Address to the Bishops of Zaire (3 May 1980)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Saturday, 3 May 1980, the Holy Father addressed the Bishops of Zaire meeting in Kinshasa, to whom he spoke of the purpose of their ministry as evangelization.

Dearest brothers in Christ:

1. What a joy for me to find you all together! What a great consolation! It can be said that true evangelization began exactly a century ago; and behold, today the Christian faith is found implanted almost everywhere in this country, with an organized ecclesiastical hierarchy, with sons of this people "ex hominibus assumpti", who have taken the reins of the Church into their hands, in union with the Church which is in Rome. The establishment of your Christian communities, the vitality of this People of God, is a marvel of grace, which renews in our times what it accomplished in the time of the Apostles Peter and Paul.

There are stages, there are dates that no one can forget:

— the ordination of the first Zairian priest, Esteban Kaoze (1917);

— the consecration of the first Zairian bishop, mons. Pierre Kimbondo (1956);

— the establishment of the hierarchy in Zaire (1959);

— the call of the first Zairian bishop to be part of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Joseph Malula (1969).

I have come to give thanks to God with you, to celebrate the centenary of evangelization.

I have come to recognize with you the patient and successful apostolic task of numerous missionaries, bishops, priests, men and women religious. They loved you to the point of consecrating their lives to initiate your parents into the Gospel, a Gospel that they themselves had received by grace, and they had enough confidence in your parents to consider them capable of constituting a local Church themselves and to prepare their Shepherds. I have come to recognize the good work that you yourselves have undertaken, following their example or with them, to the extent that they still render you an indispensable service today. I have come to express my respect, my esteem, my affection for you, for your episcopal body, for the Church that meets with you. and i have come to confirm your holy ministry, as Jesus asked Peter.

2. The purpose of this ministry is always evangelization. It is the same for all countries, for the old Christendoms as well as for the young Churches. Because evangelization has its stages of diverse scope and it is a work in which it is necessary to insist without ceasing. Certainly about half of your fellow citizens have entered the Church by baptism; others prepare for it. But there is still a wide field of apostolate, so that the light of the Gospel may also shine in the eyes of others. And above all it is necessary to carry out the deep penetration of this Gospel in the souls, in the customs, in the faith and in the daily charity of the people, of the families, of the communities and it is necessary to ensure their perseverance. That was the problem that the Apostle Paul found in the communities he visited, and the Apostle John,Ap 1, 3), or also my predecessor Saint Clement of Rome. It is the problem that all the intrepid bishops of my nation have known, like Saint Stanislaus.

3. In this regard, I have been able to observe the zeal, the courage and the cohesion that you have shown, to enlighten and guide your Christian people, when circumstances have required it. Because the test occasions have really not been lacking. For example, you have prepared and published documents on faith in Jesus Christ, in 1974, and later "on the present situation". In 1977 you encouraged the faithful "in solidarity and responsibility" to overcome discouragement and immorality. The same year, you have exhorted your priests, men and women religious to conversion. You have even made an appeal to all your compatriots for "the revival of the nation." Such documents of the Episcopal Conference, not counting those of each bishop in his own diocese, They manifest your sense of pastoral responsibility. I would like, with you, that these appeals, together with the assiduous reading of the Word of God, be remembered, meditated on and, above all, lived in their consequences and with perseverance by those whose consciences you want to form or awaken. Because, as you know, as I do, this education in the faith requires not only clear texts, but proximity, a pedagogy that establishes that teaching, that convinces and helps, with patience and love, inseparable from pastoral authority, thanks also to the priests and educators who themselves must set an example. I would like, with these simple words, to express my appreciation and encouragement for your work of evangelization. together with the assiduous reading of the Word of God, may they be remembered, meditated on and, above all, lived in its consequences and with perseverance by those whom you want to form or awaken their conscience. Because, as you know, as I do, this education in the faith requires not only clear texts, but proximity, a pedagogy that establishes that teaching, that convinces and helps, with patience and love, inseparable from pastoral authority, thanks also to the priests and educators who themselves must set an example. I would like, with these simple words, to express my appreciation and encouragement for your work of evangelization. together with the assiduous reading of the Word of God, may they be remembered, meditated on and, above all, lived in its consequences and with perseverance by those whom you want to form or awaken their conscience. Because, as you know, as I do, this education in the faith requires not only clear texts, but proximity, a pedagogy that establishes that teaching, that convinces and helps, with patience and love, inseparable from pastoral authority, thanks also to the priests and educators who themselves must set an example. I would like, with these simple words, to express my appreciation and encouragement for your work of evangelization. This education in the faith requires not only clear texts, but a closeness, a pedagogy that establishes that teaching, that convinces and helps, with patience and love, inseparable from pastoral authority, thanks also to the priests and educators who must themselves give example. I would like, with these simple words, to express my appreciation and encouragement for your work of evangelization. This education in the faith requires not only clear texts, but a closeness, a pedagogy that establishes that teaching, that convinces and helps, with patience and love, inseparable from pastoral authority, thanks also to the priests and educators who must themselves give example. I would like, with these simple words, to express my appreciation and encouragement for your work of evangelization.

