414) 739-4489

Life Amendment Political Action Committee (LAPAC)
Post Office Box 1350
Stafford, Virginia 22554
Telephone: (703) 659-4171

Life Chain
C/O Please Let Me Live
3209 Colusa Highway
Yuba City, California 95993
Telephone: (916) 671-5500

Life Civil Liberties Union Defense Fund
Post Office Box 1423
Novato, California 94948
Telephone: (415) 898-1051
A legal fund for pro-lifers jailed or fined for rescues.

Life Dynamics
Post Office Box 185
Lewisville, Texas 75067
Telephone: (214) 436-3885
FAX: (214) 436-4058
Implements and supports a number of highly imaginative tactics against abortion.

Post Office Box 185066
Fort Worth, Texas 76181

Lutherans for Life
Post Office Box 819
Benton, Arkansas 72015
Telephone: (501) 794-2212

March for Life
Post Office Box 90300
Washington, DC 20090
Telephone: (202) 543-3377

Media Associates Research Coalition (MARC)
Post Office Box 44442
Indianapolis, Indiana 46244
Telephone: (317) 237-2959
Broadcasters, journalists, musicians, artists, and communications specialists volunteering as resources for pro-life efforts.

Media Institute
3017 M Street NW
Washington, DC 20007
Telephone: (202) 298-7512
FAX: (202) 337-7092

Media Research Center
111 South Columbus Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Telephone: (703) 683-9733

Methodists for Life
12105 Livingston Street
Wheaton, Maryland 20902

The Michael Fund
400 Penn Center Boulevard, Suite 721
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235
Adoption resource and alternative to the pro-abortion March of Dimes.

Missionaries to the Preborn
Post Office Box 37021
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53237
Telephone: (414) 344-8320
Participates in rescue missions and works to free rescuers from jail.

National Association of Evangelicals
1023 15th Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: (202) 789-1011
FAX: (202) 842-0392

National Association of Pro-Life Nurses (NAPN)
Post Office Box 70003
Rochester, Minnesota 55903
Telephone: (507) 252-0881

National Association of Scholars (NAS)
29 Nassau Street, Suite 250 East
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
Telephone: (609) 683-7878
FAX: (609) 683-0316

National Chastity Association
Post Office Box 402
Oak Forest, Illinois 60452
Telephone: (708) 687-1767

National Commission on Human Life, Reproduction, and Rhythm
244 South Wesley
Oak Park, Illinois 62008

National Committee for a Human Life Amendment
1411 K Street NW, Suite 335
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: (202) 393-0703

The National Committee of Catholic Laymen, Inc.
150 East 35th Street, Room 840
New York, New York, 10157-0137

National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB)
Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities
3211 Fourth Street NE
Washington, DC 20017-1194
Telephone: (202) 541-3070
Conducts the national "Respect Life" program.

National Conservative Foundation
618 South Alfred Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Telephone: (703) 548-0900
FAX: (703) 836-2413

National Council of Catholic Women
1275 K Street, NW, Suite 975
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: (202) 682-0334
Group runs a respite program for the elderly, among many other activities.
National Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guilds 850 Elm Grove Road
Elm Grove, Wisconsin 53122.

National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled
Post Office Box 441069
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Telephone: (317) 632-6245
Provides support and training for lawyers who defend critically ill and disabled people against discrimination and publishes the quarterly Issues in Law and Medicine.

National Office of Post-Abortion Recovery and Healing
Post Office Box 07477
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207
Telephone: (414) 483-4141 or
Training for post-abortion counselors, help for women with PAS, and helps start up Project Rachel programs in Catholic dioceses

National Officers for Life Federation
Post Office Box 892
Corpus Christi, Texas 78403-0892
Telephone and FAX: (512) 992-1296
Association of pro-life police officers.

National Organization of Episcopalians for Life (NOEL)
10520 Main Street
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Telephone: (703) 591-6635

National Pro-Family Coalition
721 Second Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Telephone: (202) 546-3000

National Pro-Life Democrats
1500 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: (202) 463-0940

National Pro-Life Political Action Committee
2525 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 200
Arlington, Virginia 22201

National Right to Life Committee (NRLC)
419 7th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: (202) 626-8800
FAX: (202) 737-9189
The activities of the NRLC are described earlier in this chapter. See Figure 20-2 for the addresses and telephone numbers of NRLC's 50 state affiliates.

Nurses for Life
Post Office Box 4818
Detroit, Michigan 48219

Nursing Home Action Group
Post Office Box 65363
St. Paul, Minnesota 55165
Telephone: (612) 379-8309
Advocates for the rights of nursing home residents.

The Nurturing Network
910 Main Street, Suite 360
Post Office Box 2050
Boise, Idaho 83701
Telephone: (208) 344-7200
Toll-free: 1-(800) 866-4666

Post Office Box 1056
Columbia, Missouri 65205
Telephone: (314) 449-7672
The activities of Open ARMS are described earlier in this chapter.

