At the Welcome Ceremony in Honduras (8 March 1983)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Tuesday, 8 March 1983, at the welcome ceremony at the Toncontín-Tegucigalpa Airport in Honduras, the Holy Father testified that Jesus is the Lord, who rose from the dead to give life to all men, and praising Him “for all the wonders that divine grace has wrought in this Church in Honduras.”

Mr President,
beloved brothers in the Episcopate,
dear Hondurans, all

Let my first words of sincere gratitude be to the President of the Republic for his kindness in coming to receive me and for his cordial welcome, which gives expression to the visible demonstrations of affectionate welcome that you all give me and which makes me feel in an atmosphere familiar. I also thank the President for the kind invitation he gave me, together with the Episcopate, to visit the beloved Honduran Nation.

Finding myself here, I wish to share with you my joy and hope, as only divine kindness can give you, allowing me to undertake this apostolic journey. For my part and in response to your enthusiastic welcome, I wish to embrace all of you in a great embrace of peace: the brothers in the Episcopate over which D. Hector Enrique Santos presides; the inhabitants of Tegucigalpa and all of you who came from other parts of the country; those who in towns and villages, at home or in the countryside, are listening to me. Know that you have a brother among you and with you, who walks by your side.

In fulfillment of his apostolic mission, the Bishop of Rome and Pastor of the universal Church is present among the People of God who advance on Honduran soil to the Father's house. You invited me to come and, in the name of the Lord, I am among you. I also want to testify here that Jesus is the Lord, who rose from the dead to give life to all men. And at the same time I wish to praise the Lord for all the wonders that divine grace has wrought in this Church in Honduras.

Dear all: from the first moment of my arrival, you opened the doors of your heart to me. I also reaffirm my deep esteem and affection.

God bless all of you who welcomed me today, in person or in spirit. I bless everyone I meet on my journey and everyone who joins me in prayer assemblies. God bless now and always all Hondurans


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