Meeting with Workers and Entrepreneurs (7 November 1982)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Sunday, 7 November 1982, the Holy Father met with workers and entrepreneurs in Barcelona. The Pope spoke on the “Gospel of work” and how work  responds to the plan and will of God.

Dear workers and entrepreneurs.

1. I am pleased to meet with you today in this beautiful city of Barcelona. I greet you with particular affection, and I thank you for your affectionate welcome, which makes me feel so at ease among you, like a friend and a brother. I ask you immediately to convey my greetings to your children and families.

To you, dearest workers , to those present and absent, to the natives of this land and to those from other regions, as well as to those from all over Spain, I come to announce the "Gospel of work".

2. The Church considers it its essential duty, in the social field, to help "consolidate the community of men according to divine law" ( Gaudium et Spes , 42), recalling the dignity and rights of workers, stigmatizing the situations in which these rights are violated and favoring changes that lead to the authentic progress of man and society.

Work responds to the plan and will of God . The first pages of Genesis present us with creation as the work of God, " the work of God ". For this reason, God calls man to work , so that he becomes like him. Work does not, therefore, constitute an accessory fact, much less a curse from heaven. It is, on the contrary, an original blessing from the Creator, an activity that allows the individual to realize himself and offer a service to society. And that he will also obtain a superior reward, because "your labor is not in vain in the Lord" ( 1 Cor 15, 58).

But the most exhaustive proclamation of the "Gospel of work" was made by Jesus, the Son of God made man - and a man of manual labor - subjected to hard effort. He dedicated a large part of his earthly life to the work of a craftsman and took on the same work in his work of salvation.

3. For my part, in these four years of pontificate I have not ceased to proclaim, in my encyclicals and in my catechesis, the centrality of man, his primacy over things and the importance of the subjective dimension of work, founded on dignity of the human person. In fact, man, as a person, is the center of creation, because he alone was created in the image and likeness of God. Called to "dominate" the earth ( Gen 1, 28) with the perspicacity of his intelligence and with the activity of his hands, he transforms himself into a creator of work - both manual and intellectual - communicating his dignity to his work.

The Christian concept of work , friends and brother workers, sees in this a call to collaborate with the power and love of God, to maintain man's life and make it more corresponding to his plan. Thus understood, work is not a biological necessity for subsistence, but a moral duty, it is an act of love and is converted into joy: the profound joy of giving oneself, through work, to one's family and to others, the intimate joy of dedicate oneself to God, and to serve him in one's brothers, although this donation involves sacrifice. For this reason, Christian work has an Easter meaning.

The logical consequence is that we all have a duty to do our job well. If we want to be duly fulfilled, we cannot shy away from our duty nor adapt to working mediocrely, without interest, limiting ourselves to completing it.

4. Your tenacious industriousness and your sense of responsibility make you understand, dear brothers and sisters, how far from the Christian concept of work - and even from a correct vision of the social order - certain attitudes of disinterest, waste of time and of means that are spreading nowadays, both in the public and private sectors. Not to mention the phenomenon of absenteeism, a social evil that affects not only productivity, but which offends the hopes and suffering of those who desperately seek and claim employment.

Within the effort that pushes believers and men of good will towards the achievement of a truly human society, the Church wants to be present out of fidelity to the Gospel - the "Good News" of salvation for all, but especially for the poor and for the oppressed - remembering the teachings coming from the word of the Lord:

- Work is certainly a good of man and for man. In this regard, in the encyclical Laborem Exercens , I underlined that “work is for man and not man for work” (John Paul II, Laborem Exercens , 6). The central nucleus of the Christian social doctrine on work is based on this: we cannot arrive at the right concept of work if we do not formulate it in strict dependence on the right concept of man.

- Work and industriousness constitute a duty and a service to the family cell , to its life, unity, development and improvement. For this reason, "the raison d'être of the family - I said about three years ago to the Polish workers - is one of the fundamental factors that determine the economy and labor policy".

- The correctly understood nature of work not only respects the needs of the common good , but rather directs and transforms all work activity into effective cooperation for the good of all, thus enriching the heritage of the human family.

