Farewell to Honduras (8 March 1983)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Tuesday, 8 March 1983, the Holy Father spoke his farewell to Honduras at the "Villeda Morales" Airport.

Mr President,
Brothers in the Episcopate
and all Hondurans

The time has come to leave Honduran soil to continue my apostolic journey. I wish I had visited so many places and so many people that the program couldn't include. And after having lived this exciting ecclesiastical journey with you, it is difficult for me to leave.

I take with me a very grateful memory of Honduras, for the cordiality of its people and their religiosity, which I appreciated in so many ways.

I am sure that the intense religious experience of this day will continue to fuel your ecclesial journey in the future.

I will not forget the chords of faith, devotion and hope, with which you professed before the Virgin of Suyapa your purpose of being an ecclesial community, increasingly alive and fraternal. I trust greatly in the selfless dedication of the priests, men and women religious and in the fervent activity of the Delegates of the Word and catechists. And I hope that under the guidance of your zealous Bishops, Honduran families will know how to favor and see with joy the dedication of one of their members to the service of God, in the priesthood and religious life.

Once again I thank the President and all the Authorities for their benevolent welcome, organized with such care. I am also very grateful to everyone who contributed to the preparation and realization of this unforgettable journey, and especially to my brother Bishops.

I wish this noble country continued economic, social, cultural, moral and spiritual progress, so that the entire population can live in a climate of freedom, trust, justice and peace.

God be with you and bless you, as I bless you from my heart!


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