The Facts of Pro-LifeA

Author: Lynn K. Murphy

by Lynn K. Murphy

(This is a book).

Copyright 1991 by Lynn K. Murphy


This book is dedicated to the 30,000,000 babies that have died from legal abortion in the United States since it was legalized in 1973.

It is also dedicated to the babys' mothers, and to the abortionists, and to the abortion advocates and funders. I pray that they will repent so that God will forgive them for what they have done and so that they may therefore be able to enjoy the fruits of Heaven.

For many of them, those will be the only fruits they will ever be able to enjoy.

This is a series of articles. To move to a new article, search for the word Article.

* T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S* without page numbers

Art # 1 Abortion, An Overview Abortion in the United States (A table of statistics) Protest Signs To Abort or Not To Abort (An analogy) A Cartoon 2 Abortion Semantics that are Killing Our Children 3 Fetal-Tissue Experimentation, More than on Dead Tissue 4 Abortion and Your Church, Why They Let the Killing Go On 5 Planned Parenthood: Megakilling Exposed 6 The Killing Centers, How They Mass Produce Death 7 From Abortion to Infanticide, a Step Already Taken 8 What God Says about Abortion 9 The Killing Centers, How They Don't Counsel Their Patients 10 The Psychological and Physical Complications from Abortion 11 Abortion and the Law 12 The History of Abortion 13 The Pregnant Mother in Need, What You Can Do 14 How Birth-Control Pills and IUD's Kill 15 The Victims of Abortion: The Baby and the Parents 16 What the Choice of Abortion Really Means 17 The Abortion Industry: Megabucks from Megadeaths 18 The Pro-Life Movement, Where it is and Where it's Going, Join Us 19 What You Can Do About Abortions 20 How Abortions are Done 21 Sexuality Education: How it Contributes to Abortion 22 How Abortion is the American Holocaust 23 The Pro-Life Rescue Movement 24 Reasons Women Give for Abortion 25 How the Secular Media is Extraordinarily Pro-Abortion 26 Fetal Development 27 Father, Forgive the Abortionists For They Know Not What They Do 28 How Abortion in America Is Like Slavery in America Was 29 Abortion and the Public-Opinion Polls 30 Adoption, the Forgotten Choice 31 Summary of Key Issues Article 1 *A B O R T I O N

The Pro-Life Position by Lynn K. Murphy

* Since 1973, when abortion was legalized in the United States, there have been approximately 32,000,000[1] (thirty-two million) abortions here. Of those who realize this, pro-choice people do not view this as bad, people neutral on the abortion issue aren't sure how bad it is, and pro-life people feel that it is 32,000,000 deaths. That is why they call themselves pro-life instead of anti- abortion or anti-choice.

The dividing line between pro-life and pro-choice is the issue of whether the preborn baby is a separate life, or whether he or she is a part of the mother's own body. (I use the term "mother" instead of "woman" because a woman becomes a mother when pregnancy begins, not when birth occurs.) Those who believe that he is a separate life naturally think abortion is immoral--the abortion kills that separate human being. Those who think he is a part of the mother's body consider abortion to be merely a removal of a part of her own body and therefore unrelated to the killing of a separate person. It will be shown below that the preborn baby is a separate person. Pro-choice people are unable to provide any evidence that he is a part of the mother's body.

The issue of whether the preborn baby is separate became important with the 1973 () US Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. The Constitution guarantees persons the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. People favoring abortion rights attained their goal of legalizing abortion on demand (that is, on request) by convincing the Supreme Court to rule that a preborn baby is not a person. Therefore, the preborn baby was no longer entitled to life. It must be noted that the Supreme Court's decision was a legal one, not a medical, scientific, or moral one; medically and scientifically the preborn baby is still a person. As time passed and the concept of non-personhood for the preborn permeated society, many people gradually began to believe the slogans coming from the National Organization for Women and from Planned Parenthood that the preborn was merely a part of his mother's body. After all, if he isn't a person, what else could he be but a part of her body? And who could be against a woman controlling her own body?

There are several difficulties with this. First, he's not a part of her body. Scientific and other evidence that I will present later proves this.

Second, if we for the moment accept the pro-life position that he is a separate life, then we have a conflict of legal direction. The laws of the United States are founded on the Judeo-Christian Ethic, or more generally, on the Bible. In other words, our laws are based on morals established before the United States came into existence. The Bible says not to steal, so we have laws against theft. It says not to bear false witness, so we have laws against perjury. However today, unfortunately, many people are evaluating the law-morality relationship in reverse; they think that the law defines the morality. Thus, to them if abortion is legal, then it is moral. The fact that there are conflicts that easily arise with this line of reasoning doesn't enter their heads. For instance, adultery is legal but immoral. Putting your parents in a convalescent home and forgetting them is legal but immoral. However, pro-*lifers* would never say that just because abortion is legal, it is moral, and we would ask a pro-choicer, "If rape had become legal at the same time that abortion became legal, would rape now be moral?" Third, although it is a nice and very catchy slogan that a woman has the right to control her own body, this isn't true even separate from the abortion issue. For instance, a woman doesn't have the right to attempt suicide or to take illegal drugs without having legal repercussions. She doesn't have the right to display her nude body in a shopping mall. And she doesn't even have the right in many places to take her body across a street except between two white lines and with the permission of an electronic signal.


It is appropriate now to prove that the preborn baby is not a part of his mother's body, but rather is a separate life. Previously some people argued that the preborn wasn't life at all, but that is no longer an argument. Also, it used to be argued that he wasn't human. But no woman has ever given birth to a baby that was anything but human. Furthermore, species type is determined by the parents' genes, and the parents are humans.

These are the proofs and common-sense reasons that a preborn baby is a separate life:

1. The baby can die without the mother dying. The mother can die without the baby dying. (He can be removed if old enough.)

2. Dr. Hymie Gordon, the chief geneticist of the Mayo Clinic, perhaps the most prestigious medical clinic in the world, says he is separate.[2]

3. Fertilization occurs when sperm unites with egg. Then implantation on the uterus occurs. Clearly life begins at fertilization. (If this wasn't so, then birds could not be born--birds' eggs don't implant. Implantation isn't necessary for life.) Since life begins without implantation, the life is a separate one. 4. If a live, human fertilized egg is to become a part of the mother's body, then his own separate life would cease upon implantation as he became a part of her life. We know that this doesn't happen, because nine months later, he is born with his own separate life. Therefore, he didn't become a part of his mother's body. His life was separate all the time.

5. The preborn baby has his own functioning brain.

6. The preborn baby has his own functioning heart.

7. The preborn baby has a separate blood supply. This can even be of a blood type different from his mother's, one incompatible with his mother's blood. (The blood of the baby doesn't mix with the mother's blood. Food material and waste material transfer between the two in the placenta.)

8. The preborn baby always has his father's chromosomes. How, then, could he be a part of a woman?

9. If the preborn baby a part of the mother's body, and if the preborn baby is a boy, then the mother would have two sexes. 10. Suppose we have a test tube, and in the test tube we fertilize an egg and the egg implants on the test tube wall. Is the preborn baby a part of the test tube's body? Of course not. Since the same thing happens inside a woman, then how could the preborn baby be a part of the woman's body?

11. Suppose we have a test tube, and in the test tube we fertilize a black woman's egg with a white man's sperm. Then suppose we artificially inseminate an oriental woman with this. Does the oriental woman now have three races? Does the baby now have three races? Of course not. After he is born, would the Oriental woman revert to having one race? Would the baby revert to having two? Of course not! Therefore, the baby always was a separate life.

12. Medical science has proven absolutely that a preborn baby undergoes excruciating pain during his abortion. This can be seen with a sonogram. A sonogram is like an X-ray in that it can see inside a person. In addition a sonogram permits motion pictures, not just still pictures, to be made. Two movies[3], *The_Silent_Scream* and *Eclipse__of_Reason*, were made of actual abortions. What was recorded on tape was motion pictures of what the baby was going through in the uterus. It is like a horror movie. Two ways babies are aborted are to burn them to death chemically inside and outside of their bodies, and to crush their skulls and tear off their arms and legs. However, the mothers don't feel this pain. Conclusion: The preborn baby is a separate life. (The abortionist who did the abortion for *The Silent Scream* and the *Eclipse of Reason* had previously done thousands of others. But after seeing on film what he had been doing, he gave up his extremely lucrative practice and never did another abortion.)

13. Most people know in their hearts that the preborn baby is a separate life. For years, perhaps, they've denied that feeling, but they've known. They have taken in the pro-choice slogans and accepted them intellectually, but still, they've known. *IS ABORTION A WOMEN'S ISSUE?*

The pro-choice rhetoric is that abortion is a women's issue. This is natural considering that they feel that the preborn baby is a part of a woman's body. But pro-life people, since they understand from the above twelve points that the preborn baby is a separate human being, consider abortion to be far more than a woman's issue. They consider it to be mostly a babys' issue. They concede that to abort or not to abort will greatly concern and affect the mother, and they have great compassion for the mother no matter what her decision is, but they say that once she becomes pregnant, the overwhelming concern must be for the right of the baby to live. That is where the term "Right to Life" comes from in many pro-life organizations' names.

Pro-life men often get comments like, "Since you're not a woman, what business is this of yours?" This question ignores several critical facts. First, as I've shown, this is not just a women's issue, it is a babys' issue or a right-to-life issue. Second, polls show that women are more likely to be pro-*life* than are men[4]. Third, approximately one half of the people in the pro-life movement are women. Fourth, approximately one third of the women who are active in the pro-life movement have had abortions.[5] Fifth, pro-life men know that many of their own sons and daughters have been killed by abortion. *ABORTION HURTS WOMEN*

Pro-abortion and pro-life people both say that abortion hurts women. Let's see first what the pro-abortion people say.

Planned Parenthood, the world's and nation's largest provider of abortion, said in its Department of Education <3-Year Plan and Long Range Program Goals 1990 - 1993>:

"A number of . . . studies and surveys (including the Reardon/WIC Study and the Grant Survey) have shown that the incidence of post-procedural trauma for abortion clients may be as high as 91 percent of all cases."

A Planned Parenthood brochure entitled says, "An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it."

This is what pro-life and other experts say:

The , May, 1985, said that abortion is the sixth leading cause of maternal death in this country.

A Wynn and Wynn Study shows that 3 - 5 percent of aborters are left sterile.[6]

Several researchers show that many aborters may never want intercourse again and many are forever frigid. Thus, they may never connect with love and marriage.

Dr. Joel Brind, Endocrinologist, said in a December 3, 1992 press release, "There is a clear relationship documented in medical journals showing that women aborting their first pregnancy are at a much higher risk of developing breast cancer than women who carry their pregnancy to term." Presumedly, it took some time to determine this: Women mostly abort early in life, and get breast cancer later. Brind cited four sources in the medical literature.

Following are many more complications: Infection, hemorrhage, cervical damage, damage and loss of other internal organs, perforation of the uterus, menstrual irregularity, headaches, dizziness, blood clots, AIDS from blood transfusions, AIDS from increased drug and needle use (see list below of psychological damages showing increased drug use), increased probability of future miscarriages, stillbirths, sterility, ectopic (tubal) pregnancies, menstrual disturbances, other bleeding, shock, coma, peritonitis, cold sweats, and many more.

Cincinnati Suiciders Anonymous reports that 1,800 of their 4,000 suicide-prone women have had abortions.[7]

The Speckhard study reported that 65% of Spekhard's patients who had abortions were suicidal and that 31% made attempts at suicide.[8]

The most serious psychological damages that occur can be lumped under the condition known as Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS), which is a part of a larger class of disorders called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The PAS victim, through the process of denial, blocks the natural grieving process of the death of her child and often denies her own responsibility in the abortion. The denial or suppression blocks the healing process and blocks the possibility of forgiveness for herself and the others who have been involved in her decision and her abortion. The trauma often manifests itself as a breakdown of function in the psychological, physical, or spiritual areas.[9]

Dr. Vincent Rue, a clinical psychologist, likened abortion victims to "walking time bombs" and said that little is heard of PAS problems because there is a massive denial among professionals.

Following is a long, long list of the psychological damages. Not every mother who aborts has damage, but many have more than one of these problems because of the abortion: increased child abuse and child neglect, suicidal behavior, anger/rage, feeling of being raped, worsening self-image, sexual coldness, fear of touching babies, nervous breakdown, promiscuity, constant thoughts about the child, loneliness, fear of making decisions, hallucinations related to the abortion, nightmares, increased drug and alcohol use by 50% of aborters, feelings of craziness, flashbacks, decreased ability to experience emotions, inability to communicate, feeling victimized, fear that others will learn of the abortion, guilt (55% experience it), anxiety, depression, grief, sadness, regret, loss, repeat abortions (though illogical), unwillingness to continuing pursuing their life's goals, inability to sustain intimate relationships, hatred of people connected with abortions, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (20% have it severely and 50% moderately), and many, many more.

Women have a 58% greater risk of dying during a later pregnancy.[10]

These are the effects on future babies, if any: premature births, complications during labor, more child abuse and neglect, and more handicapped babies.[11]

This is what some of the victims of abortion say:

Teresa L. Fangman, victim, says, "When I was 16 I was shuffled through an assembly-line abortion. I was number 13 of 17 who went through the morning session at one abortion clinic. Physically, I had no problems with my abortion, but emotionally, I created a 'living Hell' that continues on a daily basis. I'm not sure the tears will ever stop. I've been waiting almost 11 years now and they never cease."[12]

* ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ". . . More than a ³ ³ ³ ³ baby would die in ³ ³ ³ ³ that room. Once I ³ ³ ³ ³ had a personality, a ³ ³ ³ ³ life, a soul. Now I ³ ³ ³ ³ was a body with ³ ³ ³ ³ broken pieces." ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ * Carol Everett, former clinic owner says, "The last 18 months I was involved in the abortion industry we maimed to the point of major surgery one woman out of every five hundred. Let me define maimed. Hysterectomy, colostomy because her uterus had been perforated (punctured), and her bowel pulled through her children. We never took them to the closest hospital. We never called an ambulance. An ambulance is a terrible advertisement in front of an abortion clinic."[13]

In another case, Carol Everett says, "And the second time he went in with those big forceps he perforated her uterus and he pulled her bowel out through her vagina."[13]

From Dayton Women's Health Center, Iowa: "Mary was rushed to the hospital after her abortion due to profuse bleeding. The attending physicians discovered 'the entire front of her uterus was blown away.' After the surgeon removed the damaged uterus, they explored her abdominal cavity. Behind her liver they found the decapitated head of a 24 week old pre-born child."[14] *WHAT DO THE POLLS SHOW?*

Results of polls depend on several factors, such as who took the poll, where the poll was taken, when the poll was taken, who paid for the poll, what income-class was polled, which sex was polled, which races were polled, and under which conditions the respondent was asked to comment on, that is, should abortion always be illegal, illegal except for cases of rape and incest, or for birth control, etc., or should it be illegal in the second trimester of pregnancy, or in the third?

Probably for you, the most important issue is what a legitimate cross section of Americans feel about whether abortion should be allowable as a woman's primary method of birth control. Almost all polls, including those sponsored and paid for by pro-choice organizations, conclude that between 67% and 89%[15] of the people feel that abortion should be illegal for this purpose.


Ninety-eight percent say it was simply because they didn't want the baby, that is, they aborted for birth control. Since 67% to 89%[16] of Americans feel that abortion for this purpose should be illegal, a democratic election today to determine whether abortions for birth control purposes should continue to be allowable would result in them becoming illegal. Ninety-eight percent of the abortions would never occur. This is approximately 1,764,000[17] abortions per year.

This does not mean that the population in the United States would start increasing by 1,764,000 per year. It simply means that a few million people would stop using abortion as their sole birth-control method and would begin using other methods.

Part of the 98% of the women who have had an abortion just because they didn't want the baby are those who chose to abort because the current preborn baby wasn't the sex the mother preferred. One of the difficulties with this is that when the mother aborts a girl, she is taking away the rights of another "woman." (The dictionary defines as any female human.) The mother prevents the female baby from having the right to "control" her own body. There are also abortions for fetal handicaps. There is more to be said on this subject than should be covered in this paper; but note that this author knows of nine sets of parents that have severely handicapped children. *None* of these parents believe in abortion of handicapped preborn babies. I know of no situation where the parent of a handicapped child is pro-choice.

Four other reasons given for having abortions are for rape, incest, fetal abnormality, and life of the mother. The total of abortions for these reasons comprises about 2% of abortions. Unfortunately many hard-line pro-choice people try to justify all abortions on the basis of this 2%.[18] Pregnancies due to rape are, for medical reasons such as menstruation and stress, extremely rare. They occur in approximately 1 case of 15,000.[19] Pro-choice people agree with this figure.


Not by a long shot. If we're talking about non-activists, I've already pointed out that polls show that the vast majority of the people agree with pro-lifers that abortions for birth control, which are almost all abortions, should not be allowed. But let's talk about activists. Let's see some comparisons of typical pro-choice activists and typical pro-life activists:

______*The_Pro-Choice_Activist*________ Is usually paid to be an activist. One might be pro-choice without pay, of course, but it is part of their jobs to fight for abortion rights. They get paid to train people, they get paid for public relations, and they get paid to lobby and to give speeches and radio and TV talk shows.

On a related subject, the well-funded pro-choice organizations often recruit picketers in newspaper advertisements. These picketers are paid.

The pro-choice activist is usually either atheist, agnostic, or pagan.

The pro-choice activist deliberately hurts organizations that fund them but then quit funding. When AT&T stopped giving to Planned Parenthood after giving $600,000 in 10 years[20], pro-choice called a nationwide boycott against AT&T. They also called a nationwide boycott against Dayton-Hudson when that company tried to stop their funding of Planned Parenthood. Apparently the funding of pro-choice, once initiated, is a lifetime, non-negotiable commitment.

_______*The_Pro-Life_Activist*_________ Is seldom paid to be an activist. The pro-life activist almost always feels that he or she is called upon by God to be a pro-life activist. There is no money to pay her; pro- life, unlike pro-choice, is not funded by tax dollars. Often the money for activism comes from the activist herself.

But this is the critical difference: Whereas the pro-choice activist often *earns* her income being an activist, the pro-life activist often *gives up* a career, often lucrative, to be a pro-life activist. If the pro-choice activist earns $75,000 per year, and the pro-life activist gives up $75,000 per year, the pro-life person loses $150,000 per year in a comparison. Multiply this times the many, many years the battle has been going on. The pro-life activist is willing to make this sacrifice because he or she feels called by God to do this.

The pro-life activist is almost always Christian or Jewish. In meetings, pro-life activists pray for pro-choice activists. This is more than praying that they stop the killing, it is also praying to God that He forgive the pro-choice activist.

The typical pro-choice response to this is, "STOP!"

With rare exception, pro-life organizations have not sought grants.


Because adoption agencies are often not required to report adoptions to any government agency, accurate figures on adoption are not available.[21] Experts in the adoption area, however, have estimated the following:

1. There are about 75[22] sets of prospective parents on adoption waiting lists for newborn babies for every 1 newborn available. While the babies die, prospective adoptive parents agonize because they can't have a family to raise.

2. In California for every 1 newborn baby available for adoption, approximately 150 are aborted.[23]

3. For the most part, sex-education classes give very little emphasis to adoption as a possible choice for a pregnant teenager.


Planned Parenthood does several things, all of them objectionable to many pro-life people. However, the thing they do that is objectionable to all pro-life people is that they kill babies.

Planned Parenthood is the number-one provider of abortions in the United States and the world.

The well-meaning people who contribute to Planned Parenthood's non-abortion activities are kidding themselves that their money won't be used for abortions. If Planned Parenthood wants funds for abortions, they can transfer existing monies from contraception education (for instance) into abortion, and then ask for money for contraception education. Thus, the grant money they would receive for contraception education in reality would also pay for abortions. Similarly, funds donated to Planned Parenthood's Unrestricted Funds also pay for abortions.

Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood. According to the book, *Grand Illusions, The Legacy of Planned Parenthood*, by George Grant, she often broke and circumvented the laws; wanted to eliminate the poor, the Blacks, the Hispanics, and the Jews through both euthanasia and abortion; and indulged in occult practices. In Sanger's own book, *Woman and the New Race*, page 63, Sanger said "the most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."

Planned Parenthood still vigorously extols the "virtues" of Margaret Sanger and even has a Margaret Sanger Clinic and a Margaret Sanger Award.


This occurs regularly across the United States, and it is much, much more than doing experiments on parts of already dead babies. The experimentation often begins on the baby long before the "abortion." Usually, these are experiments to test new drugs. Later, when the baby is supposed to have been aborted, he is instead taken alive to a secure area of the hospital where the experiments continue until either the baby dies from the experiment or is murdered. Since the baby was "aborted", the live baby "never existed". There was no birth certificate; therefore there is no death certificate.

Fetal-tissue research with brain tissue, such as the research into Parkinson's Disease, is useless without good brain tissue. Unfortunately, the only good brain tissue is that which is removed from the baby while the baby is still alive![25]


1. Abortion is legal in *all* nine months of pregnancy. It is legal in every part of the United States for any reason whatsoever.[26]

2. Polls show that one in four women who abort will later mostly regret that decision and that one in two will later have guilt because of aborting.[27] Female suicide in pregnant mothers is far more rare than in women who have had abortions.[28] Cincinnati Suiciders Anonymous reports that 1,800 of their 4,000 suicide-prone women have had abortions.[7]

3. When a baby is not wanted by the mother, he or she is often wanted by the father and is always wanted by potential adopters. And the baby always wants the mother, father, or adopters.

4. *All* preborn babies, if they knew their danger, would be pro-life.

5. The argument that abortion should be legal when the preborn baby is too young to be viable outside the womb is a non-sequitur argument: Abortion takes place inside the womb; the preborn baby is always viable if left there undisturbed.

6. The Bible provides only two excuses for killing. One is execution by the state for a valid conviction of murder. The other is self- defense. Thus, for a Christian, Jew, or Moslem, or for a country (such as the US) based on the Judeo-Christian Ethic, there is only one valid excuse for abortion: To save the life of the mother, that is, self-defense.

7. Approximately one in 3.5 pregnancies end in abortion. In some cities, the rate is one in two, or 50%.[29]

8. Abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States, causing 46% of the deaths.[30] Abortion kills as many people as the next twelve causes combined.[31] This includes heart disease (second), cancer (third), and stroke (fourth).[32] Abortion lowers the average life expectancy from 75 years to 41.


1. 32,000,000 abortions since 1973: Data from *New Dimensions*. Their source was Alan Guttmacher Institute 1990 report, "Abortion and Women's Health." Alan Guttmacher is *pro*-abortion. *New Dimensions* actually reports fewer than 32,000,000, but Dr. J.C. Willke, founder of National Right to Life Committee, Inc. feels that the usually quoted figures for abortion should be increased by approximately 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. These abortions, done for income-tax evasion purpose or other reasons, are not reported.

2. Hymie Gordon's quote that the preborn's life is separate can be obtained from the Mayo Clinic.

3. It is well known among the abortion industry how they kill babies. The two movies, *The Silent Scream* and *Eclipse of Reason*, were produced by Bernard N. Nathanson and are available from many pro-life organizations, some found in these notes.

4. "California ProLife News", September, 1990 reports, "Women consistently poll more pro-life than men, by an average of about 6% in 25 national polls from 1973 - 1985." Copy available by phoning (916) 442-8315.

5. From personal experience of Nola Jones, founder of Victims of Choice, P. O. Box 6268, Vacaville 95696-6268.

6. , March 3, 1973, Wynn and Wynn, "Some Consequences of Induced Abortion to Children Born Subsequently.

7. Testimony of The Cincinnati Group of Suiciders Anonymous to the Cincinnati (Ohio) City Council: "The Cincinnati Group of Suiciders Anonymous has seen 5,260 members in 35 months. Over 4,000 were women of whom 1,800 or more had had abortions."

8. *Psycho-Social Stress Following Abortion*, Ann Speckhard (Kansas City, MO., Sheed & Ward, 1987, page 57).

9. J. Denton Collins, M.A., M.F.C.C. MK19363

10. , David Reardon, 1987.

11. , May-June 1983, vol. 15, no.3., "Impact of Vacuum Aspiration Abortion on Future Childbearing: A Review", Hogue, Cates and Tietze.

12. Personal testimony to Lynn K. Murphy.

13. Transcript of Carol N. Everett by *Women's Lobby* on KFIA Radio sometime in January, 1990.

14. , a 1989 tract by Victims of Choice.

15. From this author scanning a great number of polls on this subject. A poll which shows 89% is from the L.A. Times, March 19, 1989 and Boston Globe, March 31, 1989.

16. This is a figure almost always quoted by pro-life and pro-abortion.

17. An abortion rate of 1,600,000 is used by substantially all pro-life and pro-abortion groups. This should be increased by 12.5% per note 1.

18. 2% is 100% - 98%. 98% is from Item 7.

19. This figure was reported in the newspapers when the Governor of Louisiana was choosing whether to pass or veto a pro-life bill. He vetoed it because it did not allow abortions in the case of rape. His main critic, a legislator, said that the governor wanted to let thousands die just because the 1 woman in 15,000 that got raped would get pregnant from that. (See *Contra Costa Times*, Page 1B, 7/7/90.) Also, "Minnesota Life Conclave, National Right to Life News", 12/77 says there were no pregnancies in Minnesota from 4000 rapes. Also, from William A. Lynch, MD, of National Federation of Catholic Physician's Guild in "Comments on Medication to Prevent Pregnancy after Rape": There were no pregnancies from rape in Buffalo in the 12 years from 1955 - 1967, and there were no pregnancies from rape in Pennsylvania in the 30 years from 1937 - 1967. 20. $600,000 was given in 10 years to Planned Parenthood by AT&T is information from Pro-Vita Advisors, Thomas Strohbar, P. O. Box 292813, Dayton, OH 45429. It is also a matter of public record, since income-tax returns by AT&T had to be filed on that.

21. Personal communication from James W. Brown, Chief of Adoptions Branch of State of California, Department of Social Services (916) 323-0524.

