Jubilee Prayer for the Holy Year

Author: John Paul II


Lord Jesus, Lord of History, Who came at the fullness of time, prepare our hearts to celebrate with faith the great Jubilee of the Year 2000, that it may be a year of grace and mercy. Give us a heart that is humble and simple, a heart that knows how to contemplate with an ever increasing wonder the mystery of the Incarnation, for You, Son of the Most High, You have become our Brother in the womb of the Virgin Mary, sanctuary of the Spirit.

[Glory and praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ today and forever!]

Jesus, origin and fulfillment of the new man, turn our hearts to you, that we may abandon the paths of error and walk in your footsteps, on the road that leads to life. Enable us to live our faith fully according to the promises we made at Baptism. May we be, therefore, fearless witnesses of your word so that the life-giving light of the Gospel may shine forth in our families and in society.

[Glory and Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ, today and forever!]

Jesus, power and wisdom of God, create in us a love for Holy Scripture where the voice of the Father resounds, the voice that enlightens and inflames, that nourishes and consoles. Word of the Living God, renew the missionary thrust of the Church, so that all people may come to know You, true Son of God and true Son of man, the one Mediator between man and God.

[Glory and Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ, Today and forever!]

Jesus, source of unity and peace, strengthen the bonds of unity within your Church, intensify the ecumenical movement, so that your disciples, through the power of your Spirit, may all be one. You Who have given to us as a rule of life the new commandment of love, transform us into builders of an world truly united, where war gives way to peace and the culture of death to a commitment to life.

[Glory and Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ Today and forever!]

Jesus, Only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth, light which enlightens all men, give your life in abundance to those who seek you with a sincere heart. To You, Redeemer of mankind, the beginning and the end of time and of the universe, to the Father, inexhaustible source of all good, to the Holy Spirit, seal of infinite love, all honor and all glory forever and ever. Amen.