5. What I said before leads me to briefly address a problem that is not exclusive to Spain, but which concerns it very closely: I am referring to unemployment .

The lack of work goes against the "right to work", understood - in the global context of other fundamental rights - as a primary necessity, not a privilege, to satisfy the vital needs of human existence through work.

It is an urgent problem and one that must push every Christian to assume his responsibilities in the name of the Gospel, and its message of justice, solidarity and love.

Prolonged unemployment gives rise to insecurity, lack of initiative, frustration, irresponsibility, distrust in society and in oneself; thus personal development capabilities atrophy; we lose enthusiasm, love for good; family crises arise, desperate personal situations arise, and then one easily falls - especially if young - into drugs, alcoholism and crime.

It would be false and misleading to consider this distressing problem, which has now become endemic in the world, as a product of passing circumstances or as a merely economic or socio-political problem. In reality it constitutes an ethical , spiritual problem, because it is a symptom of the presence of a moral disorder existing in society, when the hierarchy of values ​​is broken.

6. The Church, through its social Magisterium, recalls that the ways to a just solution to this serious problem today require a revision of the economic order as a whole . Global and not simply sectoral planning of economic production is necessary: ​​correct and rational organization of work is necessary, not only at a national but also international level; the solidarity of all workers is necessary.

The State cannot resign itself to chronically enduring high unemployment: the creation of new jobs must constitute both an economic and political priority for it. However, entrepreneurs and workers must also help overcome the lack of jobs: some maintaining the production rate in their companies and making the others, with due efficiency in their work, willing to give up, out of solidarity, the "double" employment and the systematic use of "overtime" work, which effectively reduce the chances of admission for the unemployed.

We need to create an economy that is at the service of man by all possible means. To overcome conflicts of private and collective interests; to overcome selfishness in the struggle for subsistence, a real " change of attitude ", of lifestyle, of values ​​is required in everyone; an authentic conversion of hearts , minds and wills is required : the conversion to man, to the truth for man.

I focused especially on this very current topic. I know that you are concerned about many other issues relating to wages, hygienic-sanitary conditions at work, protection against work-related accidents, the role of the trade union, participation in the management and benefits of the company, and adequate protection for workers coming from other parts.

For you, this is a complex and vital issue; but I want to repeat to you once again: do not forget that work has as its fundamental characteristic that of uniting men : "Its social strength consists in this: the strength to build a community" (John Paul II, Laborem Exercens , 20). Focus on it and on the great Christian values ​​that animate you. Bring your serenity and confidence to the workplace. Illuminate your environments with charity and hope: this will make it easier for you to find the right solutions.

7. Allow me now, dear workers, to address another category of workers in Spain: entrepreneurs , industrialists, senior managers, qualified advisors of socio-economic life and promoters of industrial complexes.

I greet and honor in you the creators of jobs, employment, services and professional education; to all those who in this beloved Spain offer work and sustenance to a large number of workers. The Pope expresses his esteem and gratitude to you for the high role you perform in the service of man and society. To you too, I announce the "Gospel of work".

And in inviting you to reflect on the Christian conception of business , I would first of all like to remind you that above its technical and economic aspects - in which you are masters - there is a deeper one: that of its moral dimension . Economy and technology, in fact, have no meaning if they are not referred to the man we must serve.

In fact, work is for man and not man for work; consequently, the business is also for man and not the man for the business . Overcoming the unnatural and illogical antinomy between capital and labor - often artificially exasperated by a planned class struggle - is, for a society that wants to be just, an indispensable need, based on the primacy of man over things. Only man - entrepreneur or worker - is the subject of work and is a person; capital is nothing more than a “set of things” (John Paul II, Laborem Exercens , 12).

8. The economic world - as you know well - has been suffering from a great crisis for some time . The social question has transformed from a "class" problem into a "world" problem. The evolution of energy sources and the influence of strong political interests in this field have created new problems, calling into question certain economic structures hitherto considered indispensable and untouchable, and making their management increasingly difficult.