22. Per item 12, this figure is not touted to be explicitly accurate. The figure is a conservative compromise between numbers bandied about, to wit: John Willke in his book, *Abortion Questions and Answers,* quotes Senator Gordon Humphrey on page 312: "An estimated two million couples . . . plus one million single persons. This means that there are at least 60 homes (available) for every child adopted." Willke adds, "Double or triple this because these couples would take two or three babies each, if available." Another figure bandied about is 200 - 300 sets of parents on waiting lists per newborn available. Therefore, my figure of 75 is very likely quite conservative.

23. Planned Parenthood (pro-abortion) says there were 350,000 abortions in California in a recent, unspecified year. A November 8, 1990, letter from James Brown, described in item 12, says that there were approximately 2,300 adoptions in California in fiscal year 1988-1989.

350,000/2,300 = 152 Use 150.

24. All of Chapter 25 of *Abortion Questions and Answers* by John Willke.

25. "Voices for the Unborn", December, 1992, p. 11.

26. This can be proven directly from the Supreme Court Decisions themselves or from the February, 1990 issue of *The Defender*, a publication of The John Ankerberg Show, phone (615) 892-7722. 27. From "California ProLife News", September, 1990. Phone (916) 442-8315.

28. *Abortion Questions and Answers* by John Willke, page 125: "Suicide is rare among pregnant women, but much more common after induced abortion."

29. The *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992* (for 1988 data), page 75, shows that the national average abortion rate was 401 abortions for every 1000 live births, and the California abortion rate is 594 abortions per 1000 live births. The 401 of 1,401 *pregnancies* is equal to 1 in 3.49. The one-in-two for cities comes from The Precious Feet People, Item #541. (Address: P. O. Box 730, Taylor, AZ 85939) This is a chart of 18 US cities where the one-in-two figure is valid. 30 - 32. Item 8 shows 1,800,000 abortions in the US every year.

The following is from *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82. It is data for 1989.

*Rank_Excluding_Abortion* ___________*Cause_of_Death*____________ *Numbers_of_Deaths* 1 Heart Disease 733,800 2 Cancer 496,200 3 Stroke (Cerebrovascular Disease) 145,500 4 Accidents (all types) 95,000 5 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 84,300 6 Pneumonia and influenza 76,600 7 Diabetes mellitus 46,800 8 Suicide 30,200 9 Chronic liver disease, cirrhosis 26,700 10 Homicide and legal intervention 22,900 11 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 21,100 12 Atherosclerosis 19,400

Subtotal 1,798,500 Other causes of death 352,000

Total 2,150,500 Since the abortion deaths are approximately 1,800,000 per year, they are more than the next twelve causes of death combined.

46% is found as follows: Actual total deaths are 1,800,000 + 2,150,500 = 3,950,500. 1,800,000/3,950,500 x 100 = 45.6%. Round off to 46%.

Lowering life expectancy from 75 to 41 is found as follows: In a given year, the number of years that 2,150,500 people had lived to 75 is 2,150,500 x 75 = 161,287,500. In a given year, the number of years a preborn baby had lived outside the womb is 1,800,000 x 0 = 0. The total number of these (people times years) is 161,287,500 + 0 = 161,287,500. The total number of people dying is, from previous paragraph, 3,950,500. Therefore the life expectancy is (161,287,500 people x years)/3,950,500 people = 40.8 years per person. Article 2 *Abortion Semantics that are Killing Our Children

by Lynn K. Murphy


"Pregnancy prevention!" said the high school principal. "Let's start a sex- education class that teaches our kids pregnancy prevention. We don't want them to get pregnant."

A noble goal, we all agree. But then suppose the school begins a program based on a Planned Parenthood or other pro-choice designed program. Pro- choice people use different semantics than we are used to hearing; they redefine the words. Whereas pregnancy prevention to us means to prevent pregnancy from ever occurring, to them it also means to prevent it from continuing. Allow me to illustrate.

Teenager Janet gets pregnant. So far, there is no problem; she wants the baby. But then she changes her mind; she doesn't want him. Now she has an unwanted pregnancy, so she goes to Planned Parenthood. There, the pregnancy is prevented: She has an abortion. So what does the high school principal want to teach?

The term sex education is also a difficult term. Do you think it means teaching biology and contraception? Sometimes it does, but very often it is much, much more. It is better termed sexuality education. Often it is a course on how to have sex and get sex, including positions, seductions, and removing inhibitions. It teaches our children to be loose, free, and promiscuous. It is not surprising to pro-life organizations that, contrary to public opinion, sex education does *not* result in a decrease in pregnancy, but an increase. Many courses are given not to decrease pregnancy, but to increase sexuality. With the resulting increase in pregnancy there is, of course, an increase in abortion. In today's society, it could hardly be otherwise. Those who doubt this should answer the question, "Why, when we have so much sex education, is teenage pregnancy and teenage abortion at an all-time high?" Or answer the question, "Why does the United States, even though a "Christian" nation, have the highest teenage abortion rate in the world?"

There are many more semantic problems with the abortion controversy. Pro- abortion people continually use such terms as choice for killing, removal for the abortion procedure, pregnancy interruption, humaneness, products of pregnancy, mass of protoplasm, women's rights, reproductive freedom, and back-alley butchery.

Choice is a big word. We all want the freedom to make choices. America was founded on freedom. However, there are some choices we should not be allowed to have. We are not allowed to rape or murder children or adults. Why should we be allowed to murder preborn babies? Pro-choice people merely answer by saying that the law says so. But does that make it right? Should the law define the morality, or should the morality define the law? If killing innocent, defenseless human beings in the womb is immoral, shouldn't we be against it regardless of the law? What about the pro-choice term, removal? That sounds pretty innocent, right? But what are we removing and with what consequences?

The answer to which brings us to the terms, products of pregnancy, products of conception, mass of protoplasm, blob, obstruction to menstrual flow, and the contents of the uterus. Are these things all that human beings are? In a limited sense it is valid to use some of the above terms, but not when the purpose is to try to dehumanize babies so that they can be killed. The product of conception is a human being!

Pregnancy interruption. Now there's a good one. Let's interrupt the pregnancy, as though we can continue it later anyway, or as though there are no consequences of doing this. Never mind that a human being will have his arms and legs ripped off and his skull crushed, and all this without anesthetic. God said, "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself." Is there any neighbor closer to a pregnant woman than her preborn baby? Shall we *just* interrupt the pregnancy?

Humaneness is also a good one. It refers to the alleged humaneness of the mother, of course. We are supposed to be humane by allowing her to have an abortion. But what about the baby? Following is a good example of someone's use of the word humane. It is given to us via a leading American medical journal by Dr. Michael S. Burnhill. He referred to abortion as "a consistently high quality, humane service."[1]

Referring to abortion as a woman's right sickens me. Almost everyone wants equality and rights for women. But women should not have the right to kill a human being. Pro-abortion people continually bandy their words around, but there is no depth to their meanings. Digging deeper into the term, women's rights, shows us that it is the right to an abortion, a right to murder a human being. It is even the right to murder a miniature woman.

The term reproductive rights is also the right to have an abortion. Who wants to remove the *actual* reproductive rights of a woman? I certainly don't. The difference is that, once a woman becomes pregnant, she has already reproduced! So there really is no issue of reproductive rights within the abortion controversy.

How about the term, controlling her own body? Whose body? A woman, abortion advocates proclaim, has the right to control her own body. But abortion kills another body, not to mention the fact that the woman who got pregnant without wanting to had already lost control of her body. Otherwise she wouldn't have gotten pregnant. Let us not forget back-alley abortion or back-alley butchery. These formidable words bring pictures to our minds of narrow alleyways filled with garbage cans, some of them tipped over, and a foraging black cat or two, and at least one drunk who some beautiful, underprivileged, pregnant woman must step over in order to interrupt her pregnancy or exercise her reproductive rights. "Let's not go back to the old days!" scream the pro-aborts. But 90% of all illegal abortions in the old days were performed in modern doctors' offices by licensed physicians.[2] They weren't back-alley at all. Some were, of course, but let's divorce ourselves for the moment from the pro-abortion rhetoric and call this situation what it is, whether back alley or not. Using our own words, let's describe what the pro-aborts want: They want to keep abortion legal so that a woman who wants premeditatedly to murder her preborn baby can do it without danger to herself. There is no other way to put it. Should we, as a society, protect her right to murder?

Did any of you readers notice something terribly missing in the above paragraph? That you would miss this is the goal of the complainers about returning to back-alley butchery. What about the baby? Currently, we don't have much back-alley butchery. We have butchery in respectable doctors' offices and hospitals, paid for by your insurance money and your hard-earned taxes.

Why do we have this distortion in semantics? There are at least two reasons. One (collectively) is money, power, and prestige. Abortion is a multi-billion dollar industry. Those who run it have power over the personnel they employ, and they don't want to lose that. And they have prestige in the community. They have seized the "moral and humane" high ground and have no intention of releasing it.

Another reason is for the sake of their own consciences. Instead of thinking for themselves and admitting they're wrong and repenting, they use the phrases of their coworkers and peers. In this way they can get a good night's sleep, resting their righteous heads on a pink or blue silk pillow of humaneness as they relax from a hard day of doing good works. Now they can fall asleep with a clear conscience.


1. Michael S. Burnhill, "Humane Abortion Services: A Revolution in Human Rights and the Delivery of a Medical Service," *Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 42 (September-October 1975)*: 438. 2. Dr. Mary Calderone (Former President of Planned Parenthood), "Illegal Abortion as a Public Health Problem," *Amer. Jour. of Health*, vol. 50, July 1960, p. 949. Article 3 *Fetal-Tissue Experimentation, More than on Dead Tissue

by Lynn K. Murphy


We can often read these days about the benefits for society of fetal-tissue experimentation. Many people say that such experimentation is of tremendous benefit to mankind and will result in great strides toward curing such terrible diseases as Parkinson's Disease and Diabetes. While there may be some truth to these claims, mostly they are exaggerations, but one real problem with experimentation on fetal tissue is that it's not always on dead tissue. It's on live preborn babies, babies who are supposed to be killed by abortion. After their birth, the experiments continue with these babies until they either die from the experiments or are killed by the doctors. Either way, they must die: Since they are not supposed to exist, they therefore must never be discovered to be alive.

Another big problem with fetal-tissue experimentation is that the existence of experimentation serves somewhat to inhibit the hoped-for end or reduction of abortion, that is, some people will always want abortion to continue so that the experimentation can continue. This is inappropriate for several reasons, two of them being that our doctors will still be able to get bodies from legal abortions and from overseas, and that research is also carried out overseas.

This article concentrates on live experimentation, however. An excellent book on this subject is *Beyond Abortion, A Chronicle of Fetal Experimentation* by Suzanne M. Rini. I quote from that book:

Researcher's various specialties and inquiries called for using fetuses at various stages of development and in basically three life situations as they related to the abortion schedule: *The live in-utero* [still in the mother] *fetus*. The testing of drugs, of prenatal diagnostic techniques, of vaccines, of hypotheses about the effects of diet, stress, and maternal factors are some of the research objectives for this "class." These types of experiments have two phases: administering the drug, prenatal test, caloric deprivation, etc. to the still-living, in-utero fetus, and then examining the dead fetus, upon abortion, to assess the effects. In some cases, the fetus is actually killed by the experiment rather than by the abortion.

*The viable fetus, ex-utero* [born]*, still living after the abortion. *This fetus would be analogous to a premature infant, except that the fetus would not be permitted to survive the experiment, whereas, most premature, wanted infants are helped to independence through medical technology. The viable fetus was included in several early, documented experiments but this class of fetus was disallowed for nontherapeutic experimentation with government funds once federal regulations were devised in 1976. However, these regulations do not govern experiments done with private monies.

*The "previable" fetus, ex- or in-utero.* This fetus is defined by the federal regulations as one about to be or already aborted (but aborted with some vital signs and therefore still living). To meet this criterion, the fetus must be on the abortion schedule up to and including the second trimester, and weigh no more than 400 grams (about one pound).[1]

Ms. Rini also shows a category of *The Dead Fetus*. This article is not about this category.

One of the funders of research done upon live, preborn babies is the March of Dimes. The March of Dimes is dedicated to ending birth defects. The March of Dimes advocates and encourages abortion as a method to end birth defects. After all, if you're not born, you're not born defective, and therefore, the end justifies the means.

It is extremely ill-suited to want to kill handicapped preborns when just a few days later the same person would be born and be identified as "special" or "developmentally disabled," or "differently abled." While March of Dimes personnel might want to call these terms "excuses," it is nonetheless true that Jesus teaches us to have compassion on the needy; He doesn't teach us to kill them. One of the research projects developed mainly by the March of Dimes via live, fetal experimentation produced the medical procedure called amniocentesis. With amniocentesis a mother can tell if she is carrying a handicapped baby. However, the procedure certainly killed many children during its development, the procedure itself can kill the baby even if he is normal, the procedure can show that a handicap exists when it actually doesn't (then the mother kills the normal baby), and the procedure is dangerous to the mother. By the time the preborn baby is old enough to be tested, it is too late for his mother to have an abortion without her having more risk than if she were to carry the baby to term.

Following are some other cases of fetal experimentation. All of these are from the book mentioned above. In 1973 and 1976 the "Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism" reported that fifty-four babies of ten to twenty-five weeks gestation were delivered alive by hysterotomy and that immediately after delivery each was cut open and that sex organs and adrenal glands were removed for experimentation.[2]

This was illegal where it was done, but it is legal in many of the states.

Dr. Jerald Gaull, at the being time Chief of Pediatrics at the New York State Institute for Basic Research in Mental Retardation at the Willowbrook home in Staten Island, was making periodic trips to Finland "to experiment on aborted but still-living fetuses." He severed the nerve connections between brain and body, then surgically removed the brain, lungs, liver and kidneys for study and dissection.[3]

In another case,

Experiments on the brains of unborn infants at the University of Rochester Medical Center were reported in "Science," Aug. 27, 1971. Researchers removed brain sections from babies of ten to nineteen weeks gestation, and kept the brain sections alive for five months, subjecting them to exhaustive tests.[4] I wonder how much pain and/or anxiety a brain can feel. Probably quite a lot.

In the following case, reported by "The Arizona Republic" on March 2, 1981, those involved violated the law. But note that they wouldn't have violated the law had the experiments been done in other states. Here is a small sampling of what happened: Pregnant women volunteered for E.R. Squibb & Sons Laboratories' experiments involving hypertension medication . . . Drs. Robert Tamis, Robert Wechsler and Mark Gross purportedly provided free abortions to 14 women . . . in return for cooperation in the testing of a Squibb-manufactured drug called Nadolol.

Women were given the drug for five days. Each day, the women were examined, blood was drawn and amniotic fluid was taken from the womb. . . . On the fifth day, the abortion procedure was begun at the center, where the women were injected with prostaglandin solution. They then were taken to Doctors Hospital, where the fetuses were delivered.

. . . the report mentioned that two former nurses at the clinic said Squibb paid the center $10,000.[5]

The prostaglandin solution mentioned above is one of the favorites of doctors who profit from fetal research. When "properly" administered, it enables the birth of a live baby when he is supposed to be dead. The mother may not know that the baby is alive and to be experimented upon. Indeed, Dr. Joseph Fletcher, *ethicist*, said, "*The mother is not entitled to the death of her fetus.*" Dr. Fletcher works for the federal government's National Institute of Health.

In the case below, a two-pound infant was delivered alive and, says the doctor involved:

Irregular gasping movements, twice a minute, occurred in the middle of the experiment, but there was no proper respiration. Once the perfusion was stopped, however, the gasping respiratory efforts increased to 8 to 10 per minute. The fetus died 21 minutes after leaving the circuit.[6]

The infant survived a total of five hours. The doctor received a professional award for his work. Now I present a case of experimentation with live abortions even before abortion was legalized in the United States.

Wilhamine Dick, testifying at the Shapp Abortion Law Commission Hearing of March 14, 1972, said Pittsburgh's Magee Women's Hospital "packed aborted babies in ice while still moving and shipped them to experimental labs." In a later interview, Ms. Dick added, "It was repulsive to watch live fetuses being packed in ice while still trying to breathe and move, then being rushed to some laboratory and hear a medical student later discuss the experience of examining various organs of a once-live baby."[7]

So there it is: fetal-tissue experimentation. All along Americans have assumed that the experimentation was on the pieces of already dead babies. Now we know better. Now we know that babies are deliberately aborted alive so that doctors can experiment on them until they die. In many cases the experiments begin on the baby before he is born and then continue after he is born, whether this is known by the mother or not. He is supposed to be aborted, but remember the words of Dr. Joseph Fletcher, the ethicist: "The mother is not entitled to the death of her fetus." So he is born alive and secreted off to a remote corner of the hospital. There, the experiments on him continue until the experiments kill him or until they are completed. Then the baby is of no further use to anyone and becomes a burden. He is unwanted. He is therefore murdered. There is no death certificate, of course. That would be too confusing: There was no birth certificate.

Fetal experimentation, along with many, many other problems associated with abortion, will *never* cease to be problems unless **you** do something about them. Please call American Life League now and ask how you can help. Their phone number is (703) 659-4171.


1. *Beyond Abortion, A Chronicle of Fetal Experimentation* by Suzanne M. Rini, Avon, NJ: Magnificat Press, 1988, pp. 1,2. 2. Ibid, p. 30. 3. Ibid, p. 32. 4. Ibid, p. 32. 5. Ibid, p. 37. 6. Ibid, p. 74. 7. Ibid, p. 81.

Article 4 *Abortion and Your Church Why They Let the Killing Go On

by Lynn K. Murphy


The answer to this issue lies in four levels: Satan, your denomination's governing body, your local church's governing body, and you.

We all know that one of God's commandments is "Thou shalt not kill." And we know also that Mark 12:30,31 tells us, "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." And there is no neighbor closer to a woman than her preborn baby.

And this is certainly enough proof for me to believe that Satan is very busy in our churches to keep abortion alive.

Did you know that there are several Christian denominations whose governing bodies are officially pro-choice? Actually the term pro-choice is better called pro-death, since the pro-choice person favors the right of a mother to kill her preborn baby whenever she chooses.

Some of the denominations pretend to take no stand on the abortion issue. However, no stand is actually a stand for abortion. They are choosing to let a woman choose whether she should kill her baby.

Below are some of the denominations and/or religions that, in terms of favoring a woman's choice to abort for any reason she may have, are pro- death.[1] The figures in parenthesis, if any, are the numbers of adult members of that church.

American Ethical Union American Humanist Association Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (1,132,510) Episcopal Church (2,775,424) Jewish: The Rabbinical Assembly (Conservative) Jewish: Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Reform) (1,300,000) Jewish: United Synagogue of America (Conservative) (1,250,000) Lutheran Church in America (2,910,281) Presbyterian Church in the US (823,143) The Pennsylvania Council of Churches The United Church of Christ (1,696,107) The United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (3,092,151) Unitarian Universalist Association (170,510) United Methodist (9,400,000) Young Women's Christian Association of the USA (YMCA)

The reason that some denominations are pro-death is that they don't want to divide the church. It matters less to them that they have divided the church from God than whether they would divide the church members from their denomination. They try to appease everyone, and in doing so, only appease Satan. To prove this, I need only to quote 2Timothy 4:1-5 where God is charging Timothy to preach. "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, *out of season*; reprove, rebuke, exhort with *all* longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts *shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.* But watch thou in *all* things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make *full* proof of thy ministry." (The underlining is mine.) One might also consider Matthew chapters 5 and 6 where Jesus preaches against adultery, lust, fornication, anger, hatred, and hypocrisy. While these aren't directly about abortion, they demonstrate that Jesus cared less about dividing churches than about preaching against sin. Furthermore, John 8:59 describes a crowd to which Jesus was preaching that became so offended they "took up stones" to kill Him. Surely, Jesus thought He was doing the right thing. Why don't our preachers think He was?

Sometimes a denomination will try to fool you. They will write their abortion-position statement so that pro-death members will understand that the denomination is on their side and pro-life members will also understand that the denomination is on their own side. As one example, I present a recent position statement of Church of the Brethren:

Brethren oppose abortion because it destroys fetal life. Let it be clear that the Brethren ideal upholds the sacredness of human life and that abortion should be accepted as an option *only* where all other possible alternatives will lead to greater destruction of human life and spirit.

However, we confess that we are part of a society that contributes to abortion by denying parents the support and assistance they need. We further confess our lack of compassion, our condemnation of those who differ with our view of morality, and our need to coerce and compel others to our way of thinking.

Thus, our position is not a condemnation of those persons who reject this position or of women who seek and undergo abortion. Rather, it is a call for Christ-like compassion in seeking a creative alternative to abortion.

(Continuing) We support persons who, after prayer and counseling, believe abortion is the least destructive option available to them, that they may make their decision openly, honestly, without the suffering imposed by an uncompromising community.

They start pro-life; they end pro-death. What are they?

Your local church is also at fault. Do they have a program teaching pro-life, helping pregnant women get Christian counseling, or providing funds for pregnant women so that they can afford to have their babies? Probably not! One reason may be that your whole denomination might be pro-death. Another reason may be that your local church's governing body may not want to divide the church. Or perhaps it's because *you* never asked them to get involved.

An activity or a program has to start with someone. Should it be your pastor? We can reasonably answer "yes" only with qualifications. His primary job should be and is to spread the word of salvation. After taking care of that responsibility and many others, he isn't going to have a lot of time or energy left to invent something more for himself to do.

That is where you must come into the picture. Before you begin, you should do several things. First, find out what your church is doing, if anything. (Don't worry too much about the official position of your denomination. That does not have to take authority over your local church.) Then, make a plan for a program to work against abortion. Continue by determining who the members of your congregation are that would support your plan and/or help implement it. Find out the positions of your pastor and the members of your church council or other governing body. Then, get on the agenda for one of their meetings.

During the meeting, be prepared for resistance and try to know ahead of time what it will be and how you can counter it. Expect that people will express strong concern about dividing the church. Tell them how your program won't be divisive; tell them that pro-choice people won't *have* to be involved in the program either as participants or spectators and that (if true) the program doesn't mandate that the pastor speak on the subject. If they say to you, "If we let you speak on pro-life, we will have to let people speak on pro-choice", answer back, "Who says we have to?" The concept they may be thinking of applies to election for government offices, not to churches.

At the meeting be prepared to answer peoples' objections with quotations from the Scriptures and with secular arguments.

Plan with diligence. You may get the opportunity to save lives!

Do you want to know the real reason your church isn't doing anything? Is it because they're pro-death? Is it because they're lazy or didn't think of it? I seriously doubt it.

It's because *you* didn't ask them to.

For more information on how to help your church become active in pro-life, call American Life League at (703) 659-4171.


1. *Abortion, the Bible and the Church*, T.J. Bosgra, several pages.

Article 5 *Planned Parenthood: Megakilling Exposed

by Lynn K. Murphy


Since abortion was legalized in the United States in 1973, Planned Parenthood has legally killed approximately 5,000,000 babies here. This is my proof:

Since 1973, we have had approximately 32,000,000 abortions.[1] "As the nation's largest single provider of abortions, Planned Parenthood performs about 7.5 percent of all abortions in the United States (but provides prenatal care to just one tenth of one percent of all women having babies)."[2] 7.5 percent of 32,000,000 is 2,400,000, but I'm still counting.

"In 1984, 88,824 abortions were performed in Planned Parenthood abortitoriums. Planned Parenthood also referred another 99,961 women for abortions."[3] I admit I'm not going to be exact here, but defer judgment. If they referred 99,961 and killed 88,824 themselves, then they referred 1.125 times as many as they personally killed. Since they killed 2,400,000 personally, and they referred for the deaths of 2,400,000 times 1.125 more, then they were accomplices in the deaths of 2,700,000. 2,400,000 plus 2,700,000 is more than 5,000,000.

One could argue that the 7.5 percent may not apply to every year of Planned Parenthood's involvement or that the ratio of referrals to personal kills wasn't always that high. If you want to, go ahead. Perhaps you could drop the 5,000,000 to 4,500,000, but the title of this article remains valid: Megakilling is exposed. On the other hand, one could argue that the 7.5 percent and the ratio may have been higher than I've shown. Perhaps they've killed 6,000,000.

Do you argue that abortion isn't killing? Many people, believe it or not, actually do. Well, I've made *my* accusation against Planned Parenthood. Let's see what *Planned Parenthood* says about abortion:

"An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun."[4]

What else does Planned Parenthood say about abortion? They say many things. One of them is the lie that they don't try to talk the mothers into having abortions. At the same time, they call themselves "clinics" and "health- service providers." But I continue the quote above: "It (abortion) is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it." And they also say that in 1988 they performed 111,189 abortions and provided prenatal care to only 3,415 mothers.[5] That means for every one woman receiving prenatal care from them, more than 32 others received abortions.

I find it very hard to understand why they can call themselves a health- service provider when in 1988 they endangered the life and health of 111,189 women and made some of them sterile and while they deliberately killed 111,189 babies.

What does it mean to kill 5,000,000 babies? Many people have a hard time visualizing the sizes of big numbers. Imagine you're on a long vacation in your car. You're in a rural section of country that still has those old, wooden telephone poles. They look like crosses, crosses perhaps representing the graves of babies. With these crosses 240 feet apart, a typical distance, how far would you have to drive to pass 5,000,000 of them? Across your state? From Mexico to Canada? From New York to Los Angeles? I wish we were so fortunate. I'm sorry to say so, but you would have to drive around the world nine times. And I don't mean you could skip over the oceans.

Yet, this only scratches the surface of Planned Parenthood's killing. Although it is the world we've driven around eight times to represent their killings, we've only represented their killings in the United States. Worldwide, the figures are many times higher.

Yet, even this only scratches the surface. So far I've only been talking about abortions where procedures were involved. You're not going to like this at all, but I have to tell you that all IUD's always work, and all birth- control pills sometimes work (2 - 10% of the time) by aborting human beings, not by preventing pregnancy.[6] Planned Parenthood recommends IUD's and birth- control pills the way a child recommends candy.

If you have been involved with IUD's and birth-control pills, don't worry. If you believe that Jesus died for you, God will forgive you. However, you must remember that repentance (or turning away from) is required first.[7] You *must *repent. Furthermore, if you have been involved without knowing what you were doing, you should be in the clear. For Jesus, as he was hanging on the cross said, referring to His executioners, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."[8]

What great news for you and me! If the Father would forgive the executioners of His Son, surely we can also be forgiven.