4. One of the aspects of this evangelization is the inculturation of the Gospel, the Africanization of the Church. Many of you have confided to me that you have this very much in your heart, and it is fair. This is part of the essential efforts to embody the message of Christ. The Gospel certainly does not identify itself with cultures and transcends all of them. But the Kingdom that the Gospel announces is lived by people deeply linked to a culture; the construction of the Kingdom cannot neglect to incorporate elements of human cultures (cf. Evangelii nuntiandi , 20). Evangelization can even help to bring forth from its own living tradition original expressions of Christian life, celebration and thought (cf. Catechesi tradendae , 53). Desire to be fully Christian and fully African at the same time. The Holy Spirit asks us to believe, in fact, that the leaven of the Gospel, in its authenticity, has the power to raise up Christians in different cultures, with all the riches of their patrimony, purified and transfigured.

To this end, the Second Vatican Council expressed very well some principles that always serve to illuminate the path to be followed in this field:

«The Church... fosters and assumes and, by assuming them, purifies, strengthens and elevates all the capacities and wealth and customs of the peoples, in what is good about them...

By virtue of this catholicity, each one of the parts collaborates with its own gifts with the other parts and with the whole Church, in such a way that the whole and each one of the parts increases because of all those who mutually communicate and tend to fullness in unity...

»The Chair of Peter... presides over the universal assembly of charity, protects legitimate differences and simultaneously ensures that divergences serve unity instead of harming it» ( Lumen gentium , 13).

Africanization recovers broad and deep aspects that have not yet been sufficiently explored; and language must be used to present the Christian message in such a way that it reaches the soul and heart of the Zairians; as well as catechesis, theological reflection, the most appropriate expression in liturgy or sacred art, of community forms of Christian life.

5. It is up to you, the Bishops, to promote and harmonize progress in this field, after mature reflection, with great understanding among yourselves, in union also with the universal Church and with the Holy See. Inculturation, for the whole of the people, can only be the fruit of a progressive maturity in the faith. Because you are convinced, as I am, that this work, on which I want to express all my confidence, requires great theological lucidity, spiritual discernment, wisdom and prudence; and also, not a short time.

Allow me to recall, among other examples, the experience of my own country. In Poland, a deep alliance has been established between the ways of thinking and living that characterize the nation and Catholicism; this impregnation has required centuries. Here, taking into account a different situation, it must be possible for Christianity to ally itself with what is deepest in the Zairian soul for an original culture, at the same time African and Christian.

