Farewell Ceremony in Costa Rica (6 March 1983)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Sunday, 6 March 1983, the Holy Father attended in a Farewell Ceremony in San José, Costa Rica.

Mr President,
Brothers in the Episcopate,
Costa Ricans, all

Costa Rica extended to me in these first days of my apostolic journey to Central America, hospitality full of warmth, affection and generous availability.

Before leaving this beloved Nation, whose unforgettable memory I carry with me, I review in my mind the most important acts of my itinerary: the visit to the National Children's Hospital ; the solemn liturgical celebration in Sabana with very large numbers of faithful ; the meeting in the cathedral with the clergy, religious and seminarians ; the enthusiasm that flooded the national stadium full of young people ; and the hearing of the Judges of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights .

I know how much work was necessary to properly prepare this program in its technical and spiritual aspects. For this I express my deepest gratitude to everyone. Firstly to Your Excellency, Mr President, who so kindly invited me, the civil Authorities, my brother Bishops, the consecrated people, the members of the various Corporations, Commissions and Associations.

The meetings held allowed me to better understand this dear people and the profound human, moral and religious values ​​that built and sustain this country. My greatest desire is that these values ​​are preserved and consolidated, because in this way we will be able to look at the future with hope and optimism.

To the Patroness of Costa Rica, the Virgin of the Angels, I once again address my reverent thoughts and ardent prayer, so that she may intercede with her Son for this Nation, keeping it in peace and harmony, and extend her protective hand over all and each of their Costa Rican children.

To everyone, once again: Thank you very much and may God reward you. May He bless Costa Rica, as I bless it with affection.


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