Meeting with the Elderly at the Sanctuary of the Virgen de los Desamparados (8 November 1982)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Monday, 8 November 1982, the Holy Father met with the ederly at the Sanctuary of the “Virgen de los Desamparados” in Valencia.  The Pope spoke against their marginalization, saying that the Church ”encourages everyone to discover and appreciate the collaboration that the elderly can offer to society, to the family and to the Church itself."

Dear elderly people.

1. In front of this Shrine of the common Mother “de los Desamparados”, I greet with special affection, you people of the third age. And I am happy that this meeting takes place here in Valencia, which is so linked to a much loved figure in this city and throughout Spain: Saint Teresa Jornet Ibars, founder of the "Little Sisters of the Abandoned Elderly", who, together with many other Institutes and many other people have done and are doing a lot in favor of the elderly.

Seniority is something venerable for the Church and for society, and deserves esteem and maximum respect. The Old Testament already teaches us: "Stand up before those who have gray hair, honor the person of the old" ( Lev 19, 12). “Wisdom lies in gray hairs / and prudence in long life ( Job 12, 12). For this reason I bow before you and invite everyone to always demonstrate the affectionate reverence that those who gave us life and preceded us in organizing society and building the present deserve. The severe commandment of Sinai: “Honor your father and your mother” is still fully in force.

2. I know that a materialistic and hedonistic world like ours often tries to isolate you, dear elderly people, and that you have problems with loneliness, a lack of affection and understanding. A suffering that is all the greater when children or family members behave in this way.

Many do not understand that life and things cannot be evaluated only on the basis of economic or efficiency criteria. This path makes coexistence inhumane and family and society become impoverished. It is true that mature people, especially if they are not in good health, will often not be able to perform the same functions as a younger person; However, this does not make his mission any less precious, because he can carry out various complementary and very useful jobs, which modern life does not easily allow for those who have a regular job. This insertion into family life, according to the elderly's possibilities, will be a source of personal serenity and encouragement for them - because they will feel that they are useful - as well as social enrichment.

Faced with a demographic prospect of strong growth of the elderly compared to the young, society must address this problem with humanitarian and moral criteria, avoiding unjust and painful marginalization.

3. The Church, for its part, must encourage everyone to discover and appreciate the collaboration that the elderly can offer to society, to the family and to the Church itself, encouraging, first of all, elderly people not to marginalize themselves by giving in to false belief that their life no longer has worthy goals.

For this reason it is necessary to help them to keep alive their interest in things useful to themselves and to others, to cultivate their intelligence, to appreciate friendship with other people and to carefully evaluate their place in the great family of God's children which is the Church, in which every person has the same value and identical dignity. How many parishes could also receive the precious help of elderly people in many apostolic, catechetical and other missions!

It is necessary for the Church to develop a pastoral care for the elderly, in which we insist on the creative role of the elderly, of illness and partial impediment, on reconciliation between generations, on the value of every life, which does not end here, but is open to resurrection and eternal life. Thus an ecclesial work will be carried out and a great service will be rendered to society, illuminating the hierarchy of the many human values.

Above all, the family will benefit greatly. I am very happy to read to you some beautiful words of my predecessor Paul VI, which I collected in my apostolic exhortation Familiaris Consortio : "The elderly also have the charism of overcoming the barriers between generations, before they are consolidated. How many children have found understanding and love in the eyes, words and caresses of the elderly! And how many elderly people have willingly subscribed to the inspired biblical words that " the crown of the old are their children's children " ( Pr 17, 6))" (John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio , 28).

4. To all members of the community and in particular to the religious and lay people who work in the pastoral care of the elderly, I express my profound appreciation and immense gratitude on behalf of the Church. I ask them to continue to provide their meritorious work with self-sacrifice and faith, to inspire in people, families and communities the spirit of love of the Gospel towards the elderly.

May the most holy Virgin “de los Desamparados” protect all the elderly people in Spain, especially those who most need protection. And inspire feelings of solidarity and understanding in hearts, so that no elderly person lacks the respect, affection and help they need. To all the elderly, and to all who care for them and work for them, I heartily impart the apostolic blessing.                                                   


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