Farewell Ceremony From the Philippines (22 February 1981)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Sunday, 22 February 1981, the Holy Father bade farewell to the Philippines from the Manila International Airport. 

My dear friends, 
Dear brothers and sisters in Our Lord Jesus Christ, 

1. The time has come for me to say goodbye to you. As I prepare to leave the Philippines to continue my apostolic journey, I bring with me many beautiful and joyful memories. It was a great privilege to spend six days in your country. I am amazed at the great diversity of cultural values ​​and worthy customs that enrich your land. And I will long remember the people from such different backgrounds and traditions that I had the pleasure of meeting. 

2. In a particular way I bring with me the testimony of the vitality of the Catholic faith here in the Philippines. This vitality is symbolized by the sanctity of the first Philippine martyr whose beatification gave rise to my pastoral visit. By a happy coincidence, I leave you on the anniversary of the Chair of Saint Peter, a holiday which recalls the task of the Bishop of Rome for the preservation and promotion of unity in the Church, and for the strengthening of his brothers in the faith. to fulfill this mission, which now belongs to me as successor of the apostle Peter, I came to your country. I also desired to ask you, my brothers and sisters, in consideration of your deep faith and love for Our Lord Jesus Christ, Phil 1,6). 

3. Before leaving I wish to express my gratitude to His Excellency President Marcos for his cordial welcome to this land and for everything that has been done to facilitate my visit. 

I also thank all the Government authorities and all those others who cooperated in maintaining public order or in coordinating the program of my pastoral visit. 

I am especially grateful to Cardinal Rosales, Cardinal Sin and all my beloved brothers in the episcopate, for the warm welcome they extended to me and for renewing in my presence their dedication to the unity of the Church of Christ and to the Gospel of truth. . 

I thank all those who rallied around me with so much love and affection, my brothers and sisters in the Christian faith and all the other citizens of the Philippines. At every moment of my visit, your hospitality was truly an expression of your generosity and goodness. 

4. As I bid farewell, my wish for all of you, beloved people of the Philippines, is this: may you always enjoy peace in your hearts and homes; may justice and freedom reign in all your islands; may your families always be faithful, united in joy and love. 

God bless the Philippines! God bless you all 



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