All those abortions! Who pays for them, Planned Parenthood? Of course not. You do. The mothers pay for some, of course, but Planned Parenthood takes in well over $100,000,000 per year of your tax money and untold millions of your health-insurance money, and there is nothing you can do about it. You *must* pay to kill babies. The funding comes from state taxes, local taxes, your health-insurance company, and state-run insurance programs for the "poor." One example of the latter is the MediCal program in California. They provide $30,000,000 annually to the abortion industry. However, a person doesn't have to be poor to qualify for a MediCal abortion. Even if she is a millionaire, she only has to say that she doesn't want anyone to know she's having an abortion. California's privacy laws then enable Planned Parenthood and other killing organizations to charge the taxpayers for the kill.

Proverbs 24:11 tells us "Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward the slaughter."

When will the slaughter end? When *you* reach out to help. To find out how you can help, call American Life League at (703) 659-4171.


1. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 2. "Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1990," US Dept. of Commerce, p. 62. 3. "Facts about Planned Parenthood," American Life League. 4. "Plan Your Children For Health and Happiness," Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 1963. 5. "Planned Parenthood 1989 Services Report, *PPFA*," pp. 9 - 11. 6. "HLI REPORTS," April 1990, p. 4. and *many* other publications. 7. Luke 13:5 and Revelation 2:22. 8. Exodus 20:13.

Article 6 *The Killing Centers How They Mass Produce Death

by Lynn K. Murphy


Pro-choice people call them health centers or women's clinics, but pro-life people call the abortion facilities what they really are: Killing Centers. In these Killing Centers, located across the nation, approximately 4,900[1] babies are killed every day of the year.

Greatly contributing to this enormous death rate is the assembly-line processing taking place in many of these Centers, processing that almost always excludes adequate counseling, or for that matter, any counseling. The mothers going to these facilities are poorly informed going in and poorly informed when their babies are killed. Later, more than half of them admit to having guilt about aborting and more than one fourth mostly regret the abortion.[2] (An excellent reference on the subject of the inadequate counseling in Killing Centers, as well as many other topics, is *Aborted Women, Silent No More*, by David C. Reardon. Phone 1 217 546-9522.)

What do I mean by assembly-line processing? It's the method perfected by Henry Ford to mass-produce his early cars. With abortion the women are processed similarly. The sequence itself isn't necessarily bad--it's not much different from what regular hospitals use to process most of their patients--but with abortion there is usually no emotional warmth given to either the mother or, of course, to the other victim. From the abortionists' viewpoint, this is fully logical: The abortionist doesn't think he is doing anything wrong; no warmth is called for.

What is called for in his opinion, and in the opinion of the Killing Center's owners and managers, is speed and efficiency. A certain William Brennan (not the same William Brennan who as "Supreme" Court justice voted to legalize abortion) wrote a book entitled *The Abortion Holocaust, Today's Final Solution*. This book makes a tremendous case for abortion in America being extraordinarily like the Jew-killing in Nazi Germany was. I quote from page 38 of that book where Brennan makes comparisons of Nazi techniques and American techniques:[3] In the Nazi death camps annihilation as an assembly-line enterprise came of age. According to holocaust scholar Raul Hilberg: "A man would step off a train in the morning, and in the evening his corpse was burned and his clothes packed away for shipment to Germany."[6]

Today, a woman can enter an abortion clinic on her lunch hour and, by the time she is due to return to work, all the remnants of her unborn baby's body and intrauterine life support membranes are obliterated by an assembly-line process which would make even the most avid Nazi technician gasp in awe!

Auschwitz inmates injected with lethal doses of phenol died quickly: "two or three prisoners in one minute." The speediest of the phenol technicians was Josef Klehr who "injected two prisoners at a time."[4] Dr. Ming K. Hah, reputed to be the fastest abortionist in Chicago, vacuums the unborn to smithereens at breakneck pace: eight abortions per hour, forty per day. His productivity rate is so impressive that he sometimes performs two abortions simultaneously.[5]

At the Auschwitz crematorium, 17,280 corpses were disposed of "per twenty-four hour shift. And the ovens, with murderous efficiency, functioned day and night."[7] Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson, former director of a large abortion clinic in New York City, described how proficiently his mill operated: From eight in the morning until midnight, seven days a week, doctors working in ten operating rooms performed vacuum aspirations on an endless parade of pregnant wombs. . . . Doctors regularly worked 12- hour shifts.[8]

Mr. Brennan's book was published too soon to include one other interesting comparison. Just as at the Auschwitz crematorium where 17,280 corpses were disposed of, in 1988 in Los Angeles a dumpster was found with approximately 17,000 aborted babies in it.[9]

* ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ "One of the boxes fell out of the container, ³ ³ ³ ³ spilling its contents on the ground. I stared ³ ³ ³ ³ at a large object but couldn't tell what it was.³ ³ ³ ³ I called my boss to come over to take a look. ³ ³ ³ ³ All of a sudden we realized with great horror ³ ³ ³ ³ that it was the decapitated body of a baby. ³ ³ ³ ³ Other workers started vomiting." ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Hank Stolk, employee of Martin Container Corp. ³ ³ ³ ³ Los Angeles, CA ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ* Now let's hear from the former owner of a chain of Killing Centers in Texas. This is Carol Everett, who closed her lucrative business upon finding our Lord Jesus Christ. During an interview in January, 1990, she said[10]:

We expected to do 40,000 abortions in 1984, and that would have meant a million dollars in my pocket, and that's all I thought about. We worked seven days a week. Sunday was our most profitable day. They just run in and run out--you can work a skeleton crew, and I answered the telephone 24 hours a day. I was very concerned that we might miss a call at 2 AM in the morning, we knew that the sooner we got that girl in the better the chances of completing the abortion were, so I wanted to be able to say, "Bring your money, I'll see you at eight." It was a perfectly miserable situation. The people inside that abortion clinic are post-aborted in their own right. The doctors, the nurses, everyone in there hurts, and there's just a lot of chaos inside the clinic.

I always, and I taught my employees to think, we're helping the mother, we're helping the mother, we're helping the mother. I think the most traumatic thing I ever saw was one time when we were doing a third-trimester abortion we saw a baby's hand close. And even the nurses just fell back away from the table. It was too much for us. We knew we were destroying life. But we always told ourselves it was the woman's right to choose and we were helping her.

We must get involved. We must get involved in the political process. That's very important. That's the way to save the most babies and women. Stop abortion. But, more than that we've got to get out there and minister to those women. We got to take these women into our homes. We've got to take them into our lives. We've got to pray for and heal the post-aborted woman. We've got to pray for the abortionist, because of course if he'll come out and come to know the Lord it's all over. But it's time to get involved on some level.

If you want to get involved, please call American Life League at (703) 659-4171.


1. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 2. "California Pro-Life News, September, 1990." 3. *The Abortion Holocaust, Today's Final Solution*, William Brennan, Landmark Press. 4. Bernd Naumann, "Auschwitz: A report on the Proceedings Against Robert Karl Ludwig Mulka and Others Before the Court at Frankfurt,"trans. Jean Steinberg (New York: Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1966), pp. 151, 295. 5. Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warrick, "Dr. Ming Kow Hah: Physician of Pain," *Chicago Sun-Times*, November 15, 1978, pp. 1, 4-5. 6. Raul Hilberg, *The Destruction of the European Jews* (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1967), p. 555. 7. Olga Lengyel, *Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz* (Chicago and New York: Ziff-Davis, 1947), pp. 68-69. 8. Charles Remsberg and Bonnie Remsberg, "Second Thoughts on Abortion from the Doctor Who Led the Crusade for It," *Good Housekeeping*, March 1976, p. 130. 9. Los Angeles County Health Department. 10. Interview on *Women's Lobby* program of KFIA radio sometime in January, 1990. Article 7 *From Abortion to Infanticide, a Step Already Taken

by Lynn K. Murphy


To the pro-life activist, there is no substantial difference between abortion and infanticide; they both kill innocent, defenseless, human life. However, I will be speaking herein about infanticide after birth.

And I will be speaking of it in today's times in the United States. However, first a little history is appropriate and interesting.

There is nothing new about infanticide; The practice was probably begun at nearly the same time that infants came to exist. In fact, in situations where parents didn't want their children, infanticide used to be preferred over abortion. The reason for this is very simple: Until recently, abortion was much more dangerous for the mother than at present. One way that our ancestors tried to abort their babies was by taking a poison that, they hoped, was strong enough to kill the baby but not strong enough to kill her mother. Another way was to physically abuse the baby in the mother's womb. Just as it is today, it was reasoned that all considerations be given to the mother at the expense of her unwanted children. When the killers chose not to kill by abortion, they would usually accomplish their dirty deed by leaving the born baby outdoors so that the elements would kill her. I used the pronoun, , because often families preferred to have boys. So they killed the girls. We do this today also, only now, even though we call our ancestors barbaric, we kill our babies in the womb and call ourselves humane.

After advanced techniques of killing children in the womb were developed, mothers were in far less danger from abortion. Therefore, abortions began to outnumber the murders of already-born children. Today, there are 1,800,000[1] abortions annually in the United States and approximately 60,000,000[1] annually in the world. In the United States abortion is the leading cause of death, killing more people than the next twelve causes combined[2] and lowering the average life expectancy from approximately 75 to 41.[3]

Infanticide in the world and in the United States is a big problem. There are several ways to consider infanticide. One is to consider it as a part of the abortion procedure, especially when something goes wrong with the abortion. For instance, in the hysterotomy procedure, which is an early Caesarean section, the abortionist cuts open the mother's abdomen and womb. Then he cuts the umbilical cord and kills the baby in the womb by strangulation or some other method. However, the actual death may take up to five minutes, and the abortionist is a busy and a very highly paid person. Why abide by technicalities? So, often he cuts the cord and takes the baby out alive. Then he will kill him by smothering him with the placenta or drowning him in a bucket of water.

Another way to consider infanticide is by the reason for killing. Usually the reason is because the born baby is found, unexpectedly, to be handicapped. Logic apparently dictates to the killers that, since killing the handicapped in the womb is "justified," it is also "justified" to kill him outside of the womb. The term for this is an innocent-sounding one, one that makes it sound no worse than abortion, which many people think is a good term. The term is post-natal abortion. It's just another term for murder.

Nobel Laureate James Watson, the man who cracked the genetic code, defends infanticide. He says, "Because of the present limits of such detection methods, most birth defects are not discovered until birth. If a child were not declared alive until three days after birth, then all parents could be allowed the choice . . . the doctor could allow the child to die if the parents so choose and save a lot of misery and suffering."[4] Many of his colleagues feel that Dr. Watson is too conservative; they prefer thirty days.

And then there's Barbara Smoker, President of the National Secular Society and Vice-Chairman of the British Humanist Association. She said, "The situation of a newborn baby is very different from that of the same baby, even a few weeks later. . . . At birth the baby is only a potential human being and at that point it is surely the humane and sensible thing that the life of any baby with obvious severe defects, whether of body or brain, should be quietly snuffed out by the doctor or midwife. This should not be a decision referred to the family. . . ."[5]

Lastly, we hear from Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, who wrote in her own book: "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."[6] Note that the infant qualified to die doesn't even have to be handicapped. She is qualified solely because she is in a large family. Very likely, there is a branch of Planned Parenthood in your neighborhood, and very likely they designed the sex-education/abortion curriculum being taught to your children in school. And on the issue of killing *in* the womb, Planned Parenthood does more abortions than any organization in the nation and in the world.

Whether abortion or infanticide is justified against the handicapped is a big topic, too big for this article. Let it suffice that the pro-life movement does not think it is justified. I personally know of nine handicapped children, none of whose parents would consider aborting a handicapped child, and I don't know of any parents of handicapped children who would abort. Furthermore, there has never been a single organization of parents of mentally retarded children that has ever endorsed abortion.[7] It is also interesting that Beethoven's mother had very, very good reasons to believe that her son, Ludwig, would be handicapped. Actually, in later years he developed deafness. However, this was not a handicap for him.

There is also infanticide financed by drug companies. This is how this works. A drug company "needs" to test a new drug. It might be a drug for babies, or it might not be. Maybe they just want to determine its toxicity. Therefore, perhaps before the baby's birth or perhaps after or both, a physician drugs the baby. This baby, you must understand, doesn't exist. He is never actually legally born. He is physically born, of course, but he is supposed to be an abortion: He is supposed to be dead. His next stop is supposed to be the hospital dumpster or incinerator or garbage disposal. Instead, he is secreted off to a remote corner of the hospital. There, the experiments on him continue until the experiments kill him or until the experiments are completed. Then the baby is of no further use to anyone and becomes a burden. He is unwanted. He is therefore murdered. There is no death certificate, of course. That would be too confusing: There was no birth certificate. This, in a nutshell, is infanticide today in America. I could go on and on describing court cases and giving testimonials of handicapped people who are very glad to be alive, but space will not permit this. Let it suffice that I close by commenting that infanticide will continue to grow in America. It is unstoppable, that is unless **you** act. Please call American Life League now and ask how you can help. Their phone number is (703) 659-4171.


1. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 2. From *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989. 3. By personal calculation from statistics in Note 2 plus figure of 1,800,000 abortions per year. (See note 1.) 4. "Children from the Laboratory," J. Watson, "AMA Prism," Ch. 3, p.2, May, 1973. 5. *The Times*, January 22, 1973. 6. Margaret Sanger, *Woman and the New Race* (New York: Brentano's, 1920), p. 63. 7. Mrs. Rosalie Craig, Testimony before Ohio Legislature, 1971.

Article 8 *What God Says about Abortion

by Lynn K. Murphy


Even though the word doesn't appear in the Bible, God says a lot a about it. For instance, He shows that the preborn baby is a human being made by Him. One of the central issues in abortion is whether the preborn baby actually is a human being. If he isn't, then you aren't killing a person by having an abortion, and therefore abortion isn't supposed to be very bad. But God shows that he is a person:

Your hands shaped me and made me. Will you now turn and destroy me? Remember that you molded me like clay. Will you now turn me to dust again? Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese, clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews? You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit. Job 10:8-12 (NIV)*

Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers? Job 31:15 (NIV)

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. Psalm 139:13-16 (NKJV)

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV)

Also, when Mary was meeting John the Baptist's mother, Elisabeth, the Bible tells us:

And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda; And entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elisabeth. And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost. And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of the womb." Luke 1:39-42 (KJV)

Besides that, do you know anyone born of a human who isn't human?

Should a woman ever choose to have an abortion except perhaps for self- defense? You decide.

Thou shalt not kill. Exodus 20:13

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. Mark 12:30,31 (KJV) And there is no neighbor closer to a woman than her preborn baby.

Thus says the Lord: "For three transgressions of the people of Ammon, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, Because they ripped open the women with child in Gilead. . . ." Amos 1:13 (NKJV)

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live . . . Deuteronomy 30:19 (KJV)

Never despise one of these little ones; I tell you, they have their guardian angels in heaven, who look continually on the face of my heavenly Father. Matthew 18:10 (NEB)

Still, you may wonder about babies conceived as a result of rape or incest. Read what God says about this:

So the Lord said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the Lord?" Exodus 4:11 (NKJV)

Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, "What are you making?" Does your word say, "He has no hands."? Woe to him who says to his father, "What have you begotten?" or to his mother, "What have you brought to birth?" This is what the Lord says--the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: concerning things to come, do you question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hands? Isaiah 45:9-11 (NIV)

And what does God say about abortionists, or even those of you who favor choice?

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. Luke 17:2 (KJV)

Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say Amen. Deuteronomy 27:25 (KJV)

But your eyes and your heart are intent only upon your own dishonest gain, and on shedding innocent blood and on practicing oppression and extortion. Jeremiah 22:17 (NAS)

Should you do anything to help stop the slaughter?

Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. Proverbs 24:11 (NIV)

And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worth of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. Luke 12:47-48 (KJV)

Therefore, to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. James 4:17 (KJV)

If you would like to help, call American Life League at (703) 659-4171. Since abortion was legalized in 1973, there have been 32,000,000 of God's children murdered in the United States. Will you let your neighbor murder hers?

* Abbreviations: KJV King James Version NIV New International Version NKJV New King James Version NEB New English Bible NAS New American Standard Article 9 *The Killing Centers How They Don't Counsel Their Patients

by Lynn K. Murphy


Pro-choice people call them health centers or women's clinics, but pro-life people call the abortion facilities what they really are: Killing Centers. In these Killing Centers, located across the nation, approximately 4,900[1] babies are killed every day of the year.

Greatly contributing to this enormous death rate is the assembly-line processing taking place in many of these centers, processing that almost always excludes adequate counseling, or for that matter, any counseling. The mothers going to these facilities are poorly informed going in and poorly informed when their babies are killed. Later, more than half of them admit to having guilt about aborting and more than one fourth mostly regret the abortion.[2]

The main difficulty with the counseling is that the mothers are poorly informed, or deliberately misinformed about the status of their preborn baby. Perhaps the primary reason for this is that the pro-abortion counselors don't actually know what the status really is. Their rhetoric to the general public always classifies the preborn as a blob, a mass of protoplasm, an obstruction to menstrual flow, an "it," or a problem, *never* as a human being. Yet pictures of aborted or miscarried preborn babies clearly show them to have human shapes as early as six weeks from fertilization. At that age you can even tell that they are not it's. Most abortions don't even take place until that age.

Other pro-aborts do know what the baby is, and don't care. They equate legality with morality, reasoning that there is nothing immoral about killing a baby if there is nothing illegal about it.

According to a survey done by David Reardon[3], information which many respondents believe would have been a crucial factor in their final decisions was denied to them. More than 90% of them stated that the biological nature of the fetus had not been discussed during their counseling sessions, and only 2% said that fetal development had been even moderately discussed. The pro- abortion response to this is that mothers coming in for counseling are already well informed, but 90% of the mothers surveyed claimed to have little or no prior knowledge of fetal development.

Regarding being adequately informed about the abortion procedure, more than 80% of the mothers reported that little or no discussion of risks had taken place, and only 8% believed their counselors had adequately discussed the surgical risks of the procedure.

Furthermore, 40% to 50% of the mothers surveyed were wavering in their choice and were actually hoping for another option when they first went to speak with the counselor. Since there are 1,800,000[1] abortions every year in the United States, therefore perhaps 900,000 lives could have been saved by proper counseling. Perhaps even more could have been. Surely even some of the mothers who had not been wavering would have seen the truth about what abortion does (it kills a baby) and therefore chosen not to kill.

Here are some of the specific answers to specific questions in the above- mentioned survey:

*When asked:* "Were you encouraged to have an abortion by [your] counselor?", 27% said, "Very much."

"Would your choice have been different if any or all of the above had encouraged you differently?", 76% said, "Very much." "Above" here means counselor, parents, other family members, husband, boyfriend, social worker, doctor, or friends.

"Did the clinic, doctor, or counselor help you to explore your decision?", 3% said, "Very much", and 84% said, "Not at all."

"Do you feel their opinions were biased? If so, for or against abortion?", 79% said, "For."

"Were you encouraged to ask questions?", 2% said, "Very much."

"Were your questions thoroughly answered to your satisfaction?", only 4% said, "Very much."

"Do you believe there was information you were not given or were misinformed about?", 73% said, "Very much."

"Were risks and dangers discussed?", only 4% said, "Very much."

Thus, it would seem that a more appropriate title for this article would be "The Killing Centers, How They Don't Counsel Their Victims." Surely the mothers as well as the babies are victims. The mothers themselves say so.

However regarding the babies, one question not asked by the survey was whether the mothers were aware of the pain that the babies experience during the abortion. Scientific evidence[4] has proven that they experience excruciating pain. Although no anesthetics are ever given, the babies are usually killed by cutting or tearing off their arms and legs and crushing their skulls. In late-term abortions they are sometimes killed by chemically burning them to death inside and outside of their bodies.

Wouldn't you like to help provide the mothers with better counseling? If you would, please call American Life League at (703) 659-4171. You could save lives, pain, and grief. Notes:

1. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 2. "California Pro-Life News," September, 1990. 3. *Aborted Women, Silent No More*, David Reardon, pp. 16,17 & 333-336, copyright 1987. Quoted with permission from Good News Publishers/Crossways Books (Wheaton, IL) and Loyola University Press (Chicago, IL). 4. The movies "Silent Scream" and "Eclipse of Reason" by Bernard Nathanson, former abortionist. Article 10 *The Psychological and Physical Complications from Abortion*

by Lynn K. Murphy

Mothers suffer many psychological and physical complications from abortion. Although the general public is unaware that these complications occur, psychological damage to the mothers occurs in approximately 95% percent of the women who have abortions, and physical damage occurs in approximately 45%.[1] David Reardon, famed researcher, notes that there are over one hundred complications associated with abortion.[2] This does not include death of the baby: This is not a of abortion, it is a goal.

*What the Experts Say about Damage*:

Pro-abortion and pro-life people both say that abortion hurts women. Let's see first what the pro-abortion people say.

Planned Parenthood, the world's and nation's largest provider of abortion, said in its Department of Education <3-Year Plan and Long Range Program Goals 1990 - 1993>:

"A number of . . . studies and surveys (including the Reardon/WIC Study and the Grant Survey) have shown that the incidence of post-procedural trauma for abortion clients may be as high as 91 percent of all cases."

A Planned Parenthood brochure entitled says, "An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it."

This is what pro-life and other experts say:

The , May, 1985, said that abortion is the sixth leading cause of maternal death in this country.

A Wynn and Wynn Study shows that 3 - 5 percent of aborters are left sterile.[3]

Women have a 58% greater risk of dying during a later pregnancy.[4]

These are the effects on future babies, if any: premature births, complications during labor, more child abuse and neglect, and more handicapped babies.[5]

From Dayton Women's Health Center, Iowa: "Mary was rushed to the hospital after her abortion due to profuse bleeding. The attending physicians discovered 'the entire front of her uterus was blown away.' After the surgeon removed the damaged uterus, they explored her abdominal cavity. Behind her liver they found the decapitated head of a 24 week old pre-born child."[6]

*Psychological Damage*:

The most serious psychological damages that occur can be lumped under the condition known as Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS), which is a part of a larger class of disorders called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The PAS victim, through the process of denial, blocks the natural grieving process of the death of her child and often denies her own responsibility in the abortion. The denial or suppression blocks the healing process and the possibility of forgiveness for herself and the others who have been involved in her decision and her abortion. The trauma often manifests itself as a breakdown of function in the psychological, physical, or spiritual areas.[7]

Dr. Vincent Rue, a clinical psychologist, likened abortion victims to "walking time bombs" and said that little is heard of PAS problems because there is a massive denial among professionals.

Following is a long, long list of the damages. Not every mother who aborts has damage, but many have more than one of these problems because of the abortion: child abuse, child neglect, suicidal behavior, anger/rage, feeling of being raped, worsening self-image, sexual coldness, fear of touching babies, nervous breakdown, promiscuity, constant thoughts about the child, loneliness, fear of making decisions, hallucinations related to the abortion, nightmares, increased drug and alcohol use, feelings of craziness, flashbacks, decreased ability to experience emotions, inability to communicate, feeling victimized, fear that others will learn of the abortion, guilt, anxiety, depression, grief, sadness, regret, loss, repeat abortions, unwillingness to continuing pursuing their life's goals, inability to sustain intimate relationships, hatred of people connected with abortions, and many, many more.


ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ". . .More than a baby would die in that room. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Once I had a personality, a life, a soul. Now ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ I was a body with broken pieces." ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ *

Regarding the suicidal behavior, Cincinnati Suiciders Anonymous reports that 1,800 of their 4,000 female members have had abortions.[8] Psychologist Anne Speckhard made a study (not necessarily in Cincinnati) that showed that 65% of her subjects reported thoughts of suicide, and 31% actually made suicide attempts.[9]

American Rights Coalition reports that almost all of the above damages have been reported by over one-half of the women who have had abortions.[1] Can you bear to read the testimony of even one of them? This is the testimony of Teresa L. Fangman:

When I was 16 I was shuffled through an assembly-line abortion. I was number 13 of 17 who went through the morning session at one abortion clinic. Physically, I had no problems with my abortion, but emotionally, I created a "living Hell" that continues on a daily basis.

I'm not sure the tears will ever stop. I've been waiting almost 11 years now and they never cease. It's difficult to lay your head down at night knowing I "chose" to allow someone to invade my body and remove my child. If I had known then that it would be difficult to sleep at night and that every time I saw a child about the same age as the one I got rid of, my insides would flinch, or that I would feel I had to have another child to "justify" my actions as a teenager, I hope and pray I would have made another decision.

I hope that by sharing what abortion did to me will save one woman from the low self-esteem and continual self-abuse that was a direct result of my abortion.

*Physical Damage*:

Physical damage to the mother is also very common. There are several reasons we don't hear much about this. First, most abortions are done in clinics whose records are insufficiently inspected. When a complication occurs, the clinics really have no incentive to turn themselves in. Second, deaths from abortion generally are not reported as deaths from abortion. Rather, the death might be from a "perforated (punctured) uterus" or "internal bleeding." Thus, abortion seems safe.

Following is a long list of the physical damages that can occur as a result of abortions: death, infection, hemorrhage, cervical damage, damage and loss of other internal organs, perforation of the uterus, menstrual irregularity, headaches, dizziness, blood clots, AIDS from blood transfusions, AIDS from increased drug and needle use (see above list of psychological damages showing increased drug use), increased probability of future miscarriages, stillbirths, sterility, ectopic (tubal) pregnancies, menstrual disturbances, other bleeding, shock, coma, peritonitis, cold sweats, and much more.

Dr. Joel Brind, Endocrinologist, said in a December 3, 1992 press release, "There is a clear relationship documented in medical journals showing that women aborting their first pregnancy are at a much higher risk of developing breast cancer than women who carry their pregnancy to term." Presumedly, it took some time to determine this: Women mostly abort early in life, and get breast cancer later. Brind cited four sources in the medical literature.

As with the psychological damages, a woman may not have physical damage, or she may have more than one type of physical damage. She may also have both physical and psychological damage.

