The liturgical cult in honor of Blessed John Paul II

The liturgical cult in honor of Blessed John Paul II

Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

In view of the beatification of John Paul II – which will be presided by his successor Benedict XVI on May 1 in St. Peter’s Square – the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments had published a decree that regulates the liturgical worship reserved to the future Blessed.  The text indicates in particular the modes, times and places for the celebration of the Mass of Thanksgiving during the year successive to the beatification; for the inscription of his name in the particular calendars of the diocese of Rome and the dioceses of Poland and in other proper calendars; for the choice of the new Blessed as the name of a church.

English translation courtesy of EWTN

Latin Decree


Concerning the liturgical cult in honor of Blessed John Paul II, Pope

The beatification of the Venerable John Paul II, of happy memory, that will take place May 1, 2011 at the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome, presided over by the Holy Father Benedict XVI, has a mark of exceptionality, recognized by the entire Catholic Church throughout the world.  As we await this extraordinary event, following the numerous requests concerning the liturgical cult of the new Blessed, according to the places and modes established by law, this Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments takes care to communicate what has been arranged in this regard.

Mass of Thanksgiving

It has been decided that throughout the year successive to the beatification of John Paul II, that is, up to May 1 2012, it will be possible to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving to God in significant places and days. The responsibility of establishing the day or days, as well as the place or places, for the gathering of the People of God will be up to the diocesan bishop for his diocese. Considering local needs and pastoral convenience, it will also be allowed to celebrate a holy Mass in honor of the new Blessed on a Sunday during the year as, moreover, on a day between Nos. 10-13 of the Table of liturgical days-

In the same manner, it is up to the Superior General of religious families to offer indications about the significant days and places for the entire religious family.

As to the holy Mass, with the possibility of singing the Gloria, the collect in honor of the Blessed (see below) will be prayed. The other prayers, the preface, the antiphons and the Bible readings are drawn from the Common of Pastors, for a Pope. If a Sunday during the year recurs, for the Bible readings texts adapted from the Common of Pastors may be chosen for the first reading, with the relative responsorial psalm, and for the Gospel.

Inscription of the new Blessed into particular calendars

It has been decided that the celebration of Blessed John Paul II, Pope, will be celebrated every year on October 22 as a memorial in the calendar proper to the diocese of Rome and the dioceses of Poland

As to the liturgical texts, the collect oration and the second reading of the Office of Readings, with the relative responsorial (see below), are permitted as proper. The other texts will be drawn from the Common of Pastors, for a Pope.

As to other proper calendars, the request to inscribe the optional memorial of Blessed John Paul II can be presented to this Congregation by the Conference of Bishops for their territory, by the diocesan bishop for his diocese, by a Superior General for his/her religious family,

The dedication of a Church to God in honor of the new Blessed The choice of Blessed John Paul II as the name of a church calls for the indult of the Apostolic See (cfr. Ordo dedicationis ecclesiae, Praenotanda n. 4), except when his celebration is already inscribed in the particular calendar: in this case, the indult is not called for and to the Blessed – in the church with his name – is reserved the level of feast (cfr. Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum, Notificatio de cultu Beatorum, 21 May 1999, n. 9).

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary.

From the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments, April 2, 2011

Antonius Card. Cañizares Llovera Praefectus
Iosephus Augustinus Di Noia, op Archiepiscopus a Secretis

Collect Texts:

For the Mass in honor of the future Blessed the collect published below in Latin, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Polish will be used. The other prayers, the preface, the antiphons and Bible readings are from the Common of Pastors, for a Pope. The first reading is from Isaiah (52,7-10): the responsorial psalm is 96/95 (1-2a. 2b-3. 7-8a. 10); the alleluia is from John (10,14); the Gospel is from John (21,15-17)

De Communi pastorum: pro Papa

Deus, dives in misericórdia,
qui beátum Ioánnem Paulum, papam,
univérsae Ecclésiae tuae praeésse voluísti,
praesta, quaésumus, ut, eius institútis edócti,
corda nostra salutíferae grátiae Christi,
uníus redemptóris hóminis, fidénter aperiámus.
Qui tecum.

Common of Pastors: for a Pope

O God, who are rich in mercy
and who willed that the Blessed John Paul II
should preside as Pope over your universal Church,
grant, we pray, that instructed by his teaching,
we may open our hearts to the saving grace of Christ,
the sole Redeemer of mankind.
Who lives and reigns.

Commun des pasteurs (Papes)

Dieu, riche en miséricorde,
tu as appelé le bienheureux Pape Jean-Paul II
à guider ton Eglise répandue dans le monde entier;
forts de son enseignement,
accorde-nous d’ouvrir nos cœurs avec confiance
à la grâce salvifique du Christ, unique Rédempteur de l’homme.
Lui qui règne avec toi et le Saint Esprit,
maintenant et pour les siècles des siècles.

Commune für einen Hirten der Kirche: für einen Papst

Gott, du bist reich an Erbarmen
und hast den seligen Papst Johannes Paul II.
zur Leitung deiner ganzen Kirche bestellt;
gib, dass wir, durch seine Lehre geführt,
unsere Herzen vertrauensvoll öffnen
für die heilbringende Gnade Christi,
des einzigen Erlösers der Menschheit.
Der mit dir lebt und herrscht
in der Einheit des Heiligen Geistes,
Gott, von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit.

Del Común de pastores: para un Papa

Oración colecta
Oh Dios, rico en misericordia,
que has querido que el beato Juan Pablo II, papa,
guiara toda tu Iglesia,
te pedimos que, instruidos por sus enseñanzas,
nos concedas abrir confiadamente nuestros corazones
a la gracia salvadora de Cristo, único redentor del hombre.
Él, que vive y reina.

Dal Comune dei pastori: per un Papa

O Dio, ricco di misericordia,
che hai chiamato il beato Giovanni Paolo II, papa,
a guidare l’intera tua Chiesa,
concedi a noi, forti del suo insegnamento,
di aprire con fiducia i nostri cuori
alla grazia salvifica di Cristo, unico Redentore dell’uomo.
Egli è Dio e vive e regna con te,
nell’unità dello Spirito Santo,
per tutti i secoli dei secoli.

Do Comum dos pastores da Igreja: para um Papa

Ó Deus, rico de misericórdia,
que escolhestes o beato João Paulo II
para governar a Vossa Igreja como papa,
concedei-nos que, instruídos pelos seus ensinamentos,
possamos abrir confiadamente os nossos corações
à graça salvífica de Cristo, único Redentor do homem.
Ele que convosco vive e reina,
na unidade do Espírito Santo,
por todos os séculos dos séculos.

Teksty wspólne o pasterzach: o Papieżu

Boże, bogaty w miłosierdzie,
z Twojej woli błogosławiony Jan Paweł ii, papież,
kierował całym Kościołem,
spraw, prosimy, abyśmy dzięki jego nauczaniu
z ufnością otworzyli nasze serca
na działanie zbawczej łaski Chrystusa,
jedynego Odkupiciela człowieka.
Który z Tobą żyje i króluje w jedności Ducha Świętego, Bóg,
przez wszystkie wieki wieków.