As far as faith and theology are concerned, everyone sees that important problems are at stake: the content of faith, the search for its best expression, the relationship between theology and faith, the unity of faith. My venerable predecessor Paul VI alluded to this at the end of the Synod of 1974 (cf. AAS 66, 1974, pp. 636-637; L'Osservatore Romano , Spanish Language Edition, November 3, 1974, pp. 1, 2 and 15). And he had reminded the SCEAM delegates of certain rules in September 1975:

« a) When it comes to the Christian faith, it is necessary to abide by the identical, essential, constitutional patrimony of the very doctrine of Christ, professed by the authentic and authorized tradition of the only true Church;

» b) It is important to engage in a deep investigation of the cultural traditions of the various populations, as well as the philosophical data that act as assumptions. to find in them the elements that are not in contradiction with the Christian religion and the contributions capable of enriching theological reflection» ( AAS 67, 1975, p. 572; L'Osservatore Romano , Spanish Language Edition, October 12, 1975 , page 9).

I myself, last year, in the Exhortation on Catechesis, drew attention to the fact that the Gospel message cannot be isolated from the biblical culture where it was initially included, nor even, without serious deterioration, from the cultures in which that has been expressed throughout the centuries; and that, on the other hand, the power of the Gospel is everywhere transforming and regenerating (cf. no. 53).

In the field of catechesis, presentations that are more appropriate to the African soul can and should be made, without failing to take into account the increasingly frequent cultural exchanges with the rest of the world; It is convenient to simply ensure that the work is carried out as a team and is controlled by the Episcopate, so that the expression is correct and that all the doctrine is presented.

In the realm of sacred gestures and liturgy , a whole enrichment is possible (cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium , 37 and 38), provided that the meaning of the Christian rite is always preserved and that the universal, Catholic aspect of the Church appears clearly ("substantial unity of the Roman rite"), in union with the other local Churches and in agreement with the Holy See.

In the ethical aspect , it is convenient to highlight all the resources of the African soul that are like the gear of Christianity. Paul VI had already mentioned them in his message to Africa on October 29, 1967, and you know them better than anyone, because they refer to the spiritual vision of life, to the meaning of the family and of children, of community life etc. As in any civilization, there are other less favorable aspects.

In any case, as you have well remembered, a conversion must always be carried out, facing the person of Christ, the only Savior, and his teachings, just as the Church transmits them. This is the only way to produce the liberation, the purification, the transfiguration, the elevation that He came to bring and accomplished in His paschal mystery, death and resurrection. We must consider both the Incarnation of Christ and his Redemption. You yourselves have noted that the recourse to authenticity does not allow "opposing the principles of Christian morality to those of traditional morality" (letter of February 27, 1977). In a certain sense, the Gospel fulfills human aspirations, but examining the depths of the human so that they open up to the call of grace and especially to a more trusting approach to God, to an enlarged, universal human brotherhood. Authenticity will not exempt the African man from his duty to convert. In short: it is about becoming authentic Christians, and authentically Africans.

6. In this work of inculturation, of indigenization, already well begun, as well as in the whole work of evangelization. Many particular questions may arise along the way, referring to this or that custom —I am thinking specifically of difficult problems of marriage—, this or that religious act, this or that method. Difficult questions, whose search for a solution is entrusted to your pastoral responsibility, to you the bishops, in dialogue with Rome. You cannot ignore it. For this, a perfect cohesion between you is necessary above all . Each Church has its problems; but above all - I am never afraid to repeat it - as I said to the bishops of Poland: "This unity is a source of spiritual strength."

Solidarity like this is valid for all spheres: that of research, that of great pastoral decisions and also that of mutual esteem, whatever your origin, without forgetting that of mutual help, in the exemplary life that is asked of you and that can sometimes require fraternal corrections.