Allow me to provide a good example of physical damage. My above testimonial was from an abortion victim. This one is from a former abortion-clinic owner. That is, she was an owner. Then she met Jesus Christ, and now she can admit the truth about what she had been doing[10]:

The last 18 months I was involved in the abortion industry we maimed to the point of major surgery one woman out of every five hundred. Let me define maimed. Hysterectomy, colostomy because her uterus had tract repair because they had perforated her uterus and cut her children. We never took them to the closest hospital. We never called an ambulance. An ambulance is terrible advertisement in front of an abortion clinic. We started an IV so we'd have a vein if she would protect the clinic and the doctor. One that we knew couldn't afford any adverse advertising, so they wouldn't call the press, and wouldn't let their nurses. And then we knew the family would participate in the cover up, you see, the family finds out about call the press. And there's a built-in cover-up in the abortion industry. [On another case]: This young woman was a 21-year-old model, tall and willowy, I remember, and she danced in and said take care of my problem. We put her on the table to do a late, second trimester abortion. My job was to hold the baby in place while two of these doctors did the D and E. Dilation and Evacuation process. That's where you go inside the uterus with big forceps, crush the baby inside the uterus, pull it out in pieces, reconstruct it to be sure you have all the pieces, and the abortion is over. No live births this way. But it's necessary to push this baby down into those instruments. And that was my job. I had my hand on that woman's and I just pushed down and it stopped. The first time the doctor went in, he pulled out placenta and that's perfectly normal. And the second time he went in with those big forceps he perforated her uterus and he pulled her bowel out through her vagina. Now we've got some problems. This baby is still alive. The baby has not been touched. But the mother must be transported. She's got to be put in a hospital. We cannot take care of this problem. So we started an IV, put her in my car, took her about 25 miles across Dallas to a hospital that we'd never been to before, that we knew would protect us. The doctor called in six of his friends. Seven doctors operated on her. I awaited outside of course, imagining the attorneys coming out of the woodwork. And when the doctor came out he said "Carol we don't have a problem." I couldn't understand that. But he explained that all of his doctor friends had decided to write up the records as though it had been an abdominal pregnancy. Not an intra-uterine pregnancy. Now, of course the complication of colostomy would be justified by that because it would have happened anyway. But the reality again is that no doctor would have started that abortion had the baby not been perfectly inside that woman's uterus. And I had my hand on that uterus. I know a baby was inside that uterus. Then the doctor had an affair. A 47-Year-old doctor had an affair with this 21-year-old girl. So she wouldn't sue us.

Lastly on complications, the mothers' future babies, if any, can also have problems, such as prematurity and low birth weight. Premature babies have a lower probability of survival than do full-term babies.


Abortion isn't the clean, safe procedure that pro-choice makes it out to be. It is living Hell for the mothers, and of course, for the babies. And abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing more people (babies) than the next twelve causes of death combined, including heart disease and cancer.[11] Think of all the mothers and babies who suffer!

If you would like to help stop this, please call American Life League at (703) 659-4171. They will show you what you can do. If *you* don't help, who will?


1. American Rights Coalition Statement of Facts. 2. *Aborted Women: Silent No More*, David Reardon, p. 92., copyright 1987. Quoted with permission from Good News Publishers/Crossways Books (Wheaton, IL) and Loyola University Press (Chicago, IL). 3. , March 3, 1973, Wynn and Wynn, "Some Consequences of Induced Abortion to Children Born Subsequently. 4. *Aborted Women-Silent No More*, David Reardon, 1987. 5. , May-June 1983, vol. 15, no.3., "Impact of Vacuum Aspiration Abortion on Future Childbearing: A Review", Hogue, Cates and Tietze. 6. , a 1989 tract by Victims of Choice. 7. J. Denton Collins, M.A., M.F.C.C. MK19363. 8. Testimony of Cincinnati Suiciders Anonymous before Cincinnati, OH city council. 9. *Psycho-Social Stress Following Abortion*, Ann Speckhard (Kansas City, MO., Sheed & Ward, 1987, page 57). 10. Transcript of Carol N. Everett by *Women's Lobby* program on KFIA Radio sometime in January, 1990. 11. Non-abortion deaths from From *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989. Abortion deaths are 1,800,000 per year, a figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro-abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. Article 11 *Abortion and the Law* by Lynn K. Murphy

Do you know during what part of a pregnancy abortion is legal? Is it the first third, the first half? Can it be done for any reason, or only for rape, incest, and life of the mother? What does the law say about abortion, and how did the law turn out that way? These are the issues I shall explore in this article.

I regret to inform you that abortion is legal at any time during the pregnancy right up to the second of birth, that it can be done for any reason whatsoever, and that this is true in all the states and territories of the United States.

And *none* of this came about because of the approval of the voters.

The legal status of abortion was determined for us by the United States "Supreme" Court, and they did their dirty deeds in 1973. In 1970, a certain woman named Norma McCorvey became pregnant. She lived in Texas, and in that state she attempted to find a way to kill her preborn baby and get away with it. She tried to do this through her state's legal system, and she failed. Therefore she appealed to the United States "Supreme" Court.

As we all know, the legal system moves very slowly. It wasn't until three years later that her case was heard. Ms. McCorvey presumedly would have had her pregnancy last three years so that she could kill her daughter, but it didn't work that way. The baby was born and given up for adoption. It is ironic that even though this particular baby was given for adoption, the "Supreme" Court didn't mandate that "unwanted" children must be born and given for adoption, but only mandated that they could be killed. And it is interesting that Ms. McCorvey's daughter, who is now 22 years old or older, is staunchly pro-life![1]

For the legal proceedings, Ms. McCorvey, presumedly for security, used a pseudonym, Roe, instead of her real name. Thus, the court case is known as . The decision, reached on January 22, 1973, denied the personhood of the preborn (which took away all his rights) and permitted abortion during any time of the pregnancy.[2] The mother could have the abortion provided that the physician recommended it. He could recommend it for any reason. Pregnancy was divided into three trimesters (thirds) and it was mandated that there could be no restrictions on abortion during the first trimester except that it had to be done by a licensed physician, and that abortions during the second and third trimesters had to be done by a licensed physician in a hospital. Later court decisions removed the hospital restriction. Supposedly, although Ms. McCorvey (Roe) had previously alleged that she had become pregnant because of rape, the "Supreme" Court didn't consider this. However, McCorvey later admitted she had lied.[3]

The decision, unfortunately, wasn't the only mayhem levied against Americans by the "Supreme" Court on that scandalous day in 1973. On that same day, they made their equally infamous decision.[4] This decision decreed that abortion was now the mothers' decision, not the physicians'. In other words, it expanded the criteria of to include any reason the mother would care to give, instead of what the physician would care to give, regarding her health. A mother would only need to claim that to have the baby would be a difficulty. Thus her health would be affected; thus she could have an abortion. She could do this because of alleged problems with money, emotions, time, job, career, or readiness. In other words, she could now kill her baby for her own convenience. Furthermore, she could now kill him with a clear conscience: It was legal.

This type of killing is called abortion on demand, and really means abortion on request.

Prior to the "Supreme" Court decisions of January 22, four states had recently liberalized abortion laws. These were New York, Colorado, California, and Washington. Of these, it was only in Washington (state) that the laws were changed because of the vote of the people. In the other three, they were changed because of the legislatures.

After the "Supreme" Court decisions, this didn't matter. The decisions negated all state laws that had in any way restricted abortion.

As time passed, the killing rate increased markedly. In the first full year after abortion became legalized, 763,476[5] babies were legally murdered. In recent years it has been 1,800,000 per year.[6] Abortion is now commonplace, and it is widely accepted. A huge number people began to feel, without thinking for themselves, that the law defined the morality instead of the morality defining the law. Therefore, with the intense lobbying of pro- abortion organizations such as Planned Parenthood, National Organization for Women, and American Civil Liberties Union, our various state legislatures have passed laws in sympathy with the "Supreme" Court decisions.

The purpose of this was to ensure that the killing will remain legal even if the "Supreme" Court reverses itself. To state this another way, if a given state could eliminate all their laws that prohibited abortion, if was reversed abortion would be still be legal in that state. Those who believe in "Thou shalt not kill" don't like this.

Recently, this procedure has been reversed in a few states and Puerto Rico. Some restrictions on abortion have been passed in Utah and Pennsylvania, for example. If these restrictions would be unchallenged, they would *not* be allowable by or . What is going on here is that these state laws will be challenged by pro-aborts all the way to the "Supreme" Court. Then, we will see whether and can be overturned. The "Supreme" Court of today is different from the "Supreme" Court of 1973. Perhaps, with our considerable prayer, we can save the lives of countless, innocent human beings. Actually, in a case known as , the restrictions in Pennsylvania mentioned above were tested in the "Supreme" Court. The Court ruled that Pennsylvania and any state can make laws that require informing the mother of the risk of her abortion, of the facts on fetal development, of the alternatives to abortion, and of the medical benefits available if she gives birth. The states can also make laws specifying a compulsory waiting period between the examination and the kill, informing a parent of a child's upcoming abortion, getting permission from a parent for a child's upcoming abortion, and compulsory reporting of abortion statistics to the state. All this is very good. Unfortunately, Planned Parenthood won on the most important point: Spousal-notification or father-notification of an abortion cannot be required. Thus, abortion is still a woman's decision. Thus, and were upheld very strongly.

A comment about Planned Parenthood's attitude is very appropriate. Planned Parenthood fought against all the points in the above paragraph. Thus, we can see that they simply do not care about the women, the teenagers, the parents, or the babies. Planned Parenthood cares about one thing: Keeping baby killing legal. They continuously and vigorously fight for this in the courts, legislatures, and other governing bodies across the nation.

Since abortion was legalized, approximately 32,000,000[6] babies have been killed in the United States. This is by far the leading cause of death, outstripping the next twelve causes (including heart disease and cancer) combined.[7] And these deaths were *not* for rape, incest, fetal handicap, or life of the mother. Of the 32,000,000, there were only about 600,000 abortions for those reasons.[6]

How big is 32,000,000? What does it mean to kill 32,000,000 babies? Many people have a hard time visualizing the sizes of big numbers. But imagine you're on a long vacation in your car. You're in a rural section of country that still has those old, wooden telephone poles. They look like crosses, crosses perhaps representing the graves of babies. With these crosses 240 feet apart, a typical distance, how far would you have to drive to pass 32,000,000 of them? Across your state? From Mexico to Canada? From New York to Los Angeles? I wish we were so fortunate. I'm sorry to say so, but you would have to drive around the world fifty-eight times. And I don't mean you could skip over the oceans.

And how long will the killing continue? Until **you** help stop it. There are many, many things you can do. Please call American Life League at (703) 659- 4171.


1. *Cincinnati Enquirer*, June 26, 1989. 2. Supreme Court decision 410 US 113, 1973. 3. *The Washington Post*, September 9, 1987. 4. Supreme Court decision 410 US 179, 1973. 5. "Abortion Surveillance Report," The Center for Disease Control. 6. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 7. From *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989, with comparison with 1,800,000 abortions per year. Article 12 *The History of Abortion

by Lynn K. Murphy


As long as there have been humans, there have been abortions. This article is about the history of abortion, or more specifically about the history of induced abortion, which is deliberate, as opposed to spontaneous abortion, which is a miscarriage.

Although there has always been induced abortion, our ancestors may not have been any more barbaric than today's people who believe that a mother has the right to kill her preborn babies. These two classifications of pro-choice people, ancestors and contemporary, are not usually vicious, but rather they do not understand the humanity of the preborn. Today's pro-abortion person, however, has far less excuse for not understanding. Thousands of years ago medical science, when it existed, did not know the facts about the preborn. Today it does. Today's pro-abortion person needs only to listen to the doctors telling them that the preborn is, from the moment of fertilization, a live human being and is separate from the mother's body. Then, if they want to continue to be pro-abortion, they will have to own-up to the fact that they favor killing. Long ago, things were more confused.

At some unknown time in history, the term "quickening" was invented. Quickening originally meant "when formed" and referred to when the soul was formed. Early Christian church Fathers argued considerably about when quickening occurred. Nonetheless, they seemingly all condemned abortion at all times of a pregnancy. The penalty they imposed for aborting was up to approximately seven years of public penance, with the more severe sentencing for abortions after quickening (not that they knew when quickening was).

As civil governments replaced ecclesiastical (church) law, quickening was redefined from "when formed" (referring to the soul) to "felt life" (referring to feeling the baby moving). The opinion in vogue during this period was that the baby wasn't alive until quickening. Nonetheless, all abortion was condemned. Abortion prior to quickening was punishable as a misdemeanor; abortion after was a felony.

Until two millennia ago (2,000 years ago), abortion was uncommon. Parents chose to kill their babies after they were born instead of before. The reason for this is very simple: Abortion methods were very dangerous to the mother. There were two basic abortion methods. One was for the mother to take a poison. "Hopefully", the poison was just the right dose and just the right type to kill her baby, but not to kill the mother. The other method was to physically abuse the mother's abdomen. This might have been abuse from the outside or abuse on the inside. Often, of course, the baby would be delivered alive. And often, of course, this baby would be then killed.

But because the mother was endangered by abortion, infanticide was the method of choice. Why should a woman, the reasoning went, subject herself to danger when all she wants to do is avoid having an unwanted child? Today, we too sometimes make the choice for infanticide. In late-term abortions, many times the procedure really isn't an abortion at all. The doctor will perform an operation similar to a Caesarean. He is supposed to kill the baby before he lifts him out. But often he lifts him out and then kills him. Since killing by abortion is "moral", this killing is "moral" also. But in addition, since killing outside of the womb is moral, undoubtedly doctors have also lifted out babies from the hospital nurseries and killed them. There really is very little difference.

After the year 1750 a technique of killing preborn babies was developed which allowed the murderer to kill, relatively safely for the mother, by inserting sharp instruments into the womb. The word, , is a relative one. No abortion even today is totally safe for the mother, but the new technique enabled many women to choose to kill their babies by abortion instead of by infanticide. This was, obviously, of great significant physical advantage to the mothers, and it was also a great emotional advantage. Now the mothers would no longer have to see and perhaps hold their own baby and then personally execute him by whatever means she could emotionally withstand. The abortion rate skyrocketed.

Although it was in 1677 that it was discovered that seminal fluid contained sperm cells, it wasn't until approximately 1850 that the scientific community fully accepted the fact that sperm unites with egg in a process that causes babies. In fact, even for a short period after 1677, scientists drew pictures of sperm cells showing little men curled up in the heads of the cells.

As a result of the breakthrough in understanding, the American Medical Association understood the humanity of the preborn and understood that he was alive at all times, and they therefore pushed hard for the enacting of laws prohibiting abortion.[1] Subsequently, all states passed laws banning it, and in addition they made the crime a felony regardless of the alleged quickening.

The crime of abortion was generally enforced only against the abortionists, not against the mothers. Whether this is right or wrong is an issue not suited for this article, but I comment that pro-life today also does not favor prosecuting women who have abortions, but only prosecuting the abortionists and their accomplices.

In the late 1960's and early 1970's, there was a growing trend in the United States to allow abortion on demand (request). In fact abortion laws were considerably liberalized in Washington (state), California, Colorado, and New York during these years. Unquestionably, the people of the United States were overwhelmingly pro-life. However, in 1973, against the wishes of the vast majority of voters, the United States Supreme Court "justices" shocked the nation by decreeing in its and its decisions that a woman could kill her baby for any reason whatsoever as long as the baby hadn't been born yet.

Since that time, approximately 32,000,000[2] babies have been murdered in the womb in the United States. While many people think that this is moral because it is legal, good Christians who understand that a preborn is both human and a life separate from the body of the mother, realize that it is highly immoral. They know that there is someone more Supreme than the "Supreme" Court, and He tells us "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself." Is there any closer neighbor to a pregnant woman than her preborn baby? The history of abortion is still being made. One day, with your help, support, and prayer, the carnage can be stopped. In the meanwhile, abortion will continue to be the greatest cause of death in the US, and this is true even when considering only the abortions done for ordinary birth control. This almost totally preventable cause of death kills more people in the US than the next twelve causes combined, including heart disease and cancer, and lowers the life expectancy of Americans from 75 to 41.[3]

If you want to get involved in pro-life, please call the following number for a referral to an organization in your area that will meet your criteria for how you want to help. American Life League: (703) 659-4171.


1. , US Supreme Court, 1973, VI, 6, p. 26. 2. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion. 3. From *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989, plus personal calculation from statistics in Note 2 plus figure of l,800,000 abortions per year. Article 13 *The Pregnant Mother in Need What You Can Do

by Lynn K. Murphy


I am a writer of pro-life (anti-abortion) material. As such, this article does not describe what all pregnant mothers in general need, but only pregnant mothers that may be considering having an abortion. I think most of you realize that abortion kills an innocent, defenseless human being, but by far most of the mothers who abort do not think so. We realize that God said, "Thou shalt not kill"[1] and "Love thy neighbor as thyself"[2], and since there is no neighbor closer to a mother than her preborn baby, we must do whatever we can to convince her to give birth.

And what does this entail? Quite a lot, actually. Don't be dismayed, however. If you are going to help, you won't have to start from scratch; usually what needs to be done is already being done to a limited extent by Christian pregnancy-counseling organizations across the nation. My focus is therefore to show you what you can do if you want to join their efforts. Believe me, they need your help! During the next twenty-four hours, 4,900 babies will die from abortion in America!

The primary Christian counseling organizations are the Crisis Pregnancy Centers, affiliated with the Christian Action Council, and Birthright. (Do not confuse Christian counseling with that of other groups such as Planned Parenthood. Unlike the other groups, Christian counselors *do not* recommend abortion.) Christian agencies typically provide tests to determine whether a woman or girl is pregnant, and then if she is, they provide her with information about fetal development and about abortion in hope that she would not choose to kill her baby. In addition the counseling organizations try to meet the mothers' needs. Since abortion is legal for *any* reason at *any* time, the mother can choose to have an abortion by any rationale. For instance, she may not be able to afford maternity clothes or baby clothes. So the counselors give these to her. Or she may have been told by her parents, husband or boyfriend that he would kick her out of the home if she didn't have an abortion. So the counselors find a home she can live in for free for a while.

As they counsel the woman, they don't project the attitude that the woman is a vicious killer, and they do not even use the word "kill." Instead they teach her about fetal development. Many of you are like I am. Somehow we have always known that the preborn baby is a human being and actually looks like a baby. But pro-choice professionals actively and aggressively teach us and our children that this is not the case. They teach that the preborn is a blob, a mass of protoplasm, an "it," an obstruction to menstrual flow, or a problem. If that was all the preborn baby was, and if abortion didn't hurt women, I guess I too would be pro-abortion. The pro-life counselors educate the mothers by showing them pictures of the development of the preborn, week by week and month by month, and by talking with the mothers.

This also nullifies another problem that the pro-abortion people create. They teach that the preborn is a part of the mother's body. If this was the case, then abortion might be no worse that having an appendix removed or having a nose job. The pictures of the baby developing in the womb clearly show that he is a separate human being. Thus, an abortion kills a person.

As the pro-life counselor talks with the mother, she hopes to become friends with her. This is a very important facet of the counseling. The mother is usually young and almost always frightened. She feels that both physical and emotional pain are inevitable. She may be afraid of losing her boyfriend if she stays pregnant, or of telling her parents that she's pregnant, or of having a deformed baby, or she may wonder how she can finish school. Some or all of these fears may become actualities for her, but the counselor can help her cope. The counselor has already had experiences with other girls like her and may have had her own bad experiences. The counselor knows the best ways to tell parents, she knows the facts on the likelihood of deformities occurring, and she knows about programs to help young mothers finish school. But perhaps equally important is that just being a loving friend really helps the mother to feel better about continuing the pregnancy.

One of the mother's needs may concern money. The counselors do not give her money, but will usually be able to give her maternity clothes, baby clothes and furniture, strollers, bassinets and cribs, and vitamins. Aside from the material value of these things, the giving also reinforces friendship.

Other things available from most pregnancy centers are information on how abortions are done, information on the complications of abortion, education on alternatives to abortion (such as adoption), referrals for adoption and foster care, referrals for medical care and other needed services, referrals for employment, guidance in developing and keeping good relationships with the people in her life, information on support groups and childbirth classes, and lay counseling from women who have already had an abortion. This last item is very important. Severe physical and emotional problems often occur as a result of abortion.

How can you help? There are many, many ways. First, check my referrals below to see if there is a Christian pregnancy counseling organization near you that you would like to assist. If you want to help, don't worry about not knowing how: *they'll train you!* This is what you can do for them: Clerical/secretarial/bookkeeping, single mothers' support group, childbirth support group, childbirth instructions, labor coaching, fundraising, job counseling/job opportunities, hospitality for training sessions, parenting instruction, lay crisis counseling, answer hotline phone, provide housing for needful moms, janitorial/groundskeeper, clothing sorter, and more.

What else can you do? You can pray and you can give. They need everything a pregnant mother needs and everything a baby needs, from clothing to furniture to diapers to books on raising babies.

And they need money. Whereas Planned Parenthood and others who kill our children get well over $100,000,000 per year in your tax money to do this, neither the pro-life-only counseling centers nor any pro-life groups are entitled to support by the taxpayers. However, you can give money directly to pro-life organizations. You should *not* give money to pro-life through United Way even if you specifically designate you that are giving to a specific pro- life organization! This is because United Way won't give all your donation to whom you choose, but will spread part of it around to others, including Planned Parenthood! You can also try to get your church to help. Your congregation may contain many members who would like to give their time and/or money to help stop the killing, and perhaps your church would even want to contribute funds.

Lastly, if there is no Christian pregnancy counseling organization in your area, you can start one! It's not impossible; many people have done it before you. Call one of the referrals below. They'll be glad to help!

Christian Action Council Phone: 703 237-2100 101 W. Broad St., Suite 500 Falls Church, VA 22046

Birthright Phone: 800 848-5683 686 N. Broad Woodbury, NJ 08096

Do **not** call Planned Parenthood.


1. Exodus 20:13. 2. Mark 12:31. Article 14 *How Birth-Control Pills and IUD's Kill

by Lynn K. Murphy


Believe me, I hate to have to tell you this, but you know those birth-control pills and intrauterine devices (IUD's) that you've been using? They often work by abortion. They kill a human being. The Pill doesn't always work this way, but the IUD does.

Fertilization occurs when the sperm enters the egg. According to almost all doctors, human life begins exactly at this time. The embryo that is formed begins to grow, and then, between seven and nine days later, he or she implants on the wall of the uterus (womb). This process of implantation is called conception.

At this point I need to clarify some terminology. People often say that life begins at conception, but they equate conception with fertilization. Because they do not realize that there is a difference between the two, they use the word conception, but are actually referring to fertilization. Life begins at fertilization.

All IUD's, and occasionally all birth control pills, work by preventing the fertilized embryo, which is fully a human being, from implanting on the wall of the uterus. Thus, the baby has no place to go but out of the mother's body and, perhaps, to Heaven. The issue of whether he goes to Heaven is somewhat in dispute, some claiming that he does, some claiming he waits in limbo, and some admitting that there really isn't any way to know for sure.

The subject matter of the Pill or IUD working by aborting undoubtedly touches many of you deeply: many of you have used or are using the Pill or the IUD. You need to keep in mind two things: 1) According to the Bible, you're not guilty for doing things you didn't know are sinful, and 2) even if you knew, you'll still get to Heaven if you repent. Since many people don't know what repent actually means, I'll tell you. It means to turn away from. You must stop using the Pill or IUD.

The best evidence that you will be forgiven for sinning in ignorance is found in Luke 23:34. Here, Jesus is hanging on the cross for the sins of all of us, including His executioners, and He says concerning His executioners, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." What great news for you and me! If the Father would forgive the executioners of His Son, surely we can also be forgiven.

But now that you know what you do, you must no longer do it. For Luke 13:5 tells us, "I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." And Revelation 2:22 says, "Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds." Adultery, according to my dictionary, means more than marital infidelity; it also means spiritual infidelity, or disobedience to God. Lest you feel you can continue to use the Pill or IUD for a while and then repent, keep in mind 1 Thessalonians 5:2: "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night." Will you be ready?

*How the Pill works*:[1]

There are three categories of mechanisms through which the Pill accomplishes its birth-control effects.

1. The activity of the hormones in the Pill tends to suppress ovulation. I.e., eggs may not be formed.

2. Alterations in the female genital tract, including hostile changes in the cervical mucus, make it more difficult for the sperm to reach the egg.

3. The lining of the uterus is altered in such a way that implantation is made impossible. (Fertilization has already occurred. Thus, the baby dies from abortion.)

Obviously, if mechanisms one and two fail, mechanism three causes the birth control. Fortunately, mechanisms one and two succeed between 90 and 98 percent of the time. Unfortunately, the Pill therefore works 2 to 10 percent of the time by killing a human being. For the average woman using the Pill, this means that she has about one abortion each year.

Prior to October, 1988, Pills were available that were more than 98% effective with the first two mechanisms. These Pills, however, caused certain medical problems for the women who were taking them. Therefore, they were replaced by the Pills currently in use. It is unknown how many abortions the old Pills caused per year for the average woman.

*How the IUD works*:[2]

These devices kill by means of the copper or progesterone contained in them, which interfere with enzymatic processes and therefore implantation of the baby onto the mother's womb.

*What you can do*:

Obviously, if you are currently using the Pill or the IUD, you can stop. You can also pray, asking for forgiveness. Then, you can see to it that this information is distributed to your church congregation. (If *you* don't do this, nobody else will either.) Although it is perfectly true that all us Christians will be forgiven for our sins if we repent, this does not mean that we shouldn't show others that they are sinning. By Jesus's death, our sins are forgiven, but the fact of forgiveness is *not* a justification for sinning; it is a grace. Therefore, neither you, I, nor members of our congregations should sin, knowingly or unknowingly.

People everywhere need to know that the Pill and the IUD kill innocent, defenseless human life. God said, "Thou shalt not kill,"[3] and "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself."[4] There is no closer neighbor that a mother's preborn baby.

Even though it would be good to inform your congregation, are you apprehensive about doing this? Then remember James 4:17: "Therefore, to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."


1. "The Pill and the IUD," a tract by The Couple to Couple League. 2. "Pharmaceutical Companies: The New Abortionists," Human Life International Reprint 16. 3. Exodus 20:13. 4. Mark 12:31.

Article 15 *The Victims of Abortion: The Baby and the Parents

by Lynn K. Murphy


Abortion is a legal act, but a heinous crime. It is a crime against God, against the baby, and against the parents even though at least one of the parents seeks it.

Often when a woman or girl has gotten pregnant, it was because she knew that she'd had no need to abstain from sex or to use a birth-control device, and she knew she had no need because abortion is so readily available. She knew abortion could be her birth control. Society tells her that abortion is a simple, painless procedure, and that because it is legal, there is nothing wrong with it.