Operation Rescue National (OR)
Post Office Box 127
Summerville, South Carolina 29484
Telephone: (803) 821-8441

Orthodox Christians for Life
Post Office Box 805
Melville, New York 11747
Telephone: (516) 271-4408

Pearson Institute
3663 Lindell Boulevard, Suite 290
St. Louis, Missouri 63108
Telephone: 1-800-633-2252, extension 701
Runs 150 Crisis Pregnancy Centers and does instruction in natural family planning

Pharmacists for Life
Bogomir Kuhar
Post Office Box 130
Ingomar, Pennsylvania 15127
Telephone: (412) 364-3422

Physicians for Moral Responsibility (PMR)
Post Office Box 98257
Tacoma, Washington 98498-0257
Association of pro-life physicians.

Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research & Education Center
186 Forbes Road
Braintree, Massachusetts 02184
Telephone: (617) 848-6965

Pope Paul VI Institute
Thomas Hilgers, M.D.
6901 Mercy Road
Omaha, Nebraska 68106
Telephone: (402) 390-6600
Does research on infertility and conducts natural family planning instruction.

The Population Research Institute
Post Office Box 2024
Baltimore, Maryland 21298-9559
Telephone (301) 670-1864
FAX: (301) 869-7363
Publishes the Population Research Institute Review, which covers the international population control activities of various U.S.-funded purveyors of "contraceptive imperialism."

Post Abortion Counseling and Education (PACE)
101 West Broad Street, Suite 500
Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Telephone: (703) 237-2100

Post Abortion Ministries
Post Office Box 3092
Landover Hills, Maryland 20784
Telephone: (310) 773-4630

Presbyterians Pro-Life
Post Office Box 11130
Burke, Virginia 22009
Telephone: (703) 569-9474

Priests for Life
288 Denslowe Drive
San Francisco, California 94132
Telephone: (415) 333-2249

Professional Women's Network
Human Life Advocates
Post Office Box 14682
Chicago, Illinois 60614-6842
Telephone: (312) 233-2695

Project Rachel
C/O Milwaukee Archdiocese
Post Office Box 2018
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207
Telephone: (414) 769-3391
For Catholics suffering directly or indirectly from the effects of abortion.

Pro-Life Action League (PLAL)
6160 N. Cicero Avenue, #210
Chicago, Illinois 60646
Telephone: (312) 777-2900
HOTLINE: (312) 777-2525
The activities of the PLAL are described earlier in this chapter.

Pro-Life Action Ministries
(formerly PEACE of Minnesota)
611 South Snelling Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55116
Telephone: (612) 690-2960

Pro-Life Direct Action League
Post Office Box 35044
St. Louis, Missouri 63135
Telephone: (314) 863-1022

Pro-Life Seminarians International
C/O Human Life International
7845-E Airpark Road
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879

Psychiatrists for Life and Family Values
16 East Brittany
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004
Telephone: (708) 259-5269

Public Health Workers for Life
Post Office Box 57411
Washington, DC 20037
Telephone: (202) 546-1600

Rachel's Rescues
7845-E Airpark Road
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879
Telephone: (301) 670-7884

Republican Coalition for Life
Post Office Box 618
Alton, Illinois 62002
Telephone: (618) 462-5415
Founded by Phyllis Schlafly to counter the growing pro-abort movement within the Republican Party.

Rescue Outreach
6510 Damascus Road
Laytonsville, Maryland 20882
Telephone: (301) 774-3748

Or: Humanae Vitae House
Braemar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland AB3 5YS
Telephone: 011 44 3397 41380
The first international rescue organization, whose purpose is to instruct and organize rescue cadres in other countries, including France, England, Spain, Portugal, and Latin American countries.

The Rockford Institute
934 North Main
Rockford, Illinois 61103
Telephone: (815) 964-5054
Publishes the magazines Chronicles and The Family in America.

Rosary Novena for Life
Post Office Box 40213
Memphis, Tennessee 38174-0213
Telephone: (901) 725-5937

Rutherford Institute
Post Office Box 7482
Charlottesville, Virginia 22906-7482
Telephone: (804) 978-3888
Defends pro-life free speech activities.

Scientists for Life
1908 Washington Avenue
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401

Seamless Garment Network
C/O Harmony, Post Office Box 210056
San Francisco, California 94121-0056
Telephone: (716) 288-6146
Conducts education and action against abortion, euthanasia, war, poverty, and the death penalty.

Sidewalk Counselors for Life
Box 5123
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034
Telephone: (303) 238-1687

The 700 Club
7223 Lee Highway
Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Telephone: (703) 237-7777

Sisters of Life (Soror Vitae)
Archdiocese of New York
1011 1st Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Telephone: (202) 371-1000
The only existing order of Catholic sisters whose sole purpose is to work in pro-life activism.

Sons of Mary
Post Office Box 81
West Long Branch, New Jersey 07764
Telephone: (201) 222-2884
An organization for activist pro-life Roman Catholic priests.

