On Farewell to Haiti (9 March 1983)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Wednesday, 9 March 1983, at the Port-au-Prince Airport, the Holy Father bade farewell to Haiti, at the conclusion of his Apostolic Journey to Central America.

Mr President,
beloved Brothers in the Episcopate,
dear brothers and sisters

As I leave this land of Haiti, I renew my gratitude to all those who gave me such a warm welcome. Above all, to His Excellency the President of the Republic, who took a direct interest in the preparation of my visit and to those responsible for the various services who allowed the happy development of my brief stay and my contact with the people of Haiti.

I take with me an unforgettable memory of these people and express my warmest wishes for their well-being and prosperity. Therefore, I encourage the efforts that leaders are making. I am aware of the serious difficulties they encounter and I assure them of my prayers, while I make a vibrant appeal to Haiti's friendly countries and international organizations to give them their generous support.

I also renew my gratitude and good wishes to all the countries that I was able to visit in Central America, and to all of Latin America, represented here by the pastors who are part of CELAM.

God allow you, with all the living forces of these Nations full of youth, to build for each person and community a future worthy of man, worthy of the Christian faith shared so widely on this Continent.

My particular thanks are obviously addressed to all the inhabitants of Haiti, who came to meet me with benevolence and trust, brothers of other Christian confessions and friends of our religion.

I especially thank all my Catholic brothers and sisters, with whom I had the joy of experiencing a strong time, the culmination of their Eucharistic and Marian Congress: it must continue, that is, produce its fruits.

Dear friends, persevere in your fervent prayer, drink from the authentic sources of Faith, remain faithful to the Church.

Christians here are part of the great Church of Christ spread across all continents, whose mission of maintaining fidelity and dignity in the service of the Lord Jesus was entrusted to me.

I will remain very united to you; I carry all your intentions, all your concerns, all your inspirations in my prayer.

I embrace my Brothers in the Episcopate and assure all collaborators, priests, men and women religious and lay people of my affection.

Kinbè fè-m: Tet ansanm, min nan min!
Mèsi... Mèsi ampil... Au revoir!

Stand firm: walk in agreement, hand in hand!

Thank you... Thank you very much... goodbye!


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