The fetus, pro-choice people tell us, is merely a blob, or a mass of protoplasm, or an obstruction to menstrual flow. It is never a baby. A pregnant girl who doesn't want a baby will accept that because she doesn't want her pregnancy to be a baby and because she doesn't think for herself. She wants her fetus to be a blob. That way she won't be killing someone by having an abortion. There are many ways to prove that the fetus is an actual baby, but I think that if the pregnant girl, or even you, would think about it for a moment, you would find that you just know in your heart that he is. You know that the baby is a live, human being.

Abortion kills that baby. There are many ways to kill a preborn baby, all of them painful to the baby. Anesthetics are not used. To use anesthetics would be to admit that what is being killed is more than a mass of protoplasm. Those who profit from abortion don't want their victims to know this--it would cause the abortion providers to lose business.

The primary way of killing a baby is with "suction aspiration." In this fifteen minute procedure, a powerful suction tube is inserted through the vagina. The baby is torn to pieces and sucked into a jar. He is then flushed down the toilet or sink. A variation on this is used when he is too big to pass through the suction hose. Instead the abortionists reaches into the womb with his tools and tears the baby's arms and legs off. When the head is too big to pass through the undilated vagina, he crushes it. Later, a nurse reassembles the body parts to make sure none were left inside the woman, and then she throws the remains in a dumpster. In Los Angeles in 1988, approximately 17,000 dead, mutilated babies were found in a dumpster.[1]

Salt poisoning is another method. Here, the womb is injected with a saline solution. The baby chemically burns to death from inside and outside of his body. His experience may last forty-eight hours, and in some cases he may be born alive. Usually, this "problem" is then solved by illegal murder. And why not? The goal was to have a dead baby. That goal was not attained, and the abortionist knows he won't be prosecuted even for the illegal murder.

I must point out to you something very unexpected: The way, and the only way, that IUD's work is by abortion, and from two to ten percent of the time this is also how the birth-control pills work.[2] In these cases the IUD's and pills do not prevent fertilization, but they abort the formed human being.

If you have been using these devices, you can be forgiven. I believe you will be forgiven for "knowing not what you do" as Jesus asked for forgiveness of His executioners (Luke 23:34), and if you have known what you've been doing but repent (turn away from) you will be forgiven because Jesus says so. See Luke 13:5 and Revelation 2:22.

You also would like to know that a baby who is aborted because of an IUD or birth-control pill is too young to feel pain. However, you may feel mental anguish because of the abortion.

Abortion isn't necessarily easy on the mother. Although many mothers have abortions and say they have no problems with it, many suffer for a lifetime. There are both physical and emotional complications.

Some of the physical ones are death, perforation of the uterus, scarring of the uterus, an increase in (later) tubal pregnancies, sterility, much greater likelihood of future miscarriages, future Rh difficulties, adherent placenta, infections, blood clots, and even hepatitis and AIDS from blood transfusions. Those are physical difficulties of the mother. The future babies, if any, can also have problems, such as prematurity and low birth weight. Premature babies have a lower probability of survival than do full-term babies.

Emotional difficulties are also very common after an abortion. The initial feelings after an abortion may include relief that the "procedure" is over, but later the mother may learn the truth about what she has done. Then she is filled with guilt and remorse. She may have child after child to try to make up for her sin, or she may commit suicide.

Statistics show that suicide among *pregnant* women is extremely rare, but Cincinnati Suiciders Anonymous reports that 1,800 of its 4,000 women members have had abortions.[3] Perhaps this would help explain why the suicide rate in this nation is twice the homicide rate.

There are hundreds of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers affiliated with or run by the Christian Action Council and Birthright that strive to prevent the occurrence of victims of abortion, and there are even pro-life organizations established to help the women victims who have already had an abortion. For instance in Venus, Texas, there is Women Exploited by Abortion, and in Nashville, Tennessee is American Rights Coalition. Women exploited by Abortion is primarily educational. American Rights Coalition, however, offers more direct help. Through their toll-free hot line, a woman experiencing either physical or emotional difficulties can get a referral to pro-life doctors and pro-life attorneys. If there is to be a lawsuit, the only fee is a percentage of the settlement that the court orders. If the abortion victim loses, there is no fee.

I've talked about two victims so far, the baby and the mother. Did I leave anyone out? Society won't hardly let us realize this, but the father is also a victim. Granted, it is often the father who insists that the mother have an abortion, but this isn't by any means universal. Often, the father tries to stop her. Often he feels and knows that the baby is a live, defenseless human being, his son or daughter. He knows that the act of abortion kills his son or daughter. And he knows that, besides to argue with the mother, there is nothing he can do to stop it. Even society in general is against him. They call it a women's issue and none of his business. Besides, men aren't supposed to have feelings. And who in society, including social workers, attorneys, and judges, would ever consider the following choice as appropriate for the mother: Let the father raise the child. Or if the father is deemed unfit, what about the almost forgotten choice, adoption? There are approximately 75 sets of parents on waiting lists to adopt newborns for every 1 newborn available for adoption.[4] Meanwhile, the killing goes on!

Thus, we have seen who the victims of abortion are. God too is a victim. However, I can't know how He reacts to this sin. Abortion, by the way, is the leading cause of death in the United States. In the United States more people (babies) die from abortion than all people do from the next twelve leading causes of death combined, including heart disease and cancer.[5] The baby death rate is 1,800,000 per year, or 4,900 per day.[6]

Have you been involved with an abortion? Have you been pro-choice? Don't worry. Jesus died on the cross *for you*. However, you must remember that you must believe that He did, *and you must repent*.[7] To repent means to turn away from. You must turn away from the heinous sin of abortion.


1. Los Angeles County Health Department. 2. "HLI REPORTS," April 1990, p. 4. 3. Testimony Cincinnati, Ohio, City Council by The Cincinnati Group of Suiciders Anonymous. 4. There are many literature sources for this, but because of adoption secrecy laws, none are accurate. Estimates run from 60 to 300. 5. From *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989. 6. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 7. Luke 13:5 and Revelation 2:22

Article 16 *What the Choice of Abortion Really Means

by Lynn K. Murphy


Choice. What a great word! We can choose chocolate, choose Jesus, or choose choice prime rib. Our nation's founders gave us choice when they provided for our freedoms. Our constitution guarantees us freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of press. However aren't we, even those of us who aren't Christians, supposed to use our freedoms responsibly? If we choose adultery, is that a responsible choice? If we choose abortion, is that a responsible choice?

Some would say, "Yes." But by far most of these people don't understand what the choice to abort really means. They don't understand what abortion really is.

Abortion is the deliberate killing of innocent, defenseless, human life in the womb. God forgives us sinners, but only if we repent[1]. If you have had an abortion, helped someone decide to have one, or are pro-choice, you must learn and accept what abortion really is. You must then confess your sin and repent (turn away from) now, "for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not."[2]

Pro-choice people deny the humanity of the preborn. They consider him to be a blob, a mass of protoplasm, an obstruction to menstrual flow, a problem, and most seriously, a part of the woman's body. But if he is a separate life, abortion kills a human being. The pro-choice people are wrong, the preborn baby is *not* a part of his mother's body. There are many ways to prove this, some secular, some Biblical.

For instance, a preborn baby has his own brain, heart, and blood supply. His blood may be of a different type than his mother's. He always has his father's chromosomes. How could he be a part of his mother? If the baby is a boy and *is* a part of his mother's body, then his mother would have to have two sexes. There are many more secular arguments to prove the separateness, but I'll give just one more.

Suppose we have a test tube, and in the test tube we fertilize a Black woman's egg with a Caucasian man's sperm. Then suppose we artificially inseminate an Oriental woman. Does the preborn baby now have three races? Does the Oriental woman now have three races? When the baby is born, does he change back to having two races? Does the Oriental woman change back to having one? The answers are no, no, no, and no. Therefore, preborn babies are never a part of their mother's bodies. Therefore, abortion kills a separate human being.

For scriptural proof of the humanity and separateness of the preborn, I offer you without comment, but with my own underlining, the following quotes from the Bible:

"Did not he who made me *in* the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both *within* our mothers?" Job 31:15 (NIV) "Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews." Job 10:11 (NIV)

"For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me *in* my mother's womb." Psalms 139:13 (KJV)

"Before I formed you *in* the womb I knew you; *before* you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV)

"For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the *babe* leaped in my womb for joy." Luke 1:44 (KJV)

Thus, we see that without question the preborn baby is a human being, and not merely a part of his mother's body. Besides, you already knew this in your heart. I must point out to you something very unexpected: The way, and the only way, that IUD's work is by abortion, and from two to ten percent of the time this is also how the birth-control pills work.[3] In these cases the IUD's and pills do not prevent fertilization, but they abort the formed human being.

If you have been using these devices, you can be forgiven. I believe you will be forgiven for "knowing not what you do," as Jesus asked for forgiveness of His executioners (Luke 23:34), and if you have known what you've been doing but repent (turn away from) you will be forgiven because Jesus says so. See Luke 13:5 and Revelation 2:22.

For a moment, let's not consider what the fetus is. Let's just say that someone removes him from the womb. He will now die, no matter whether he's human or was a part of his mother. Removed appendixes die, removed tumors die, and removed fetuses die.

Therefore, if the preborn is a human (and we have shown that he is), he dies. A human being dies. More completely, since his death is brought on purposely, he is murdered.

This is abortion; this is a woman's choice. However, there is even more to abortion.[4] What about the pain the baby has when he is being killed? Although he is incapable of feeling pain if aborted by the IUD or birth- control pill, in many other abortions he does feel it. The most common way of killing him is to tear off his arms and legs by suction or with forceps. In later-term abortions his skull is crushed to make him fit through the vagina. Anesthetics are never used on the baby.

And the mother suffers too. There are many physical and emotional complications to abortion. Sometimes even her death occurs, and very often a woman will realize too late what she has actually done. The emotional scars may never heal.

Even Planned Parenthood, the nation's and world's largest provider of abortions says that abortion hurts nine out of ten women who have one.[5]

And let us not forget about fetal research. This is far more than just research on already dead babies. Research, financed by the drug companies, begins in the womb. "And why not?" they would reason. "After all, if abortion is legal, then there can't be anything wrong with disturbing the fetus." So they do their drug testing. Often, when the baby is to be aborted, he is, without the knowledge of his mother, purposely born alive. Then he is secreted away into a remote part of the hospital where the research can continue until it kills him or he is murdered. It must be one or the other: Officially he never existed.

So now we all know what abortion really is. I'm all for choice, but not this choice. Let the woman choose not to have sex. Let her choose to use a condom. But God said, "Thou shalt not kill," and he meant it. Let her not choose to kill. Let her choose to raise her baby, to let him be adopted, or to let his father have him.

And if you have been pro-choice, let you choose to understand, accept, confess, and repent. For Mark 12:30,31 tells us, "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." And there is no neighbor closer to a woman than her preborn baby.


1. Luke 13:5 and Revelation 2:22. 2. Luke 12:40 3. "HLI REPORTS," April 1990, p. 4. 4. Information available in hundreds of medical books. 5. Planned Parenthood's Department of Education <3-Year Plan and Long Range Program Goals 1990 - 1993>, written in 1989.

Article 17 *The Abortion Industry: Megabucks from Megadeaths

by Lynn K. Murphy


"Megadeaths? Be serious," you might be saying. "I know abortion has been around awhile, but it's legal, it's just a procedure. What are you talking about?"

Abortion was legalized by the "Supreme" Court in 1973, and since that time 32,000,000[1] babies have been killed by abortion in the United States. The current death rate in the United States is approximately 1,800,000[1] per year.

There are several other ways to express these statistics:[2] 32,000,000 is approximately the population of our 22 least populated states; 1 in 3.5 pregnancies end in abortion[3]; one in eight Americans have been killed by abortion; we have 4,900 abortions per day; it would take 25,600 football fields, not counting end zones, to bury all the bodies six feet apart[4]; if one telephone pole represented one death, we would have to encircle the Earth 58 times to represent the US deaths from abortion[5]; although almost totally preventable, abortion is the leading cause of death in the US, exceeding the next twelve causes combined, including heart disease and cancer[6]; abortion has killed 28 times more Americans than Americans were killed in all of our wars combined[7]; abortion causes 46% of the deaths and lowers the life expectancy of Americans from approximately 75 to 41.[8]

This is Megadeath.

Now, what about the Megabucks? The abortion industry is big, big business, grossing well over one billion dollars annually. While not all of the abortion-giving organizations exist to make a profit, many do. Much of the income comes from you. You pay taxes to kill babies. In California, for example, state taxes pay for more than 100,000 deaths annually.[9]

This, unfortunately, is merely the tip of the iceberg. Other sources of money are the mothers, "charitable" foundations, and the insurance companies. In 1989 the so-called charitable foundations gave $29,000,000 to abortion and sex education in the US.[10] From the data available, it is impossible to say how much of this went into abortion and how much into sex education, but generally speaking it doesn't matter much. Most people think that sex education is a good thing; they think it prevents pregnancies and therefore decreases abortions. But it doesn't. Sex education teaches far more than biology and basic how-to knowledge. Many of the courses also teach our children how to be sexual, uninhibited, free, loose, and promiscuous. In one example of this, students, with both sexes together, are forced by peer pressure to brainstorm the various terms for their bodys' sexual parts. Often, those who refuse to participate for Christian or any other reasons are expelled from school. As a result of this program and many others, sex education has had an effect opposite to what the general public has wanted. There is more evidence of this later in this article.

Sex education has dramatically increased the pregnancy rate and the abortion rate. As many of you can remember, teenage pregnancy twenty years ago was uncommon. That was when sex education programs were just beginning to be taught in our schools. We all know that now teenage pregnancy is an epidemic in the United States. The United States has the highest teenage abortion rate in the world. Information shown later proves that sex education caused this epidemic.

As I previously said, insurance companies are sources of money for abortion. Undoubtedly, the reason for this is that it is cheaper for an insurance company to pay to have a baby killed than to pay for prenatal care for the mother and then pay for delivery.

There are also other profits from abortion. There is the personal profit of the abortionists and employees who make their "living" from killing. Also, many people gain positions of great power, authority, and prestige from their professional positions. Some of these people educate and lobby our media representatives, legislators, Parent-Teacher Associations, and school boards, and more. Undoubtedly, many of these "upstanding" members of our society obtain considerable job satisfaction from this.

While all the great money takers continually espouse the great "virtues" of abortion, it is nonetheless true that they would hardly bother to say anything at all if there was no money to take.

One of the former takers was Carol Everett. She owned a chain of Killing Centers in Texas, but since those days she has found Jesus and repented. On a radio interview on January 22, 1990, she said, "I believed I was helping women, and I honestly thought in the beginning that God had me there to help those women. The reality was that it was just a money game. Abortion is the largest uncontrolled industry in this nation today. It is based on the dollar, and that's all." She went on to say the following in that interview:

You have one abortionist in the California area who blatantly says he charges $8,000 for what is actually a third-trimester abortion. So, it's a numbers game. The last month I was in the abortion industry, we did 545 abortions, and 545 times $2,500, that's $13,625, my income for the last month I was in the abortion industry. And that was a bad month. [Note that Ms. Everett made a mistake in her mathematics and in later years shows an income of approximately $160,000 per month.] I expected in the year 1983 to make somewhere between 250 and 260 thousand dollars, and in 1984 we were going to expand. We expected to do 40,000 abortions in 1984, and that would have meant a million dollars in my pocket.

Later, she talked about the birth-control pill:

We deliberately gave them a low-dose pill with a high rate of pregnancy, knowing they wouldn't take the pill properly. They would be sexually active once a week before the pill, five to seven times a week after the pill. They'd get pregnant, and when they came back, abortion, abortion, abortion. *You cannot separate family planning from abortion. The entire agenda of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the nation, is to get our young people sexually active younger and younger.* We actually wanted to get three to five abortions out of each teenager between the ages of 13 and 18. It's a planned agenda. *Contraceptives equal abortion.*

Ms. Everett went on to talk about lying to their patients, telling many of the ones that weren't pregnant that they were pregnant so that they could sell them abortions, and, through both physical manipulations of their abdomens and mental manipulations , scaring the living daylights out of women so that they would choose to abort. (Is abortion really a woman's choice, or is it the abortionist's choice?)

Ms. Everett concludes by talking about botched abortions, which she says were common, and Killing Centers' cover-ups of the problems. The cover-ups, she said, show the complicity between the law-enforcement community, the medical community, and the abortionists.

Pro-aborts also get money in other ways. For instance, while America judged and condemned Adolf Hitler for making lamp shades from the skins of the Jews, Americans made, sold, and bought paper weights consisting of aborted babies encapsulated in plastic. A company in Australia makes pendants and earrings containing actual, small aborted babies.

Another way the greed manifests itself is through fetal experimentation. Fetal experimentation, which is a rapidly growing part of abortion, includes far more than experiments on already-dead babies. It includes experiments on live babies before they are born and on live babies after they are supposedly aborted. The live babies, which the mothers usually think are dead abortions, are secreted away to some remote corner of the hospital where drug-testing and other experiments, begun on him before his birth, are continued. A test lasts until the baby dies from it or until he is no longer wanted. He is then murdered. As you might expect, this too results in the exchange of Megabucks.

I ask you, what do we really have here? Abortion, a Woman's Choice? or The Abortion Industry, Megabucks from Megadeaths?


1. A figure accepted as approximately correct by pro-life and pro-abortion. 2. A few of the figures are referenced below; a few are calculated by the author from the referenced figures. 3. The *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992* (for 1988 data), page 75, shows that the national average abortion rate was 401 abortions for every 1000 live births, and the California abortion rate is 594 abortions per 1000 live births. The 401 of 1,401 *pregnancies* is equal to 1 in 3.49. 4. A football field is 100 yards by 160 feet. 5. For telephone poles 240 feet apart. 6. From *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989. 7. US Census Bureau statistics. 8. By personal calculation from statistics in Note 6 plus figure of 1,800,000 abortions per year, a figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro- life and pro-abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 9. "California ProLife News," March, 1991, P. 6. 10. "Report on Foundational Giving to Abortion and Contraception in the United States in 1989," by Lynn K. Murphy, p. Tables 3, 4, and 6.

Article 18 *The Pro-Life Movement Where it is and Where it's Going Join Us!

by Lynn K. Murphy


There have always been pro-life people, but we can only recognize pro-life as a movement in the United States since about 1970. During the late 60's and early 70's, there was a growing tendency in some states to allow women to kill their children in the womb, and in fact abortion laws were considerably liberalized in Washington (state), California, Colorado, and New York during these years. As a reaction to that, the pro-life movement began.

At first it was only a small effort. But in 1973 the United States Supreme Court shocked the nation by decreeing in two court cases that a woman could kill her preborn baby at any time during her pregnancy and for any reason.

One of these cases was the decision, reached on January 22, 1973. By this decision, the "Supreme" Court denied the personhood of the preborn (which took away all his rights) and permitted abortion during any time of the pregnancy.[2] The mother could have the abortion provided that the physician recommended it. He could recommend it for any reason. Pregnancy was divided into three trimesters (thirds) and it was mandated that there could be no restrictions on abortion during the first trimester except that it had to be done by a licensed physician, and that abortions during the second and third trimesters had to be done by a licensed physician in a hospital.

The decision, unfortunately, wasn't the only mayhem levied against Americans by the "Supreme" Court on that scandalous day in 1973. On that same day, they made their equally infamous decision.[4] This decision decreed that abortion was now the mothers' decision, not the physicians'. In other words, it expanded the criteria of to include any reason the mother would care to give, instead of what the physician would care to give, regarding her health. A mother would only need to claim that to have the baby would be a difficulty. Thus her health would be affected; thus she could have an abortion. She could do this because of alleged problems with money, emotions, time, job, career, or readiness. In other words, she could now kill her baby for her own convenience. Furthermore, she could now kill him with a clear conscience: It was legal.

This type of killing is called abortion on demand, and really means abortion on request.

As a result of this, pro-life organizations began to pop up. Probably all of these organizations were Christian based, although there is presently a group called Atheists for Life. The fastest-growing pro-life group was the National Right to Life Committee. This group currently has approximately 3,000 chapters and affiliates and an unknown number of members. Of equal virtue, and perhaps larger, is American Life League, having 56 affiliates and 250,000 members.

These two organizations are by far the largest educational pro-life groups in the nation. They also have lobbying arms that engage in a considerable amount of political activity. Another very large group is the Pro-Life Action League. This group concentrates on education, picketing, and rescue.

There are many functions of pro-life groups. Other than educational and lobbying functions, there is also counseling and supplying the material needs of pregnant women, picketing, prayer, blockading, boycotting, adoption, and lobbying our church leadership to turn them away from death.

The educational function consists of creating and distributing literature to the media and the general public, and holding public events to show the people and the lawmakers that millions of people are pro-life. For example, on the seventeenth anniversary of , pro-lifers held a rally at the Washington Monument. Approximately 350,000 people showed up. This was the biggest political rally the United States had ever seen.

Lobbying activities include drafting pro-life legislation for introduction to the state and federal legislatures, filing legal briefs for court cases, lobbying legislators about pro-life and pro-abortion bills, and encouraging pro-life people to run for political office and helping them campaign.

Counseling is perhaps the largest pro-life activity. The primary counseling organizations are the Crisis Pregnancy Centers, operated by the Christian Action Council, and Birthright. These agencies typically provide tests to determine whether a woman or girl is pregnant, and then if she is, counseling to try to convince her not to kill her baby. As a part of this, the counseling organizations try to meet the mothers' needs. Since abortion is legal for any reason at any time, the mother can choose to kill her preborn baby for any reason, no matter how trivial. For instance, she may not be able to afford maternity clothes or baby clothes. If this is a particular woman's meed, the counselors give these to her. Or she may have been told by her husband or boyfriend that he would kick her out of the home if she didn't have a abortion. So the counselors find a home she can live in for free for a while.

Although Birthright and Crisis Pregnancy Centers handle other people's crises, they have their own, that being money. Whereas Planned Parenthood and others who kill our children get well over $100,000,000 per year of your tax money to do this, neither the counseling centers nor any pro-life groups are entitled to support by the taxpayers. If we had $100,000,000 for just one year, through education we could probably convince enough voters and legislators to end abortion that year.

Pro-life groups also picket. This is usually done at the Killing Centers, which, by the way, are probably located in *your* neighborhood. Picketing is usually done on kill days. (Fortunately, not every "clinic" kills every day.) Occasionally, we also picket the homes of the abortionists. Often, we will even picket with children who are carrying a small casket.

A part of picketing includes prayer. We pray not only that there be no killing, but we pray for the salvation of the mothers, the clinic operators, and the abortionists. The clinic operators and the abortionists often demand that we stop this.

Pro-life also blockades. Also called rescue, blockading is an extension of picketing to actually physically putting our bodies between the abortionist and his or her intended victim. The scriptural basis for blockading comes to us from Proverbs 24:11, "Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter." (NIV). The largest rescue group is Operation Rescue.


ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ Senator Alan Cranston*, Democrat from California, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ has introduced a bill to make Rescue a Felony. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Christians should term convicted Rescuers as "Guilty of ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Felony Lifesaving." ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ * Rescue is the by far the most confrontational pro-life activity, and it often results in trespassing arrests, jail terms, and fines. Recently in Portland, Oregon, individual members of Advocates for Life were ordered via a civil suit to pay $8,000,000 to a Killing Center for punitive damages. Naturally, the pro-lifers will not pay--their money would go toward killing. Because of heavy fines and jail terms, the rescue movement is weakening, but it is still a long way from ending. The resolve to rescue is still very strong.

Boycotting within the pro-life movement is in its infancy, and a great deal more needs to be done. Many corporations and foundations give money to death. Perhaps worse, almost every medical-insurance company pays for abortions. Their reasoning is that it is cheaper to kill (my term) the baby than to provide the longer-term care needed to bring him out alive. The pro-life movement severely needs a large, Christian network that will keep its members informed on whom to boycott.

Pro-life activism in adoption mostly takes the form of referrals to adoption agencies and attorneys. The reason for this is that the structure for getting babies adopted has always existed and will continue to exist without the help of already-overworked pro-life volunteers. The two primary settings from which pro-lifers refer are counseling centers and the Killing Centers where we picket and blockade.

Unfortunately, one necessary (but mostly absent) pro-life activity is lobbying our church leadership to be pro-life. Incredibly, many denominations have officially abandoned God's commandments not to kill and to love your neighbor as yourself. (There is no closer neighbor to a mother than her preborn baby.) Sometimes they haven't abandoned scripture, but rather do not understand that the preborn baby is an actual, live human being. Instead, they have accepted the pro-abortion rhetoric that he is merely a blob or a mass of protoplasm.

* Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1991. Co-sponsors: Robert Packwood and Brock Adams. * ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ "For the time will come when they will not ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ endure sound doctrine; but after their own ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ having itching ears" 2Timothy 4:3 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ *

In addition, the church leadership is also afraid to be controversial and thereby lose membership. But isn't it a sin to allow, and sometimes even to encourage your church members to kill each other? I ask that you pray that God forgives them, for they know not what they do.

Although pro-life organizations work mostly in anti-abortion, they also work against infanticide and euthanasia. Infanticide, the killing of already-born babies, is a growing problem. Some of the murders are done as part of abortion procedures where the baby is removed from the womb alive to simplify the procedure, and then killed, and some are done where the baby is removed alive so that drug experiments can be done on him. If the experiments don't kill him, the doctors will kill him when the child becomes unwanted. They have to: He doesn't legally exist.

Euthanasia is the deliberate killing of older, born humans that other humans decree have insufficient reason to live. The pro-euthanasia movement is presently in its infancy, but it is gaining strength rapidly. One of its magnanimous dangers is that, just as the "justifications" for abortion expanded to "justify" infanticide, euthanasia will certainly expand to include those people who are in some way objectionable to whoever is in charge. Euthanasia is, of course, what Adolf Hitler practiced. Time will tell who will be on the hit list in America. Will it be Republicans? the elderly? Christians? those who harm the environment? you?