Southern Baptist Convention,
Christian Life Commission
901 Commerce Street, Suite 550
Nashville, Tennessee 37203
Telephone: (615) 244-2495

Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP)
Post Office Box 8
La Grange, New York 12540

Task Force of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality
512 Florence Street
Dothan, Alabama 36301
Telephone: (205) 794-8543.
Organizes pro-life Methodists and works with the Sheltering Church Movement, which helps women with crisis pregnancies.

Today's Family
Route 2, Box 656
Grottoes, Virginia 24441
Telephone: (703) 356-4368

United Church of Christ Friends for Life
Post Office Box 255
Telford, Pennsylvania 18969
Telephone: (215) 723-8378

University Faculty for Life
C/O Philosophy Department
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057
Telephone: (202) 687-4192

Unwed Parents Anonymous
Post Office Box 44556
Phoenix, Arizona 85064
Telephone: (602) 952-1463

Victim Souls for the Unborn Christ Child
Post Office Box 47552
Wichita, Kansas 67201
Telephone: (316) 688-0309
The purpose of this group is to provide a 'quick reaction force' of rescuers to do "John and Jane Doe" rescues in areas where the legal system has tried to crush resistance by being brutal to previous rescuers.

Victims of Choice (VOC)
Post Office Box 6268
Vacaville, California 95688
Telephone: (707) 448-6015
Support group for aborted women and others who have been injured by abortion.

Voice Network International (VNI)
1526 East Hintz Road, #227
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004
News hotline: (708) 392-9229
Telephone: (708) 392-7864
An alternative pro-life media outlet and computerized telephone clearinghouse for pro-life information. Call the hotline number and then select a digit to hear a wide variety of messages on pro-life activities from around the world.

Women Affirming Life
Federal Reserve Plaza
600 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 2700
Boston, Massachusetts 02210
Telephone: (617) 783-5410
National organization of Catholic women who help pregnant women through difficult pregnancies.

Women Exploited By Abortion (WEBA)
Route 1, Box 821
Venus, Texas 76084
Telephone: (214) 366-3600
Support group for aborted women. The activities of WEBA are described earlier in this chapter.

Women for Faith & Family
PO Box 300411
St. Louis, MO 63130
Phone 314-863-8385 · Fax 314-863-5858
Catholic pro-life, pro-family organization.

Women for Human Rights
Post Office Box 452605
Miami, Florida 33245-2605
Telephone: (305) 364-8220
Organization that links and networks with pro-life women's groups.

Women for Women
Post Office Box 937
Kings Park, New York 11754
Telephone: (516) 269-0844

World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life
Life and Family Center
Post Office Box 7244
Collegeville, Minnesota 56321
Telephone: (612) 252-2526

Young Americans for Freedom
14018-A Sullyfield Circle
Chantilly, Virginia 22021
Telephone: (703) 378-1178

Young America's Foundation
110 Elden Street
Herndon, Virginia 22070
Telephone: (703) 318-9608

References: Pro-Life Organizations.

[1] This quote is from a looseleaf booklet entitled "Organizing for Action." Prepared by Vicki Z. Kaplan for the National Abortion Rights Action League, 250 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. 51 pages, 1974.

[2] Anne Nicol Gaylor Abortion is a Blessing. New York, New York: Psychological Dimensions, Inc. 1975, 124 pages. Page 53.

Further Reading: Pro-Life Organizations.

Gale Research. Encyclopedia of Medical Organizations and Agencies
2nd Edition, 1987, 975 pages. Information on more than 11,000 medical societies, professional and voluntary associations, foundations, research institutions, federal and state health agencies, medical and allied health schools, information centers, database services, and related health care organizations. Includes basic data on all of the nearly 200 Planned Parenthood affiliates. Chapter 30, "Family Planning," has data on all national pro-life and pro-abortion organizations. This information includes membership totals, addresses and telephone numbers, publications, and basic philosophy. Published by Gale Research, Inc., 835 Penobscot Building, Detroit, Michigan 48226-4094, telephone: (313) 961-2242. Toll-free telephone number: 1-800-877-GALE.

Human Events. The Intelligent Conservative's Reference Manual
This 134-page book contains a treasury of information of value to every pro-life and pro-family activist. Chapters include information on how to find and network with other conservatives, how to run a political campaign, how to influence Congress and the media, and comprehensive lists on conservative organizations, columnists, publications and books, and information on radical-left organizations. The 7th edition was published in 1991. Write to Human Events, 422 First Street SE, Washington, DC 20003.

International Life Services. The Pro-Life Resource Manual
This thick volume is updated every year and lists more than 4,000 local and national pro-life groups, their addresses and phone numbers, and their major fields of action. The book is available from International Life Services, Inc., 2606-1/2 West 8th Street, Los Angeles, California, 90057, telephone: (213) 382-2156.

© American Life League BBS — 1-703-659-7111

This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia, published by American Life League.