In the face of these difficulties, do not falter; do not doubt yourselves; Don't fall into the temptation to abandon the business to dedicate yourself to selfishly calmer and less demanding professional activities. Overcome these temptations to escape and continue courageously in your place; striving to give an increasingly human face to the company, thinking of the great contribution you offer to the common good when you open up new job opportunities.

In the development of the industrial revolution, considerable errors were made by entrepreneurs in the past. This does not mean that we cannot fail to publicly recognize and praise, dear industrialists, your dynamism, your spirit of initiative, your iron will, your capacity for creation and risk, which have made you a key figure in history. economically and with a view to the future.

9. The company , due to its intrinsic dynamics, is called to carry out, under your impulse, a social function - which is profoundly ethical -: that of contributing to the improvement of man, of each man, without any discrimination; creating the conditions that make work possible where, while personal skills are developed, an effective and reasonable production of goods and services is obtained, and the worker is made aware of really working "in something of his own".

The company is, therefore, not just an organism, a production structure, but must transform itself into a community of life , into a place where man lives together and relates to others; and where personal development is not only permitted but also elicited. Isn't the main enemy of the Christian conception of business a certain functionalism that makes efficiency the sole and immediate postulate of production and work?

Work relationships are, first and foremost, relationships between human beings and cannot be measured solely by the efficiency method. Yourselves, dear entrepreneurs present, if you want your personal activity to be consistent with your faith, do not be satisfied that "things proceed", that they are functional, productive and efficient; but rather seek that the fruits of the enterprise benefit everyone as a means of global human promotion and personal improvement of those who work alongside you and collaborate with you.

I know that the socio-economic reality is by its nature quite complex, to the point of appearing difficult to govern in times of crisis, especially when it acquires global proportions. However, it is precisely in such situations that it is best to be guided by a great sense of justice and total trust in God . In difficult and difficult times for everyone - such as those of economic crises - workers cannot be abandoned to their fate , especially those who - like the poor, immigrants - only have their own hands to support themselves. It is always worth remembering an important principle of Christian social doctrine: "The hierarchy of values, the profound meaning of work itself require that capital be a function of work, and not work be a function of capital" (John Paul II, Laborem Exercens , 23).

10. And now, at the end of our meeting, I want to say one last word to you, dear brother workers and dear entrepreneurs of Spain:

Be supportive!

The time in which we live urgently demands that in human, national and international coexistence, each person and group overcome their immovable positions and unilateral points of view which tend to make dialogue more difficult and collaborative efforts ineffective.

The Church does not ignore the presence of tensions and even conflicts in the world of work. But it is not with antagonisms or violence that difficulties are resolved! Why not look for solutions between the parties? Why reject patient and sincere dialogue? Why not resort to good will to listen, to mutual respect, to the effort of loyal and persevering research, accepting even partial agreements, but always harbingers of new hopes?

Work has a strength in itself , which can give life to a community: solidarity . The solidarity of work , which spontaneously develops between those who carry out the same type of activity or profession, to embrace the common good of the whole society with the interests of individuals and groups. Solidarity with work , that is, with every man who works, which - overcoming all sorts of class selfishness and unilateral political interests - takes on the drama of those who are unemployed or find themselves in a difficult work situation. Finally, solidarity at work ; a solidarity without borders, because it is based on the nature of human work, that is, on the priority of the human person above things.

This solidarity, open, dynamic, universal by nature, will never be negative; a "solidarity against ", but positive and constructive, a "solidarity for ": for work, for justice, for peace, for well-being and for truth in social life.

11. Beloved brothers and sisters!

May your sensitivity as believers, your faith as Christians help you to live the Good News, the "Gospel of work". Be aware of your dignity as manual and intellectual workers. Collaborate in a spirit of solidarity to solve the social problems that afflict you. Be a leaven and a Christian presence in any part of Spain.

The Church trusts in you, follows you, supports you, loves you: always be worthy of your religious and family traditions.

Allow me to remind you in a special way that, because of work, you must not neglect your family and your children. And use the holiday rest for a renewed encounter with God and for healthy fun.

I entrust your people, your children and your families to the Mother of Montserrat.

Dear workers and entrepreneurs: may God help you to be interested in the good of every man, your brother.


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