Pro-life needs *your* help. There are many, many types of functions you can fulfill, and there are many organizations that want *you*. Below is a partial list which includes what these organizations do. Most people who choose to help choose to belong to a pro-life organization and work through it. The table below is a list of the major pro-life organizations in the United States. If you would like to join one of these organizations, do not be dismayed that they are far from you: Some have many branch offices or affiliates. The four that have the most of these are American Life League, National Right to Life, Christian Action Council, and Birthright.

*Pro-Life Organizations and What They Do*

Y = yes blank = no B = yes for Before-birth counseling P = yes for Post-abortion counseling

*Educate* *Politics* *Counsel* *Picket* *Rescue * *Adpt_Refrl* *Chrch_Lobby* American Life League, Inc. Y Y Y Phone: 703 659-4171 P. O. Box 1350 Stafford, VA 22554

Bethany Christian Services Y B P Y 1 800 BETHANY or 616 459-6273 901 Eastern NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Birthright Y B Y 1 800 848-5683 686 N. Broad Woodbury, NJ 08096

Christian Action Council Y Y Y Y Y including Crisis Pregnancy Counseling Phone: 703 237-2100 101 W. Broad St., Suite 500 Falls Church, VA 22046 Concerned Women of America Y Y B Y Phone: 202 488-7000 122 C Street NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20001

Human Life International USA Y Y Y Y Phone: 301 670-7884 7845 E. Airpark Road Gaithersburg, MD 20879

John Cardinal O'Conner's Y B P Y Respect Life Program Phone: 914 693-4345 1 Cross Road Ardsley, NY 10502 National Pro-Life Religious Council Y Y Y Phone: 202 626-8800 (same as below) 419 7[th] St. NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004 National Right to Life Y Y P Y Y Y Phone: 202 626-8800 419 7[th] St. NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004 Operation Rescue Y Y Y Phone: 803 821-8441 P. O. Box 27 Summerville, SC 29484 Pro-Life Action League Y Y Y Y Phone: 312 777-2900 6160 N. Cicero #210 Chicago, IL 60646

Do *not* volunteer at Planned Parenthood! Article 19

*What *You* Can Do about Abortion

by Lynn K. Murphy


Abortion became legal in the United States in 1973, and since that time 32,000,000 babies have been killed here.[1] And there is something *you* can do about it. The things you can do can be broken down into two categories, how you could participate in established organizations and how you can act on your own.

Aside from material in the Bible, my favorite quotation is "Everyone said, 'Somebody has got to do something about that!' Then I realized that *I* am somebody."

The various pro-life organizations have many functions: educational, political/lobbying, counseling and supplying the material needs of pregnant women, picketing, prayer, blockading, boycotting, adoption, and lobbying our church leadership to turn them away from death.

The educational function consists of creating and distributing literature to be given to the media and the general public, and in holding public events to show the people and the lawmakers that millions of people are pro-life. For example, at a pro-life rally held at the Washington Monument, approximately 350,000 people showed up. This was the largest political rally the United States had ever seen.

Political activities include drafting pro-life legislation for introduction to the state and federal legislatures, filing legal briefs for court cases, lobbying legislators about pro-life and pro-abortion bills, and encouraging pro-life people to run for political office and helping them campaign.

Counseling is perhaps the largest pro-life activity. The primary counseling organizations are the Crisis Pregnancy Centers, operated by the Christian Action Council, and Birthright. These agencies typically provide tests to determine whether a woman or girl is pregnant, and then if she is, counseling to try to convince her not to kill her baby. As a part of this, the counseling organizations try to meet the mothers' needs by providing them with maternity clothing, vitamins, a temporary home when necessary, and much more.

Pro-life groups also picket. This is usually done at the Killing Centers, which, by the way, are probably located in *your* neighborhood. Picketing is usually done on kill days. (Fortunately, not every "clinic" kills every day.) Occasionally, we also picket the homes of the abortionists. Often, we will even picket with children who are carrying a small casket.

A part of picketing includes prayer. We pray not only that there be no killing, but we pray for the salvation of the mothers, the clinic operators, and the abortionists. The clinic operators and the abortionists often demand that we stop this. Pro-life also rescues. Also called blockading, rescuing is an extension of picketing to actually physically putting our bodies between the abortionists and his or her intended victim. The scriptural basis for rescue comes to us from Proverbs 24:11, "Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter." (NIV).

Boycotting within the pro-life movement is in its infancy, and a great deal more needs to be done. Many corporations and foundations give money to death. Most of this money goes to Planned Parenthood. Pro-life activism in adoption mostly takes the form of referrals to adoption agencies and attorneys. The reason for this is that the structure for getting babies adopted has always existed and will continue to exist without the help of already-overworked pro-life volunteers.

Unfortunately, one necessary pro-life activity is lobbying our church leadership to be pro-life. Incredibly, many denominations have officially abandoned God's commandments not to kill and to love your neighbor as yourself. (There is no closer neighbor to a mother than her preborn baby.) Sometimes they haven't necessarily abandoned scripture, but rather do not understand that the preborn baby is an actual, live human being. Instead, they have accepted the pro-abortion rhetoric that he is merely a blob or a mass of protoplasm.

In addition, the church leadership is also afraid to be controversial and thereby lose membership. But isn't it a sin to allow, and sometimes even to encourage your church members to kill each other? We pray that God forgives them, for they know not what they do. We hope that you join us in that prayer and in praying that they repent.

Pro-life desperately needs *your* help in saving life. Please join one of the groups shown below. This is an alphabetical list of a few organizations and indications of what they do. Because some of the activities above, such as prayer and boycott, are done automatically by all of us, they are not included below.

Most people who choose to help choose to belong to a pro-life organization and work through it. The table below is a list of the major pro-life organizations in the United States. If you would like to join one of these organizations, do not be dismayed that they are far from you: Some have many branch offices or affiliates. The four that have the most of these are American Life League, National Right to Life, Christian Action Council, and Birthright.

*Pro-Life Organizations and What They Do*

Y = yes blank = no B = yes for Before-birth counseling P = yes for Post-abortion counseling do I want a title? *Educate* *Politics* *Counsel* *Picket* *Rescue * *Adpt_Refrl* *Chrch_Lobby* American Life League, Inc. Y Y Y Phone: 703 659-4171 P. O. Box 1350 Stafford, VA 22554 THIS IS THE SAME TABLE AS JUST EARLIER PAGE. SOMETHING HAS TO GO.

Bethany Christian Services Y B P Y 1 800 BETHANY or 616 459-6273 901 Eastern NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Birthright Y B Y 1 800 848-5683 686 N. Broad Woodbury, NJ 08096

Christian Action Council Y Y Y Y Y including Crisis Pregnancy Counseling Phone: 703 237-2100 101 W. Broad St., Suite 500 Falls Church, VA 22046 Concerned Women of America Y Y B Y Phone: 202 488-7000 122 C Street NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20001

Human Life International USA Y Y Y Y Phone: 301 670-7884 7845 E. Airpark Road Gaithersburg, MD 20879

John Cardinal O'Conner's Y B P Y Respect Life Program Phone: 914 693-4345 1 Cross Road Ardsley, NY 10502 National Pro-Life Religious Council Y Y Y Phone: 202 626-8800 (same as below) 419 7[th] St. NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004 National Right to Life Y Y P Y Y Y Phone: 202 626-8800 419 7[th] St. NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004 Operation Rescue Y Y Y Phone: 803 821-8441 P. O. Box 27 Summerville, SC 29484 Pro-Life Action League Y Y Y Y Phone: 312 777-2900 6160 N. Cicero #210 Chicago, IL 60646

Do *not* volunteer at Planned Parenthood!

If you were to become associated with any of these organizations there would be functions you could fulfill: secretarial, clerical, telephone, filing, picketing, blockading, making signs, fundraising, prayer, research, activating churches, writing letters, educating the media, counseling, and many more.

Even if you choose not to join an organization, there is still much that you can do: pray, learn, educate, activate your church, organize others, write to your doctors and legislators, write letters to the editor of your newspaper, start a crisis pregnancy center, collect baby and maternity clothes, offer you home as a temporary shelter for a pregnant woman who has been ejected from her own home because she won't have an abortion, speak at your business or civic club or schools, lobby your school board to stop teaching abortion, run for a position on your school board or other, put pro-life books in school and public libraries, pass out tracts to students as they enter or leave their campuses, provide a billboard, lobby a "charitable" foundation or corporation to stop giving money to abortion, and more. Many pro-life organizations do these things and you can do them with them, or you can do them on your own. Your help is desperately needed. Furthermore, God practically commands you to help. He says,

Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. Proverbs 24:11 (NIV)

And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worth of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. Luke 12:47-48 (KJV)

Therefore, to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. James 4:17 (KJV)


1. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions.

Article 20 *How Abortions Are Done

by Lynn K. Murphy


Abortion is the number-one cause of death in the United States. More people die of abortion than from the next twelve causes of death combined[1]. This includes heart disease and cancer. Annually, 1,800,000 of our children are killed.[2] This article explores the methods used to kill them.

The method chosen depends primarily upon the age of the preborn baby. Abortion is legal under all circumstances in the United States and during the *entire* nine months of the pregnancy right up to the moment that natural birth would occur. Because the size of the baby varies considerably during the pregnancy, methods used to kill the newly formed babies are different from the methods used to kill the older ones.

In the very early-term abortions, the method of choice is Menstrual Extraction. These abortions are often done before a woman, if pregnant, would be able to produce a positive pregnancy test. The procedure is to insert a suction tube into the uterus (womb) and vacuum out the life. The suction is twenty-nine times more powerful than a home vacuum cleaner.

In later abortions, those up to three months, the preferred method is Suction Aspiration. This is similar to Menstrual Extraction, except here the baby is too large to fit through the suction tube. Also, the placenta has formed. (The placenta, later called afterbirth, is the supplier of nutrients to the baby and the receiver of wastes from the baby.) The placenta is also too large to fit through the suction tube. Therefore, a knife-like edge is added to the tip of the suction tube. To make the baby small enough, suction is used to tear off his arms and legs, and then the placenta is cut from the wall of the uterus and sucked away with the body parts. Approximately eighty percent of all abortions are by this method.

Medical science has proven that the pre-born babies can and do suffer pain at the age of eight weeks after fertilization. The Suction Aspiration method is used from the age of two or three weeks through three months, which is thirteen weeks. Many of the abortions are done before the age of eight weeks, but since it takes time to for a woman to feel she needs a pregnancy test, time to schedule one, time to decide whether to have an abortion, and then time to schedule one, a very great many of the abortions take place after the age cutoff (eight weeks) when a baby would feel the pain.

Anesthetics are never used on the baby during any kind of abortion. Therefore, annually in the US well over 1,000,000 babies suffer excruciating pain during their deaths.

After the age of three months, kills are made by several methods. One of these is a Prostaglandin Abortion. Prostaglandin is a chemical developed and sold by Upjohn Company, and it causes the mother to have violent contractions which force the baby out of the uterus.

Somewhat similar is the Salt-Poisoning or Saline Abortion. In this method salt is injected into the uterus via a long needle stuck through the mother's abdomen. The salt chemically burns the baby to death inside and outside of his body. Some of these babies survive this attempt to kill them and are born alive. The abortionists define these as "complications" or "problems" and almost always kill them after they are born. Because of these "complications," Saline Abortions are rare now.

But when a doctor or a drug company wants a live baby to experiment on, he can still easily get one. This is done with the prostaglandin method described above. The baby's mother may or may not know that her baby is destined for experimentation and that the experimentation will continue until the baby dies or is unwanted and therefore murdered. Perhaps the favorite killing method of some abortionists is the Digoxin Induction method. This method requires a little precision, and therefore may be a day's highlight, a reprieve from the dull, boring routine of slaughtering by the brute methods. This method involves using ultrasound imaging on the baby to find his heart and to guide a needle into his heart. The chemical, digoxin, is injected into his heart to kill him. Then the mother delivers a dead baby.

Another method is Dilitation and Curettage (D&C). (This does not by any means mean that all D&C operations are abortions.) The D&C involves cutting up the baby and the placenta and scraping the results into a basin. Bleeding is usually profuse. This dismemberment is "necessary" in order to allow passage of the body parts through the vagina.

Another method is the Dilatation and Evacuation (D&E). This is very much like the D&C, except that brute force is used instead the butcher knife. The abortionist inserts his instruments into the uterus and rips the baby's arms and legs off, snaps his spine, and crushes his skull. After this procedure, a nurse reassembles the body parts to make sure that none were left inside the mother.

Pro-choice people call this procedure and the others "a woman controlling *her own* body" or "a woman's right." Very-late-term abortions are done by a Hysterotomy, also called Caesarean Section. These are supposed to be different from the Caesarean sections that are used to deliver live babies. The mother is supposed to be cut open, the doctor is supposed to cut the cord, and the baby is supposed to be killed by strangulation and then removed. But the way it usually works is that the mother is cut open, the cord cut, and the baby removed. Then he is strangled.

There are also many methods of abortion that *appear* to be only birth control. One of these is the pill, RU-486. This pill, also called the "morning after pill" may soon be available in the United States. This is the pill you often read about in your newspapers. Do not let pro-abortion rhetoric fool you. This pill is *not* a birth-control pill. It works only by abortion. Although pro-life people do not want this killer authorized for use in the United States, the use of this pill would have one good side effect: It might reduce the abortion rate by allowing the mother to see the result of her abortion. She would see her small, dead baby in her toilet and then tell her friends what an abortion really is.

Also, and I hate to tell you this, IUD's (Intrauterine Devices) work only by abortion. In addition, all birth-control pills work by abortion approximately two to ten percent of the time. If you have been using these, you can still be forgiven. I say this for two reasons. If you didn't know what you were doing, remember that Jesus said on the Cross, speaking about His executioners, "Father forgive them; for they know not what they do."[3] But if you did know, then it's still not too late to repent (turn away from). Jesus said, "I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish,"[4] and "Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds."[5] Adultery, according to my dictionary, means more than marital infidelity, it also means spiritual infidelity, or disobedience to God. Lest you feel you can continue to use the Pill or IUD for a while and then repent, keep in mind 1 Thessalonians 5:2: "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night." Will you be ready?

What do you think of the violence of abortion? What do you think of the fact that babies never get an anesthetic? Now you can see why I am a pro-life activist. Would you like to join me? If so call American Life League at (703) 659-4171.


1. From *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989. Abortion deaths from Note 2. 2. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 3. Luke 23:34. 4. Luke 13:5. 5. Revelation 2:22.

Article 21 *Sexuality Education: How it Contributes to Abortion

by Lynn K. Murphy


The typical person is unfamiliar with what sex education is all about. If you ask this person, "What should we do about the record-high teen-pregnancy rate?" or "What's the answer to stopping abortion?", the answer is almost always, "We need more sex education--if only our children knew about contraception, our problems would be mostly solved. They wouldn't get pregnant and they wouldn't need abortions." That is totally wrong. Not that it has to be wrong: there are good sex-education courses. Mostly, they teach chastity.

If you would like more information about chastity-type programs that could be used for your children's schools, call Birthright at 1 800 848-5683.

I remember that twenty-five years ago teenage sex and teenage pregnancy were very rare. Therefore, so were teen abortions. Twenty-five years ago we didn't have sex education being taught to our children in school. Now we do, and now it seems as though about once every month we read about the astronomical rates of teen sexual activity and abortion.

For instance, one study[1] by the Center for Disease Control showed that in 1970 (the earliest figure available) the percentage of girls having had premarital sexual intercourse before their sixteenth birthday was 4.6 percent, and that in 1988, the figure was 25.6 percent. Meanwhile, in 1974, the first full year that abortion was legal, there were 763,467[2] abortions in the United States, and in the years since 1987 there have been approximately 1,800,000 per year.[3] Although I was unable to find figures for how many of the 763,467 abortions were on teenagers, the pro-abortion Alan Guttmacher Institute reported that for 1987 25.5 percent of all abortions were on teenagers. 25.5 percent of 1,800,000 is 459,000 abortions by teenagers. Thus, it would be hard to believe that teen abortion hasn't skyrocketed since abortion was legalized in 1973. *1973 was a year when sex education was being introduced into our schools at a very fast rate.*

However, since this isn't complete proof, let's see what others have said about this issue, others who have made special studies of the situation. One publication[4] says ". . .those who use contraception are more likely than those who do not to resort to induced abortion." Famed sex researcher Alfred Kinsey noted that ". . . we have found the highest frequency of induced [deliberate] abortion in the group which, in general, most frequently uses contraceptives."[5] In a report to the U.S. House Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families on Sex Education programs, it was found that pregnancy and abortion rates are higher among teens who participated in family planning programs. Those states which spent the most on family planning showed the largest increases in abortions and births out of wedlock. Those which didn't participate in these programs had lower rates. States which emphasized sex education programs found abortion, not contraception, was reducing births among teens.[6] In 1968, before abortion was legalized, the then-president of Planned Parenthood, Dr. Guttmacher, said ". . . We find that when an abortion is easily obtainable, contraception is neither actively nor diligently used. . . there would be no reward for the woman who practices effective contraception. . . . Abortion on demand relieves the husband [boyfriend] of all possible responsibility; he simply becomes a coital animal."[7] (Boyfriend is my word.) Then, immediately after the and the Supreme Court cases legalized abortion on demand (request) for any reason and for any time during the pregnancy, Dr. Guttmacher continued: "We have won a splendid victory but the enemy, though vanquished is not liquidated . . . Don't discharge your troops." Then he concluded: "Then how can the Supreme Court's decision be absolutely secured? The answer to winning the battle for elective abortion once and for all is Sex Education."

In addition, a current study[8] shows that for every 1,000 girls who take Planned Parenthood-type sexuality education, 113 get pregnant before marriage, but for every 1,000 girls getting abstinence sex education, only 4 get pregnant before marriage.

Planned Parenthood, by the way, is the primary teacher of sex education in the United States. In addition, it is this organization that has designed most of the sex-education programs for use in the United States and it teaches the teachers of the classes. Planned Parenthood teaches contraception in class and hands out birth-control devices to our children in class, but as we saw above, the former president of Planned Parenthood said "contraception is neither actively nor diligently used." Planned Parenthood also provides more abortions than any other organization in the nation! Can you see the connection? Now let's learn about some of Planned Parenthood's sex-education programs.

Mary Calderone is a former Planned Parenthood medical director. She said, "Mere facts and discussion are not enough. They need to be undergirded by a set of values."[9] So far so good, but unfortunately they're neither society's nor Christian values. As one example, in a particular class the teacher had two kids come forward. She knew the kids were strong Christians, but she nonetheless gave them a hypothetical scenario that they were supposed to resolve with the class: He was supposed to have gotten her pregnant. Having been told all the advantages of having an abortion, they were supposed to decide that (not whether) abortion was the best answer. But when their answer was to tell the teacher that each of us has to accept the responsibility of our own sin, the teacher gave them a failing grade for the exercise. Planned Parenthood calls this program "Values Clarification."

In their "Peer Facilitation" program, teens with leadership abilities are recruited and trained to apply pressure on the rest of the children. They do things like brainstorm terms for penis, breast, intercourse, vagina, homosexuality, and more.[10] They also watch pornographic films.[11 ] In its "Sensitivity Training" program, Planned Parenthood attempts to break down your home training by having mixed groups of students discuss "Virginity, Oral-Genital Sex, Intercourse, Masturbation, Sterility, Group Sex, Homosexuality, Extra-Marital Relations, Abortion, and Nudity--with acquaintances, with family, with the opposite sex, with the same sex, and with close friends."[12] Those members of the group who refuse to change "are considered non-conformists or deviants."[13] In some schools, failure to participate in these classes results in the student being suspended from school.

Planned Parenthood also has a "Role Playing" program, a psycho-therapeutic technique used to change personalities. In one example of their role-playing, students are asked to act-out having a discussion with a homosexual. At the conclusion they are to come to a conclusion of what should be the most constructive result of the scene. We have already seen that to Planned Parenthood, to be constructive is not the same thing as to be moral.

In their "Positive Imaging" program, Planned Parenthood tries to establish guided and fantasy imagery in the students' minds. In one scenario, they are told to have fantasies involving "sexual feelings about people of the same or opposite sex, parents, brothers and sisters, old people, animals, nature, inanimate objects, and almost anything you can imagine."[14] Surely these fantasies are to involve having sexual activity with these people, or else they would have never been called "sexual feelings" in the first place. Nor would they be taught in sex-education classes. Another difficulty with Planned Parenthood's sex-education programs and those of most others is their use of terminology. They change the definitions of terms and phrases. For instance, what to us is actually an innocent, defenseless preborn baby, is to them a blob, a mass of protoplasm, or an obstruction to menstrual flow. Or how about the term "pregnancy prevention"? That's preventing fertilization, right? Not necessarily. It can also mean the prevention of the *continuation* of a pregnancy. For example, teenager Janet gets pregnant. She wants the baby. There is no problem yet. She changes her mind (often with the help of Planned Parenthood); she doesn't want him. Now she has an unwanted pregnancy. Now the pregnancy is prevented: She has an abortion.

Thus, we have seen something of what sex education is like in America. Is it any wonder that, contrary to public opinion, more sex education has increased sexual activity and abortion? For the most part, our nation's sex-education classes do not stop with merely teaching biology and basic sexual functions. They go on (and on and on) teaching our children to be free, loose, easy, sexual, and promiscuous. And remember what the former president of Planned Parenthood said: ". . . We find that when an abortion is easily obtainable, contraception is neither actively nor diligently used." The end to that statement surely should be, ". . . abortion is used instead."

Is it any wonder that abortion is the number-one cause of death in the United States, outstripping the next twelve causes combined?[15]


1. *Contra Costa Times*, Jan 5, 1991, p. 1B. 2. "Abortion Surveillance," Center for Disease Control. 3. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro-abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 4. *Abortion*, Malcolm Potts, p. 491. 5. "Abortion in the United States," Alfred Kinsey. 6. "The Forum", p. 3, November, 1991. "The Forum" Address is P. O. Box 1258, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 7. Symposium; March 27, 1968; "Rutgers Law Review," Vol. 22. 8. *Has Sex Education Felled our Teenagers?"*, Dinah Richard 9. Calderone and Johnson, p. 226. 10. "Peer Education in Human Sexuality," Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, p. 16. 11. *Grand Illusions, The Legacy of Planned Parenthood*, George Grant. 12. Eleanor S. Morrison and Miln Underhill Price, *Values in Sexuality* (New York: Hart Publishing Company and A & W Publishers, 1974), p. 100. 13. Sandalyn McKasson, "Sex and Seduction in the Classroom," in Richie Martin, ed., (Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1986), p. 97. 14. "What is Sexual Fantasy?" *What's Happening* (Atlanta: Emory University, Grady Memorial Family Planning Program, 1976), p. 4. 15. From *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989. Abortion deaths from note 3. Article 22 *How Abortion is the American Holocaust

by Lynn K. Murphy


The answer to this can be explained in two ways. One is by showing the deaths that abortion has caused; another is by comparing abortion in the United States to what we all already know was a holocaust, the Nazis' killing of the Jews.

Abortion was legalized by the "Supreme" Court in 1973, and since that time 32,000,000 babies have been killed by abortion in the US. The current death rate in the US is approximately 1,800,000 per year.[1]

There are several other ways to express these statistics:[2] 32,000,000 is approximately the population of our 22 least-populated states; 1 in 3.5 pregnancies end in abortion[3]; one in eight Americans have been killed by abortion; we have 4,900 abortions per day; it would take 25,600 football fields, not counting end zones, to bury all the bodies six feet apart[4]; if one telephone pole represented one death, we would have to encircle the earth 58 times to represent the US deaths from abortion[5]; although almost totally preventable, abortion is the leading cause of death in the US, exceeding the next twelve causes combined, including heart disease and cancer[6]; abortion has killed 28 times more Americans than Americans were killed in all of our wars combined[7]; abortion causes 46% of the deaths and lowers the life expectancy of Americans from approximately 75 to 41.[8]

I call this an American Holocaust! Other people call it "choice" or a "woman's right."

One concern people sometimes have about abortion is that, they feel, if we hadn't had abortion, the US population would now be 32,000,000 higher. That is absolutely incorrect. Ninety-eight percent[1] of all abortions are for the purpose of birth control. If abortions had never been made legal, therefore, something approaching 98% of 32,000,000 babies would never have been conceived in the first place. 98% of 32,000,000 is 31,360,000 babies.

As we all know, Germany had their own holocaust. Approximately 6,000,000 Jews, Gypsies, and others were executed. These executions were not, however, merely at the hands of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Just as the majority of today's Americans ignore abortion, the typical German in Hitler's era ignored the execution of the Jews.[9] Thus, both their murders and ours are more than at their leaders' hands, but are also the responsibilities of the citizens.

As a matter of fact, just as today we call our killing "choice," the German masses called their killings "selection." The word "selection" was one of the words deliberately used to disguise the fact that the Jews were being exterminated. The word "choice" disguises the fact that abortion too means killing.

There are dozens of other parallels between us today and Germany then. For instance, consider how the two holocausts became legal. They both became legal because the victims were relegated to a non-human or a sub-human status. In May, 1923, Adolf Hitler said, "The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but not human."[10] Franz Stangl, former commandant of the Treblinka Killing Center said in 1971, "It had nothing to do with humanity--it was a mass. I rarely saw them as individuals. It was always a huge mass."[11] In America, one of many people who dehumanized the preborn baby was Columbia University sociologist Dr. Amitai Etzioni, who said the fetus is "not alive, not human, and basically a piece of tissue"[12] and that any preborn within four and one- half months of fertilization is in the "subhuman stage." I personally have seen miscarried fetuses at age three months, and they look just like born babies, but smaller. Nonetheless, Etzioni's opinions and others' swayed the morally corrupt minds of the "Supreme" Court to decree in their decision which legalized abortion that the preborn are not persons.

That they are not persons is a strange concept for "justifying" abortion. The "justification" comes from the US Constitution, Amendment 16, which I hereby quote in part: ". . . nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of laws." Notice the word "person." If you're not a person, you can be denied life.

Here are a few of many more comparisons:

*Quotations from Nazi Germany* *Quotations from Contemporary America* "Fifty-nine thousand persons were evacuated by "The uterus was evacuated." (Dr. David Edelman & July 31." (Warsaw, Poland, 1942) colleagues, 1974)

"The Baron de Hirsch ghetto would have to be "The uterine cavity was emptied." (Dr. A.K. emptied." (Max Merten, 1943) Mukerjee, 1973)

"The removal of the Jewish element." (Hans "Remove the products of conception." (Dr. Thomas Frank, 1943) Dillon & colleagues, 1974)

"The treatment was administered to the "Abortion as a treatment for the sexually children of the Harr-Eglfing Institution." transmitted disease of unwanted pregnancy." (Dr. Pfannmuller, 1945) (Dr. Willard Cates & colleagues, 1976) My note: It is interesting that when the pregnancy *is* wanted, it is no longer a disease.

"The authority of physicians is enlarged to "The abortion decision in all its aspects is include the responsibility for according a inherently and primarily a medical decision and 'mercy death (to) incurables.'" (Hitler's basically responsibility for it must rest with the Euthanasia Order, September, 1939. physician." (US Supreme Court, )

"The physician is merely an instrument as in "The physician is only the instrument of her the case of an officer who receives an order." decision." (Dr. Bernard Nathanson, 1974) He was an (Dr. Karl Brant, Doctor's Trial, 1947) abortionist but is now a great pro-life leader.

"The accused did not act wrongly because they "I did nothing which was illegal, immoral or bad were carrying out the laws of the land." medicine. Everything I did was in accordance with (Hadamar Euthanasia Hospital Trial, 1945) the law." (Dr. Kenneth C. Edelin, 1975)

So there we have it, the excuses of both sides. The last one is of particular interest. There we find the supporters of Jew killing and the supporters of baby killing equating legality with morality. Often legality and morality are equal, and that is why most of our laws have been passed. However, they are not always equal. Adultery is legal but immoral; homosexuality is legal but immoral; it is legal to put your parents in a convalescent home and forget about them, but it is not moral. Killing Jews or babies was/is legal, but it is not moral.

Is the law supposed to define the morality, or the morality the law? Prior to the legalization of abortion in the US in 1973, almost everyone considered abortion to be immoral. Then the "Supreme" Court made its infamous decision. Now, since abortion is legal, many of us think it is moral. However, prior to 1973 abortion was still exactly what it is today, the killing of a defenseless, innocent human being. Therefore, notwithstanding the opinion of five men in a courtroom, abortion is still just as immoral as it has ever been.

Since 1973 it has been immoral enough times that we could represent the number of deaths by stringing the cross-shape of telephone poles 55 times around the Earth!


1. Figures accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro-abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 2. A few of the figures are referenced below; a few are calculated by the author from the referenced figures. 3. The *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992* (for 1988 data), page 75, shows that the national average abortion rate was 401 abortions for every 1000 live births, and the California abortion rate is 594 abortions per 1000 live births. The 401 of 1,401 *pregnancies* is equal to 1 in 3.49. 4. A football field is 100 yards by 160 feet. 5. For telephone poles 240 feet apart. 6. From *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989. 7. US Census Bureau statistics. 8. By personal calculation from statistics in Note 6 plus figure of 1,800,000 abortions per year. 9. Personal conversation with Holocaust Center for Northern California. (415) 751-6040. 10. C.C. Aronsfeld, *The Nazi Design Was Extermination, Not Emigration,*, Patterns of Prejudice" 9 (May-June, 1975):22. 11. Sereny, *Into That Darkness*, p. 201. 12. Amitai Etzioni, "A Review of The Ethics of Fetal Research," Society, March/April 1976, p. 72. Article 23 *The Pro-Life Rescue Movement

by Lynn K. Murphy

* Right-to-life people use several methods to save the preborn from destruction. Among them are prayer, leafletting, advertising, public relations, rallies, boycotting, picketing, and rescuing. Rescuing is the deliberate, physical blocking of the doors of a Killing Center. Rescuers get in the way of women seeking abortions; they get between the mother and the executioner.

The justification of rescue can be found in the Scriptures. Proverbs 24:11 (NIV) says, "Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter."

In spite of this, some theologians maintain that there should be no rescue. They maintain that to rescue violates trespass laws and that God commands us to obey man's laws. Rescuers counter by saying that God does not compel us to obey man's laws when they conflict with God's laws. And we ask those who say we should always obey man's laws whether these people would trespass by entering a burning building to rescue a born child from being burned to death. This question is quite analogous: one of the ways babies are murdered in the womb is by burning them to death with chemicals.

Rescuing has many facets. First, there is planning. A date and rescue site must be determined and volunteers must be found. The planning stage is usually carried out in secret. This is because the rescues are more successful when they are surprises: The targets are unprepared and the police aren't staffed-up. Because the rescue organizations have been infiltrated by pro-aborts, the bulk of the rescuers aren't even told ahead of time where they will rescue. The planners designate a meeting place just before the time of the rescue. Pro-lifers show up and are told where the rescue will be, and then they caravan to the Killing Center.

Some of the volunteers will decide to be at the forefront of the confrontation and will be willing to be arrested, if necessary, to save a life. They never purposely get arrested and they never want to get arrested. However, they have two goals they feel they must meet whether arrested or not: to prevent killings that day and to shut down the Killing Center permanently. Many of those arrested have families to support or raise. Nonetheless, both the lawbreaker and the families agree that the baby's lives must be saved. Sometimes, the rescuer gets years in prison and thousands of dollars of fines.

Sometimes these fines are to be paid to the Killing Centers. For instance, Advocates for Life in Portland lost a court case to Planned Parenthood and were ordered to pay them more than $8,000,000. This money is to come from the pocketbooks of the individual rescuers. As usual, the pro-lifers decided not to pay; to pay would cause more murders. Thus, the pro-lifers may go to jail.

At the Killing Center there are more rescue activities than just blockading. There are peaceful picketing, sidewalk counseling, and, most important, prayer. Sidewalk counseling is witnessing to the potential victims (the mothers are victims too) about what they are doing. Witnessing isn't necessarily religious, and may include offers of assistance and information about fetal development.

Many times a woman has an abortion because she doesn't understand that her baby is a human being separate from her own body. Many have never thought about what the baby actually is. For all they know, it is just a blob or a mass of protoplasm. This is what pro-abortion people tell them.

And many times the woman has an abortion because her husband or boyfriend demands it. Often ultimatums are given, ultimatums such as "If you don't have an abortion, I'm leaving you," or "If you don't have an abortion, you'll have to move out." Often the rescuer will know of a rent-free home that the mother can live in temporarily.

At every well-organized rescue, there are people who have certain functions. An overall leader coordinates activities. One person is assigned to talk with the police, if the police are willing to talk. And one person is designated to interact with the press. This is a very important function. The press is almost always pro-abortion, and the Killing Center's personnel and the police are often interviewed. Since the press is pro-abortion, it's quite natural that they would write their stories as though the pro-life people are criminals and anti-women. That's one reason the rescuers have a person assigned to meet the press. Another reason is to get the pro-life message publicized.

When possible, the pro-abortion people take countermeasures against rescues. Often, they infiltrate pro-life groups to learn about plans. When they succeed with this, they have people show up to harass the pro-lifers.

Many times these people are paid to do this harassing--they are employees of the Killing Centers. Also many times these pro-abortion harassers are recruited by advertising in newspapers. Much of the money to pay them comes from your taxes and from "charitable" foundations.

Rescuers are *never* violent, even when attacked.

Presence at a rescue can be exciting, and dangerous. For instance, pro- abortionists, perhaps because they are generally unchristian, sympathize considerably with homosexuals. They "morally" support them, and the gays "morally" support the killing. One way the gays do this is to show up at the rescues. On several occasions these homosexuals, many of whom have AIDS, have charged into the masses of rescuers and bitten them.

So why do the rescuers go on? Why do they struggle with the danger, the jail terms, the fines, and the losses of their incomes? The main reason is that they feel called upon by God to do their fine work.

Article 24 *Reasons Women Give for Aborting

by Lynn K. Murphy


Abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing more people than the next twelve causes combined.[1] This includes heart disease and cancer. Every year in the United States 1,800,000 babies are killed by abortion.[2] What do you think some of the reasons are that women give for having their abortions? "I wanted to kill?" "All my friends do it?" "I didn't know I was killing?" There are many reasons that women give, and intertwined with them are severe problems with reasoning and semantics. But most important, every reason ignores the fact the every abortion kills a human being.

In 1973 the United States "Supreme" Court legalized abortion in every state and territory for *any* reason the mother would give and for *any* time during the pregnancy. (I put "Supreme" in quotes because only God is Supreme.) More recently, several states have passed legislation that severely restricts abortion. Mostly, these laws are not effectual. The laws made by the "Supreme" Court are the ones that control abortion. Therefore, in any state, as soon someone tries to enforce one of the states' restrictive abortion laws, it is challenged in court instead of being enforced. Eventually the challenges will reach the "Supreme" Court, and it will decide the legality of the states' laws. In the meantime, the states' laws will be unenforceable.

In 1973 the "Supreme" Court ruled in two cases, and The overall effect of their two rulings is that nobody can be denied an abortion. This is called abortion on demand, which means abortion on request, and is different from a therapeutic abortion, which is one to save the life of the mother. The key wording in the Court's decision provides that the mother's mental well-being should not be jeopardized by carrying or bearing a child. In effect, what this translates into is that a mother can merely say to an abortionist something like, "I want an abortion because I don't want to be inconvenienced by being pregnant."

Actually, she doesn't even have to give a reason. If any reason legally justifies the abortion, then there is no point in even asking why she is having one.

It needs to be clarified that, for the most part, women don't give as a reason, "I want to kill." This is because most of them don't even realize that killing is the issue. They have been told in their sex-education classes and told by your newspaper and television that the preborn baby is a blob, a mass of protoplasm, an obstruction to menstrual flow, an "it," or a problem. Therefore, to them having an abortion is not killing. Were they told the truth, abortion might be cut to 1% of today's level.

The truth revolves around whether the preborn baby is human, but it revolves more around the issue of whether he is *separate* from the mother. For the most part he isn't considered human because he is considered a part of the mother's body. This is demonstrated by the well-used slogan that pro-abortion people scream at pro-life picketers, "It's part of my body." If he is a part of her body, then automatically the issue of his humanity is really no issue at all, and therefore abortion may not be so bad. However if he is a separate life, abortion kills a person. Here are a few facts that prove that he is a separate life:

The preborn has his own brain, his own heart, a separate blood supply that may be of a different blood type than his mother's, and his father's chromosomes, and. If he is a boy, he has a penis. So if he is a part of his mother's body, then she would have two sexes. (Feminists don't like to hear this argument.)

Several other arguments can be given, but I'll give just one more: Suppose you fertilize a Black woman's egg with a Caucasian man's sperm in a test tube and then inseminate an Oriental woman with this. Does the preborn baby now have three races? Does the Oriental woman now have three races? When the baby is born, does he change back to having two races? Does the Oriental woman change back to having one? The answers are no, no, no, and no. Therefore, preborn babies are never a part of their mother's bodies. Therefore, abortion kills a separate human being.

Nonetheless, women claim that with abortion they are controlling their own bodies. This, of course, ignores the fact that they got pregnant in the first place because they lost control of their bodies.

When a mother comes into the Killing Center to have her baby killed, she does not give reasons like "I want to control my own body," or "the fetus is not a person," or "it's my right to choose." The usual reasons regards the fact that the pregnancy or the baby will inconvenience her. She will say things such as, "I just don't want a baby right now," or "I'm just not ready," or "I can't afford a baby," or "It would be embarrassing," or "I don't want to tell my parents I'm pregnant," or "My boyfriend will dump me if I don't have an abortion," or "Having a baby will interfere with my plans (career, vacation, buying a new car, etc)."

However, notwithstanding this mother's ignorance about fetal development, a logical question to ask is, "Do any of the above reasons justify killing?" Because God says "Thou shalt *not* kill"[3] and "Love thy neighbor as thyself"[4], my answer is "No!" There is no neighbor closer to a mother than her preborn baby. If she "isn't ready," or "can't afford," or "would be dumped," or "would be embarrassed," etc., then she has other choices besides the choice of abortion. She can let the father have the baby, she can let the baby be adopted, or she can keep him in spite of the pressure. We must also keep in mind that in the future when she has sex, she can choose not to rely on abortion for her birth control.

Statistics accepted by both pro-life and pro-abortion show that approximately 98% of all abortions are performed because the mother didn't bother to use a birth-control device; she relied on abortion to get her out of trouble.

ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ She can let ³ ³ ³ ³ the father ³ ³ ³ ³ have the baby. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ

Yet, without realizing it a great many people "justify" *all* abortion on the basis of the other 2%. The question most often asked of a pro-life activist is, "If you had a fourteen-year-old daughter and she got raped, wouldn't you want her to have an abortion?" However, abortions for the reason of rape plus incest plus the life of the mother plus the handicap of the baby are what comprise only 2% of all abortions. In fact, pregnancies from rape are, for stress and other medical reasons, very rare. For example, no pregnancies from rape were even reported in the entire state of Pennsylvania in the 30 years from 1937 - 1967.[5]

"However, what about the question?", you ask. Would I want my 14-year old daughter to have an abortion if she was raped? No! Why punish the baby for the crime of his father? Would the baby's death apprehend the criminal? Would it convict him? Would it imprison him? Is the baby guilty of something?

Occasionally, a mother has an abortion because the baby will be deformed. There are many problems with killing for this reason. First, the test that determines whether he will be deformed can kill the baby even if he isn't deformed. Second, the test is unreliable and doesn't measure the extent of handicap. Third, the mother has to decide for the baby how deformed is too deformed. Fourth, by the time the test can be made, abortion is far more dangerous to the mother than giving birth is.[6] Fifth, the "morality" of killing deformed preborns comes only from pro-aborts and much of the general public: Organizations that exist to help handicapped children are against killing preborn, handicapped babies. Sixth, God said, "Thou shalt *not* kill" (My underlining). The only excuses for killing are self-defense and conviction of certain crimes. Seventh, Jesus said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Eighth, Jesus told us time and time again to show compassion on the needy. He didn't tell us to kill them. This is what the Good Samaritan story is all about. Replace the injured man in the parable with the handicapped baby. Shall we help him, or shall we kill him or let his mother kill him?

One of the reasons that mothers almost never give for killing the baby is that she is later going to abuse him. Yet, this too is a reason society uses to "justify" abortion. Only extraordinarily rarely do people get abortions for that reason. And we should also keep in mind that abortion itself is child abuse, the ultimate child abuse.

One way to summarize some of the reasons women give for killing their children is to say that they do it because the babies are unwanted. However, nationally there are about seventy-five sets of parents on waiting lists for every one newborn baby available for adoption.[7] Furthermore, should we as a society allow some groups of citizens to kill other citizens just because they aren't wanted by the first group?

One of the primary questions in the minds of pro-life activists is, "Who's next?" Will it be the elderly, the under-five year olds, the Republicans, the Christians? Will it be you?


1. From *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989. Abortion deaths from Note 2. 2. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 3. Exodus 20:13. 4. Mark 12:31. 5. "Comments on 'Medication to Prevent Pregnancy after Rape'," William A. Lynch, MD. National Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guild. 6. New York State Medical Society. 7. There are many literature sources for this, but because of adoption secrecy laws, none are accurate. Estimates run from 60 to 300.

Article 25 *How the Secular Media are Extraordinarily Pro-Abortion

by Lynn K. Murphy


The idea that the media always present both sides of issues and do so fairly is a thought that many people, if not most, accept. But when was the last time you saw an article on abortion that either didn't obviously sympathize with abortion proponents or against abortion opponents?

Perhaps the most extraordinary example of media prejudice on abortion, or perhaps on any subject ever, concerned the 1989 Rally for Life. This event was held in Washington, DC, at the Washington Monument. One purpose of it was to show the people, the press, and the politicians how much public support there was for ending abortion. About 350,000 people showed up. This was the biggest political rally ever held in the United States.

Pro-life people know that the media is prejudiced and that they lie. Therefore, at one point in the rally they faced the bleachers holding the reporters and chanted, "Tell the truth! Tell the truth! . . ." Meanwhile, CNN reported that the attendance was a mere 60,000, and several others reported figures near 200,000.

It was the *Washington Post*, however, that was the most odious. It must be recognized that the *Washington Post* is the newspaper most looked into by our legislators; it is here that many of them find their "truths" so that they can decide how to vote. In the previous year, the *Post* covered an abortion-*rights* rally, giving it extraordinary coverage. Prior to the rally, they published five stories in five days leading up to the event, published a 6,550-word cover story in their magazine section, and published a map showing the march route, road closings, parking, and more. The day after the rally they published five more stories, with three pictures, and had enough text to fill three pages. A great deal of the material was on the front page.

The *Washington Post* covered the 1989 pro-life rally with one small article which they buried in their Metropolitan Section. This section doesn't even get into all the issues of the paper they sell.

I could fill an entire book with other specific examples, but instead I will discuss classifications of prejudice. The information below, as well as that above, is from articles appearing in the *Los Angeles Times* in a series of articles published from July 1 to July 4, 1990. The articles were written by David Shaw, and to get this information he interviewed 100 journalists and activists on both sides of the abortion issue. He says:

The media consistently frame the [abortion] debate in terms that implicitly favor abortion-rights advocates.

Pro-abortion legislative and political victories are given much more prominence than are pro-life wins; ditto for rallies and marches.

When events are favorable to the pro-life side they are either sometimes ignored or given minimal attention by the media. First Amendment questions as they relate to pro-life activities have been largely ignored, precisely the kind of issues that the media ordinarily have been long sensitive to.

Pro-abortionists are characterized more favorably and quoted more often.

Most of the major papers' opinion-editorial pages run more pro- abortion commentary by a margin of 2 to 1.

Surveys have shown that between 80 and 90% of reporters favor the right to abortion. The United States Constitution, as you know, permits freedom of speech and freedom of the press. (Press means newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, and more.) However, the freedom to say what you want or print what you want in the public forum does not imply neutrality. The Constitution does not say that the press cannot take sides on an issue. Nor does it say that it must present both sides.

The reader should also note that the media are heavy contributors of money to Planned Parenthood.

Perhaps the reason the media is so pro-abortion is that they are so closely tied to needing their own freedom, the freedom of press. They might consider themselves to be hypocritical to favor one freedom but not all. Yet that can't be the whole answer, because there are freedoms that they wouldn't want us to have, like the freedom to choose to kill reporters.

One result of their prejudice is that the pro-life arguments are usual-ly not printed, and pro-life columnists are not hired or syndicated. The readers, thinking the media are neutral, have no reason to disbelieve the information they read, hear, or see. This information is generally that pro-choice is the only thing that makes any sense.

While news stories of homicides get front-page coverage across the nation at least once per week, there is essentially no coverage of all the murders of our preborn children. This is, to some extent, quite understandable. To include the obituaries of the 4,900 murders by abortion that we have every day in this nation, the papers would have to have seventy-five pages of obituaries every day of the year. News stories about the executioners and the health- "service" organizations that the reporters so dearly love, and news stories about the mothers would then have to be stuffed into each day's newspaper to perhaps a thickness of six feet--the depth of a child's grave.

Reporters! Are you listening? Article 26 *Fetal Development

by Lynn K. Murphy


Incredible as it may seem, most mothers who have abortions do not realize that there is actually a baby inside of them. They believe what pro-choice/pro- abortion people tell them, that the preborn is a blob, a mass of protoplasm, an "it," an obstruction to menstrual flow that is correctable by a minor procedure, or a problem. Pro-abortion people in general do not recognize that the preborn baby looks like a baby, is a baby, is alive, is human, and is separate from the mother's body.

If the preborn is what pro-abortion people claim he is, (and provided abortion wouldn't hurt women), then there is little wrong with abortion (but abortion does hurt women). But if he is an actual human baby, then abortion kills him. That is why it is so important for you and others to know about fetal development. We are commanded by God to love our neighbor as ourselves and not to kill. Is there any neighbor closer to a mother than her preborn baby?

The first step in the development of a baby is fertilization. This is when the sperm enters the egg. Usually there is only one egg, and hundreds of thousands of sperm. The egg only lets one sperm enter. Then the egg secretes a chemical that hardens the shell so that no more can enter.

At this point we have a live human being. We know that he is alive, because he grows. We know that the fertilized egg is human because it contains only human chromosomes and because no woman has ever given birth to any baby that wasn't human.

We also know that this baby contains genes and chromosomes from his father. This, combined with the fact that he is free-floating is proof that he is not a part of his mother's body. Thus, to abort is to kill a human being, not to have an amputation of a part of a woman's body. We also know that at this point, the point of fertilization, the baby is viable: All he needs to enable him to continue living is to be left alone.

Seven to nine days after fertilization, the fertilized egg attaches himself to the wall of the uterus (womb). This is called conception. Thus, fertilization is not conception. Those people who say that life begins at conception generally do not know that conception isn't the same as fertilization, and they actually mean that life begins at fertilization. Doctors also say that life begins at fertilization.

The purpose of conception is to enable the baby to receive nutrients from his mother and to discharge waste products to his mother. Immediately upon conception, the baby develops an umbilical cord. This comes out of his navel and is attached to the placenta. The placenta is an organ that develops and grows as the baby grows and provides the biological facilities needed to enable the transfer of nutrients and wastes between the baby and the mother. Throughout the growth of the baby, the placenta is about his size. The umbilical cord is merely a set of "tubes" that allow the passage of the nutrients and wastes between the baby and the placenta. Much later, when the baby is born, the placenta will be ejected from the uterus and will be called afterbirth.

After conception, the baby is still not a part of his mother, and he never will be. There are many ways to show this: The preborn has his own brain, his own heart, a separate blood supply that may be of a different blood type than his mother's, his father's chromosomes, and, if he is a boy, he has a penis. If he is a part of his mother's body, then she would have two sexes. (Feminists don't like to hear this argument.)

Several other arguments can be given, but I'll give just one more: Suppose you fertilize a Black woman's egg with a Caucasian man's sperm in a test tube and then inseminate an Oriental woman with this. Does the preborn baby now have three races? Does the Oriental woman now have three races? When the baby is born, does he change back to having two races? Does the Oriental woman change back to having one? The answers are no, no, no, and no. Therefore, preborn babies are never a part of their mother's bodies. Therefore, abortion kills a separate human being.

At the moment of conception, the baby is the size of a dot. Just three weeks after fertilization (or no more than two weeks from conception) his heart begins to beat. By the end of the fourth week after fertilization, he is about the size of an apple seed and has the beginnings of a spinal column, nervous system, kidneys, liver, and digestive tract. He is now 10,000 times larger than when first formed.

At six weeks all his vital organs are present, and he has fingers, toes, and the beginnings of teeth. His arms and legs move and he has brain waves.

At eight weeks, although his mother may not even know she is pregnant yet, to abort him will now cause him excruciating pain. Anesthetics are never used for baby killing.

By ten weeks he has fingerprints and he sucks his thumb. By twelve weeks he inhales and exhales the amniotic fluid that surrounds him, and his face begins to look like mom's or dad's.

At twelve weeks he has all his body parts. He will spend the remaining time in the womb just growing bigger. At about seventeen weeks he is large enough for his mother to begin to look pregnant, and he continues to grow very rapidly. Then, at forty weeks, his big day arrives. Out he comes, formed by God and loved by God and us. He now has the chance to find the Lord himself so that he too can have salvation. But just yesterday his mother could have legally killed him. Abortion is legal in the United States at *any * time during the pregnancy and for *any* reason. The reason doesn't even have to be given.

That is, it doesn't have to be given to man, but it will have to be given to God. While that doesn't necessarily mean the mother won't go to Heaven, I for one would hate to have to face Jesus with my violations of two commandments, "Thou shalt not kill"[1] and "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself"[2].


1. Exodus 20:13. 2. Mark 12:31. Article 27 *Father, Forgive the Abortionists For They Know Not What They Do

by Lynn K. Murphy


Sound familiar? These are almost the exact words given by Jesus as he died on the cross. There He was at Calvary, nailed on a cross with two malefactors on crosses next to him, and referring to His executioners said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."[1]

What great news for you and me! If the Father would forgive the executioners of his Son, surely we can also be forgiven. And so can the abortionists. However, we must keep in mind that the Bible doesn't say we will be forgiven without conditions. In fact, it gives one very clear condition: We must repent, or turn away from, our sins.[2] Perhaps this didn't apply to Jesus's executioners; Jesus didn't say it did. But it clearly applies to us, meaning you, me, and the abortionists.

Fortunately, this doesn't mean we must never sin. It only means we must try our hardest not to sin. And fortunately, it doesn't mean we we'll go to Hell for committing sins that we don't know are sins. Thus, we come into descriptions of where the abortionist and his or her accomplices fit.

The abortionist almost always knows of the humanity and aliveness of the preborn baby, and he therefore knows that he is killing a baby. Therefore, he surely is violating at least two commandments, and perhaps three. One that he violates for sure is "Thou shalt not kill"[3]. Another is associated with money. There is ample evidence in the Scriptures that God considers the inordinate pursuit of money to be idolatry. It is a pursuit of something as a substitute for pursuing God. The pursuit of money is often what keeps an abortionist killing even when he knows he is killing. Abortion is an extremely lucrative business. The other two commandments that are applicable for this abortionist are from Mark 12:30,31: "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." And there is no neighbor closer to a woman than her preborn baby.

Some of the abortionists' accomplices also fit into the category of knowingly killing the babies, but probably most of them don't know what they are doing. And, incredible as it may seem, some abortionists don't know what they are doing either. A few years ago a former abortionist, Bernard Nathanson, convinced a practicing abortionist to allow video-taping of an actual abortion.[4] This wasn't a movie of the external happenings, but a movie of the internal activities. A device called a sonogram was used to make moving- picture images of the preborn baby as he was being killed. The abortionist who did this kill had previously killed about 10,000 other babies. One would think that by this time he would have seen enough blood and body parts to know what was going on, but he didn't. The abortionist, sticking a long, sharp object through the mother's vagina and into the womb, repeatedly nudged the baby with the point in order to get his reaction, if any, on tape. The baby had a reaction, all right. He tried desperately to escape, turning and twisting and screaming without sound. But there was nowhere to hide. Finally, the abortionist jabbed him good and hard, and the baby jerked and ceased his violent struggles. And so did the abortionist, and so did his accomplice. That was the last abortion they ever did. Finally understanding what they were doing, they gave up their lucrative practice.

Other accomplices have better excuses for not knowing what abortion is. These people, who don't see the abortions taking place, range from blood-pressure takers to bookkeepers to receptionists to Killing-Center owners and landlords. To them, abortion is merely a procedure, a woman's right, a choice, the removal of an obstruction to menstrual flow, or a profit. One of the missions of pro-life is to educate these people about abortion. It is not our intention to make them understand so that they would go to Hell if they kept on with their work, but to close the Killing Centers. We have been somewhat successful.

Pro-lifers actually pray for the abortionists. We pray that they will understand, we pray that they will stop what they are doing, and we pray for their salvation. Often, they angrily demand that we stop!

Most often when we teach the truth about abortion, we teach secular facts. Most pro-abortion people do not believe in the humanity and separateness of the preborn baby. Therefore to teach them that God says, "Thou shalt not kill" is meaningless to them; that commandment applies to humans and they don't know yet that the preborn is human.

The separateness issue is of primary importance. If the preborn is merely a part of his mother's body, even if a human part, then abortion could almost be justified. By analogy, what is wrong with a woman getting rid of an appendix, another part of her body? But if the preborn is a separate life, then abortion kills a person.

To prove the separateness is easy: The preborn has his own brain, his own heart, a separate blood supply that may be of a different blood type than his mother's, his father's chromosomes, and, if he is a boy, he has a penis. If he is a part of his mother's body, then she would have two sexes. (Feminists don't like to hear this argument.)

Several other arguments can be given, but I'll give just one more: Suppose you fertilize a Black woman's egg with a Caucasian man's sperm in a test tube and then inseminate an Oriental woman with this. Does the preborn baby now have three races? Does the Oriental woman now have three races? When the baby is born, does he change back to having two races? Does the Oriental woman change back to having one? The answers are no, no, no, and no. Therefore, preborn babies are never a part of their mother's bodies. Therefore, abortion kills a separate human being.

But incredibly, there are many people who, though they hear, do not believe. (Note that I do not feel that I am as good as Jesus when He made similar statements.) One time I was in a room with about fifteen pro-choice people, and we were arguing about abortion and separateness. I gave the above proofs and several others about the separateness, and I gave them one hour to dispute any of the claims and/or to give any proofs that the preborn *is* a part of a mother's body. None of my claims were disputed, and no proofs of non- separateness were even offered. Nonetheless, not one of the pro-choice people in that room changed their position on abortion.

Both of the malefactors on the crosses next to Jesus knew that they were guilty, but only one of them repented. I close by quoting Luke 23 again, beginning this time at verse 39:

And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.

Pro-life prays that the abortionists make it. Would you please pray with us?


1. Luke 23:34. 2. Luke 13:5 and Revelation 2:22. 3. Exodus 20:13. 4. *Silent Scream*. Another abortion tape by Nathanson is *Eclipse of Reason*.

Article 28 *How Abortion in America Is Like Slavery in America Was

by Lynn K. Murphy


What a strange idea, comparing abortion to slavery! However, the legal basis for the United States previously permitting slavery is exactly the same as the legal basis for the United States currently permitting abortion. That basis is the dehumanization, or subhumanization of the victims. Just as many people prior to the Civil War didn't believe that the Negroes were fully human, even some present readers of this article don't believe that preborn babies are fully human. If slaves weren't human, why should the owners have cared if they were owned, controlled, worked like cattle, beaten, bought, sold, and killed as the owner chose? If our preborn babies aren't human, why should we care if they are killed? We kill cattle and sheep, why not other non-humans? Well, maybe not cats and dogs. That would be inhumane! The Humane Society would come after us!

The legalization of abortion occurred not by the legislative process through the voters, but by a "Supreme" Court decision. (That alone should make us mad enough to fight against abortion.) The legal basis for "validating" both abortion and slavery was the denial that the victim is a person. In 1973 in its dehumanizing, decision the "Supreme" Court ruled that the preborn were not persons. In 1857 the "Supreme" Court said in its decision that Negroes were not persons. Abolitionists (those who wanted to abolish slavery) objected, of course, but they were told to mind their own business. They were told things such as "Don't impose your morality on us," "You don't have to own a slave if you don't want one," and "The Supreme Court has ruled that it's legal, so don't tell us it's immoral." And pro-lifers get told the same things today about abortion and babies. An interesting variation used against men is "You can't have a baby. Go mind your own business!" The decision stood for eight years. Then, in 1865, the Supreme Court decision was overturned by the Civil War.

In the Southern states prior to the Civil War, persecution of the abolitionists was severe. In Louisiana there was a law stating: "Whosoever in any public discourse, from the bar, the bench, the pulpit, the stage, or any place whatsoever, shall make use of language in any private discourse or shall make use of signs or action having a tendency to produce discontent among the colored population, shall suffer imprisonment and hard labor not less than three years and not more than twenty-one years or death at the discretion of the court."[1] Horrible, isn't it? Try to help a slave, go to jail or die. I'm sure one of the white Southerners would have said, "Well, righteousness is righteousness!"

In 1990 Senators Alan Cranston, Robert Packwood, and Brock Adams introduced a bill to the United States Congress to make blockading an Abortion Killing Center a felony. Well, righteousness is righteousness!

Pro-lifers would feel that a person convicted of this transgression would be guilty of felony life saving.

We have seen the parallels in non-personhood and also in persecution of the abolitionists against slavery and of the abolitionists against abortion. But what about the attitudes of the opposition to the abolitionists of each era?

Angelina Weld, slavery abolitionist, said in her very famous book, *American Slavery, As It Is*, ". . . the slaves in the United States are frequently flogged with terrible severity, have red pepper rubbed into their lacerated flesh, and hot brine, spirits of turpentine, etc., poured over gashes to increase the torture; that they are often stripped naked, their backs and limbs cut with knives, bruised and mangled by scores and hundreds of blows with the paddle, and terribly torn by the claws of cats (whips) drawn over them by their tormentors; that they are often hunted with bloodhounds, shot down like beasts, or torn in pieces by dogs; that they are often suspended by the arms and whipped and beaten until they faint . . . and sometimes until they die; that their ears are often cut off, their eyes knocked out, their bones broken, and their flesh branded with red hot irons; that they are maimed, mutilated, and burned to death over slow fires."[2]

Public reaction to this surely was, "Inflammatory rhetoric! Lies! Semantics! They're not humans anyway! Why don't you go find something useful to do! Get out of here before I call the police!"

Today pro-life abolitionists say, "During the abortion procedures, always without anesthetic, depending on when the choice to kill is made, the babies are sliced by the surgeons' knives, their arms and legs are pulled off their bodies and their skulls are crushed to make the bodies fit through the undilated vagina, their eyes are knocked out, their bones broken, and they are maimed, mutilated, and burned to death with chemicals."[3]

Public reaction to this has always been, "Inflammatory rhetoric! Lies! Semantics! They're not humans anyway! Why don't you go find something useful to do! Get out of here before I call the police!"

The leaders of this public reaction have been, unfortunately, the secular press. Members of the press are overwhelmingly pro-abortion. They simply cannot see the truth about what abortion really is. To them it is merely a choice or a woman's right, never one of the brutal murders they like to put on the front page. I personally find it difficult to rationalize how an abortion isn't also a brutal murder. In spite of the fact that there have been 32,000,000[4] of these in the United States since abortion was legalized, the press denies the truth. And as long as they keep doing this, many millions of people will remain ignorant of what the truth actually is. Abortion will continue.

Are you a pro-abortion member of the press? If you have a typical reading speed of 200 words per minute, while you were reading this article nineteen babies have been murdered by abortion in the United States. Will you support that by not reporting it?

Here the comparison of slavery with abortion ends. Slavery was ended by the people because the people cared enough to free the defenseless victims from their tyranny. Now in our twentieth year of legal abortion, we people have shown that we do not care enough about the tyranny against our preborn, defenseless, precious babies to free them. What a sad testimony against the typical American, and the typical Christian! Notes:

1. "Constitution and Address of Kentucky Society for the Gradual Relief from Slavery," Olive Branch--Extra, (December 23, 1833). 2. Weld, p. 9. 3. There are literally hundreds of books describing these as abortion methods. 4. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions.

Article 29 *Abortion and the Public-Opinion Polls

by Lynn K. Murphy


The importance of public-opinion polls on abortion or any other subject cannot be overemphasized. The results are more than just interesting reading, but are flags flying in the wind: Politicians and others look at them to see which way to vote.

Therefore, the importance of having honest polls cannot be overemphasized. And to a very large degree, the polls about the abortion issues have *not* been honest. The most famous instance of dishonesty was perpetrated by a certain Bernard N. Nathanson. Dr. Nathanson is a former abortionist, claiming to have presided over 60,000 deaths. Then he turned pro-life and admitted that as president of the predecessor to the National Abortion Rights Action League he deliberately invented the results of a public-opinion poll. His purpose was to present it to the United States Supreme Court in 1973 so that they would legalize abortion on demand (request). It's hard to know how much effect this lie had on the decision, but the Court sensitive to public opinion, and they did legalize abortion on demand.

*What the polls show*:

Results of polls depend on many things, such as who took the poll, where the poll was taken, when the poll was taken, who paid for the poll, what income- class was polled, which sex was polled, which races were polled, and under which conditions the respondent was asked to comment on, i.e., should abortion always be illegal, illegal except for cases of rape and incest, or for birth control, etc., or should it be illegal in the second trimester of pregnancy, or in the third? (By the way, it is legal any time during the pregnancy and for any reason whatsoever.)

Probably for you, the most important issue is what a legitimate cross section of Americans feel about whether abortion should be illegal for purposes of ordinary birth control. Almost all polls, including those sponsored and paid for by pro-abortion organizations, conclude that between 67% and 89% of the people feel that abortion should be illegal for birth control purposes.[1]

Here are some other results. They are from a Gallup Poll of 1991 in which 2,174 adults were questioned face-to-face with 200 questions. The results are: 26% were found to be strongly pro-life, 16% moderately pro-life, 16% strongly pro-choice, 16% moderately pro-choice, 23% neutral, and 3% didn't know. On another subject: 50% of the women and 60% of the men favored consent for abortion from the biological father. (The law prohibits consent or non- consent of the father to have legal effect.) When asked a question regarding which term best describes their feelings about abortion, 41.4% of the women and 31.9% of the men called it murder. (This makes me wonder why this is called a women's issue.) 69% of the respondents favored parental consent for abortions by minor mothers (assuming that abortion is okay in the first place), and 86% favored informing the pregnant mother of the medical facts about abortion. (This seldom occurs.)

*How and why polls can be distorted*:

Your first concern should be whether the above poll is distorted. I don't think that it is, but if you want to decide for yourself you may obtain a copy of it by calling 202 289-6901. It is sixty pages long.

Why do polls get distorted? One reason is that a pollster may not realize he or she is being prejudicial. But probably the biggest reason is that the pollster is being controlled by the person who pays his bill. There's a conflict of interest. Suppose there is an organization that believes that a woman should be allowed to have an abortion, and this organization has a name or a reputation that makes it obvious that they would really like it if the results of the poll showed that Americans in general agreed that abortion is okay. Then they come to you, the pollster, and offer you $250,000 to conduct a poll on the subject. What are you going to do? Remember now, next year they might want you to do another poll. So what would you do? Disappoint them? A lot of you would say . But do you think you could stick with your when they dangle a quarter of a million dollars in your face?

So how is the cheating carried out? There are several ways. One would be to select who you poll so as to get the answers the payer needs. For instance, if you want to show support among Americans for abortion, you could poll the workers of The Abortion Institute. Perhaps The Abortion Institute would even make their employees' phone numbers easily available to you. The payer might even tell you that you must use them.

Alternatively, they could tell you to conduct a poll through a feminist magazine, such as *Ms*. Think how different the answer would be if it was conducted through a male-prejudiced magazine, if there are any.

Another good way to prejudice the answer is to tailor the questions so that you almost can't help but get the answers you want. For instance, the following question was used by a poll for the National Abortion Rights Action League:

The decision on whether or not to perform an abortion rests with the consenting patient, and should be performed by a licensed physician in conformance with good medical practice. Do you agree or disagree?

Over 90 percent agreed, and the National Abortion Rights Action League therefore presented the results, though not the question, as proof that Americans supported abortion rights. But the question doesn't ask if a person agrees that abortion should be allowed, it asks whether he or she understands what the law says, which is that the decision rests with the consenting patient and should be performed by a licensed physician, etc. Here's another example: The New York Times and CBS News Poll took two polls. One of them was

Do you think there should be an amendment to the Constitution prohibiting abortions, or shouldn't there be such an amendment?

Sixty-seven percent said there shouldn't be. But then when they took out the word abortion and put in the word life, look what happened. Here was the question:

Do you believe there should be an amendment to the Constitution protecting the life of the unborn child, or shouldn't there be such an amendment?

This time only thirty-four percent said there shouldn't be, even though each question really asks the same thing. What if I were to ask you the question, "should the decision for an abortion be made entirely between a woman and her physician?" What would you answer? For three reasons, most of you would probably answer . First, the question doesn't allow you to say that there won't be an abortion. Second, "the woman and her physician phrase" implies a friendly, competent, and professional relationship, and third, you'd say just because the law says that this is their decision. You're actually being asked to say if you know the law. A better question would be "Should the law continue to say that the decision for an abortion, if any, should be made entirely between a woman and her physician, or alternatively, should abortion be considered murder?"


We have seen what the results of a valid poll are and what some of the reasons are that polls and pollsters can and do lie to us. (Again, if you do not believe that the 1991 Gallup poll results are valid, you may attempt to disprove it by getting a copy of it.) My conclusion is that the people do not want abortion in this nation.

There is one more figure of importance, a figure accepted by both pro-life and pro-abortion: Approximately 98% of all abortions are solely for purposes of birth control. Since 67% to 89% of Americans believe that abortion for this purpose should be illegal, a democratic election today would result in abortion being made illegal.


1. From this author scanning a great number of polls on this subject. A poll which shows 89% is from the L.A. Times, March 19, 1989 and Boston Globe, March 31, 1989.

Article 30 *Adoption, the Forgotten Choice

by Lynn K. Murphy


Abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing more people than the next twelve causes of death combined.[1] At the same time as 1,800,000[2] babies are deliberately killed every year, many parents languish in despair that they will never be able to raise a family: There aren't enough babies to go around.

There are about 75[3] sets of prospective parents on adoption waiting lists for newborn babies for every 1 newborn available. In California for every 1 newborn baby available for adoption, approximately 150[4] are killed by abortion.

There are many reasons for this. The primary one is that the status of the preborn has been degenerated to one of sub-humanity. Just as the legal basis for "justifying" slavery in the United States and Jew-killing in Nazi Germany was to classify the victims as non-persons, our preborns were classified as non-persons by the "Supreme" Court. As such, they were no longer entitled to rights, including the right to live.

Even further degradation of his status has occurred since the Court made its decision in 1973. Abortion advocates generally refer to the preborn as potential persons, masses of protoplasm, blobs, its, obstructions to menstrual flow, problems, and other degrading names, whereas pro-lifers refer to them as innocent, defenseless human beings and God's children.

A big part of the problem of having such a large death rate and therefore not having babies available for adoption rests with our schools' sex-education classes. For the most part, sex-education classes give very little emphasis to adoption as a possible choice for a pregnant teenager, and for the most part they aggressively teach her that her best choice, and often her only choice, is abortion. The teachers' forcefulness with rhetoric is readily accepted by our children. Our children don't have the benefit of the knowledge we grew up with--that preborn babies are human. It must be realized that even the oldest teenager today wasn't even born yet when it became "moral" to kill babies. And you should also note that 25.5%[5] of all abortions are on teenagers. The United States has the highest teenage abortion rate in the world.

But realize too that there can be no valid pro-abortion rhetoric that ending abortion would flood the nation with more babies than could be adopted. For one thing, even pro-aborts agree that 98% of all abortions are for birth control. Thus, if abortion would be outlawed, something approaching 1,568,000 babies would never be conceived; thus they would never be born. Women would use other methods of birth control, and the abortion rate could drop to about 30,000 - 40,000 per year.

Another reason we wouldn't be inundated with babies is that there are about 2,000,000 people in America wanting to adopt a baby.[6] In fact, the demand for babies is so enormous that many Americans are forced to find a baby in another country. They then go to that country and adopt him and bring him home. The cost can be staggering.

Still others advertise across the nation, hoping and praying that some woman, somewhere, will decide to let her baby live and enable a loving family to raise him. They will often pay her expenses and buy her things she wouldn't otherwise buy, and they will pay all the medical and legal expenses.

The fact that there are loving families who desperately want a baby is an issue that the pro-aborts refuse to understand. In fact one of their slogans that they use to "justify" abortion in their own "hearts" is "Every child a wanted child." But extraordinarily few babies are unwanted. They may not be wanted by their own mothers, but they are often wanted by their fathers and they are desperately wanted by people who want to adopt. The very few who are unwanted are Black babies with Down's Syndrome or Down's babies with heart defects.[4] In fact, there is an adoption waiting list for Caucasian babies who have Down's Syndrome, but who don't have heart defects, that has fifty families on it for every one baby available.[7] What must you do if you want to adopt? First, consider changing your standards. Healthy Caucasians, for instance, are the most difficult to get. Consider a Black baby, even though it will also be difficult to find one of these. Also, consider how much money you can spend. You can probably get by with spending only about $1,000 by going to a public agency, but you will have a low probability of success with them. If you are able and willing to spend from $15,000 to $50,000 on alternative methods, you will have much greater possibilities for success. The difference is that with the public agencies, the social workers select the adopting parents. Because of the scarcity of babies and surplus of parents wanting to adopt, they put very severe qualifications on who will be awarded a baby. Alternatively, if you advertise locally and get an answer, all you have to do is convince that one mother that you will be a good parent and that you will pay her bills. Or if you seek a baby from a foreign country, you will probably find one that is easy to get because he or she is homeless. There are problems with advertising for babies, however. Some women string-along many eager couples all at once, and then keep the baby anyway.

Two other alternatives are to work through private agencies or attorneys. Here too, you're chances of success are low. Also, your expenses will be much higher than with public agencies. Your costs will be between $5,000 and $10,000.

All this is very discouraging, but there are things you can do to greatly increase your chances. These things can be summarized in two words: Take control! This is how:

1. Pray. 2. From the Resource List below, learn almost everything about adoption. 3. Pray. 4. Talk with agencies and attorneys in your area to decide which way to find your baby. 5. Pray. 6. Decide issues of open adoption verses closed adoption (issues not discussed herein). 7. Pray. 8. Put out the word you want a baby! This means go to your local Crisis Pregnancy Center, or even your local Planned Parenthood Killing Center and tell them you want a baby. Phone every church in your area. Most pastors counsel women on abortion and sometimes know of available babies. 9. Pray and wait.

*Resource List*:

Bethany Christian Services, 901 Eastern Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503; (616) 459-6273. Holt International Children's Services, Box 2880, Eugene, OR 97402; (503) 687-2202. The American Academy of Adoption Attorneys, Box 33053, Washington, DC 20033.


1. From *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989. 2. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if increased by 12.5% to account for illegal abortions. 3. There are many literature sources for this, but because of adoption secrecy laws, none are accurate. Estimates run from 60 to 300. 4. Planned Parenthood reported 350,000 abortions in a recent, unspecified year. In a personal communication to the author, James W. Brown, Chief of Adoptions Branch of the State of California, Department of Social Services [(916) 323-0524] reported only 2,300 adoptions in California for fiscal year 1988 - 1989. 5. The pro-abortion Alan Guttmacher Institute. 6. "Citizen", Focus on the Family, December 17, 1990. 7. "The Michael Fund Newsletter."

Article 31 *Perspectives on Abortion

by Lynn K. Murphy


Abortion is easily the number-one killer of Americans, ending more lives than the next twelve causes of death combined including heart disease and cancer.[1] This article examines some of the many issues within the abortion controversy.

*Abortion Hurts Women*:

Both pro-life and pro-abortion experts agree. Let's see what the greatest pro-abortion expert of them all says:

Planned Parenthood, the world's and nation's largest provider of abortion, said in its Department of Education <3-Year Plan and Long Range Program Goals 1990 - 1993>:

"A number of . . . studies and surveys (including the Reardon/WIC Study and the Grant Survey) have shown that the incidence of post-procedural trauma for abortion clients may be as high as 91 percent of all cases"

A Planned Parenthood brochure entitled says, "An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it.

Since it is a conflict of interest for Planned Parenthood to admit this, it is *very* believable. Therefore, it isn't necessary to show what pro-life experts say.


The issue of viability should never have become an issue. Viability means whether a premature baby will live outside the womb. In 1973, when the United States "Supreme" Court made its decision that made abortion legal, they deemed it important that the viability (in that year) was twenty-five weeks after fertilization. But now, because of advancements in medicine, the age of viability is about twenty weeks.

It's difficult to understand why the Court bothered to be concerned about viability: They went on to make abortion just as legal after viability as before. A mother can have an abortion at any time during her pregnancy and for any reason.

Another reason viability shouldn't be important is that neither a baby born twenty weeks after fertilization, nor a two-year-old, nor a teenager, nor you or I are viable without help. Just as a preborn baby still in the womb needs the help of his mother, you and I could not survive without the people around us who grow our food and make our clothing and much more. Therefore, the viability of a newborn should not even be considered unless we too must be considered expendable.

However, by far most important, the viability argument is totally unrelated to what happens with abortion. What difference does it make whether a baby can live *outside* the womb? Abortion takes place *inside* the womb! Leave him alone, and he'll be just fine!

*Who's Body*?

One of the pro-abortion slogans is "A woman has the right to control her own body." One thing this ignores is that this is a false statement anyway. For instance, a woman doesn't have the right to cross a street except between two lines and with the permission of an electric signal. I could give many other examples, such as taking illegal drugs, but the really big distortion is that it's not her body; it's the body of a defenseless, innocent, and separate human being.

The issue of separateness is very important, for if the baby is a part of the mother, then abortion kills a baby, but if he is separate, it doesn't. Here are some proofs of the separateness:

The preborn has his own brain, his own heart, a separate blood supply that may be of a different blood type than his mother's, his father's chromosomes, and, if he is a boy, he has a penis. So if he is a part of his mother's body, then she would have two sexes. (Those feminists who are pro-abortion don't like to hear this argument.)

Several other arguments can be given, but I'll give just one more: Suppose you fertilize a Black woman's egg with a Caucasian man's sperm in a test tube and then inseminate an Oriental woman with this. Does the preborn baby now have three races? Does the Oriental woman now have three races? When the baby is born, does he change back to having two races? Does the Oriental woman change back to having one? The answers are no, no, no, and no. Therefore, preborn babies are never a part of their mother's bodies. Therefore, abortion kills a separate human being.

*Imposing morality*:

Pro-lifers are often told, "Don't impose your morality on us!" However, it's not just our morality, it's also God's. He is the one who first said, "Thou shalt not kill"[2] and "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself."[3] (There is no neighbor closer to a woman than her preborn baby.) Through the Judeo- Christian Ethic, God's morality originally defined this nation's laws against murder. A valid answer to the pro-abortion person is, "Don't impose your 'morality' on your baby!"

*Abortion because of rape, incest, life of the mother, or fetal handicap:*

According to both pro-life and pro-abortion people, only 2% of all abortions are for purposes of rape + incest + fetal handicap + the life of the mother. All the rest are for purposes of birth control; thus, approximately 1,764,000 of the 1,800,000[1] annual abortions in the US are for birth control. Polls show, depending on who paid for the polls, that between 67% and 89% of Americans are against abortion for birth control.[4] Thus, a democratic election today would result in legislation that would practically end abortion.

But pro-abortion people try to justify *all* abortion on rape, incest, fetal handicap, and life of the mother. This, as we have seen, is totally unwarranted. But what about rape or incest, what should we do about those pregnancies? I say let the babies live, and I say this because God says it. There can be no better reason for anything. Besides, why kill the baby for the crime of his father? Does this apprehend him? Does it convict him? Does it put him in jail? *Every child should be wanted:*

I agree. But extraordinarily few are unwanted. They may not be wanted by their own mothers, but they are often wanted by their fathers and they are desperately wanted by people who want to adopt. The very few who are unwanted are Black babies with Down's Syndrome or Down's babies with heart defects.[5]

There are about 75[6] sets of prospective parents on adoption waiting lists for newborn babies for every 1 newborn available. While the babies die, prospective adoptive parents agonize because they can't have a family to raise.

In California for every 1 newborn baby available for adoption, approximately 150[6] are killed by abortion.

For the most part, sex-education classes give very little emphasis to adoption as a possible choice for a pregnant teenager.

*No child should live in poverty*:

Should we therefore kill all children who do?

Can anyone substantiate that rich people are happier than middle-class people who are happier than the poor?

Did Jesus teach us to be compassionate and generous toward the poor, or to kill them?

*Every woman should have the right to choose*:

To choose what? No one should have the right to choose to kill another person. And what about the father's rights? He doesn't have the legal right to choose to not have his son or daughter murdered if the mother chooses abortion.


These are a few of the issues surrounding the abortion controversy. Since abortion was legalized in the US in 1973, there have been 32,000,000[8] babies killed here. Wouldn't you like to help stop this? If so, call the organization at the bottom of this article.

I close by quoting God:

Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.[9]

And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worth of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.[10]

Therefore, to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.[11]

Please contact American Life League at (703) 659-4171.

Notes: 1. Abortion deaths are 1,800,000 per year. This is 1,600,000 deaths multiplied times 12.5% to allow for illegal abortions. Other statistics from *Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1992*, page 82, for 1989. 2. Exodus 20:13. 3. Mark 12:31. 4. From this author scanning a great number of polls on this subject. A poll which shows 89% is from the L.A. Times, March 19, 1989 and Boston Globe, March 31, 1989. 5. "The Michael Fund Newsletter" 6. There are many literature sources for this, but because of adoption secrecy laws, none are accurate. Estimates run from 60 to 300. 7. Planned Parenthood reported 350,000 abortions in a recent, unspecified year. In a personal communication to the author, James W. Brown, Chief of Adoptions Branch of State of California, Department of Social Services [(916) 323-0524] reported only 2,300 adoptions in California for fiscal year 1988 - 1989. 8. A figure accepted as approximately correct by both pro-life and pro- abortion if illegal abortions are included. 9. Proverbs 24:11 (NIV). 10. Luke 12:47-48 (KJV). 11. James 4:17 (KJV).

That ends all of the 31 Articles.