7. It is not beyond your consideration to what extent solidarity with the universal Church is necessary for the Catholic authenticity of the Church in Zaire, for its strength and for its harmonious growth in things that must be common and, especially , the entrusted communion with the Holy See . But they are also necessary for the vitality of the universal Church, where you will bear witness to your pastoral care and the contribution of your evangelizing zeal on important points for the whole Church. They are the requirements, or rather, it is the grace of our catholicity (cf. Lumen gentium , 13, cited above). Praised be God who allows his Church this vital exchange and this communion between all the members of the same Body, the Body of Christ. The Holy See will not relieve you of responsibilities: on the contrary, it will hold you accountable and will also help you find the solutions that are most in keeping with your vocation. For my part, I am sure that your concerns will be received with understanding.

8. Arriving here, I would like to say a few words to you on certain concrete pastoral problems. I remember them to show you the part that I take in your responsibility.

I have spoken of your unity among bishops, of your collegial co-responsibility that has been demonstrated in especially difficult moments. I also encourage you to promote as best you can, in each of your dioceses, the unity of the active forces of evangelization and, first of all, of your priests. Quite a few of them are Zairians and that is already a great luck for the future of your Church. Many others, secular and more frequently religious priests, have come as "missionaries" or have stayed here to help you knowing that they must leave, as far as possible, the first place to the indigenous Pastors. You all recognize that their service has been essential for evangelization, whose centenary we celebrate; which is still important and currently indispensable, taking into account the same numerical increase of faithful and the complexity of apostolic needs. They continue to be before you the expression of universality and of the necessary exchanges between the Churches. May all, Zairians or not, form a single presbytery around you! Let everything possible be done to pave and multiply the paths of mutual esteem, of brotherhood, of collaboration! Eliminate everything that causes suffering or neglect, for some or for others! May feelings of humility and mutual service take root in everyone! Thinking of Christ and for the testimony of the Church! That everyone can say: "Look how they love each other"! To advance evangelization! Significant progress has already been made. And I am sure that you will do everything possible to promote this climate.

On the other hand, you have already exhorted many times to all your priests and religious to a great dignity of life . I have underlined a passage where you say in poetic form:

“First of all, reform yourselves. Clothe yourselves with virtue, do not dress in silk. Keep your body chaste, your conscience simple. By night, as by day, dedicate yourselves to study. treat the people with humble dignity and unite sweetness with seriousness" (Exhortation of June 10, 1977). This is the radical love that consecrated souls have promised to the Lord for Himself and to be more willing to serve all brothers and the proclamation of the future world, with the discipline of life that this requires, it must shine like light, be like salt, to maintain "within the People of God the indispensable "tonus" that helps it elevate human matter" ( ib.). In particular, priests, men and women religious — and women religious as well — must have solid convictions about the positive and essential values ​​of chastity in celibacy and must always remain very vigilant in their conduct in order to be unambiguously faithful to the commitment they have made. taken —by the Lord and by the Church— and which is capital, in Africa as elsewhere, as a testimony and to direct the Christian people on the laborious path towards holiness. All this is possible with the grace of God and, above all, if spiritual means and the multiple needs that require pastoral zeal are taken with interest. Priests certainly need your fraternal help, your closeness, your personal example, your affection.

9. The holiness and zeal of your priests will also greatly facilitate the awakening of priestly vocations and I believe that there is one of your greatest concerns. How will the Church of Zaire be able to face the future if it does not have more numerous priests from its land, be they secular or religious? You have to pray and ask for prayers for this purpose. It is necessary to make "appeals" for the service of the Lord, it is necessary to ensure that families and young people understand the beauty of this service. But there is also the problem of the formation of those seminarians or novices; May they always benefit from the presence, dialogue and example of spiritual directors, experts in guiding souls.

On the other hand, I believe that many religious vocations have flourished among you , both within the framework of missionary congregations, and also, now, in that of institutes that have arisen on your soil. May they, thanks to a solid formation, thanks to their dedication to apostolic works, thanks to their clear testimony, write a new page in the life of religious and in the Church! I do not forget the one who has left a luminous trail, Sister Anwarita, who is already talking about his beatification.

10. I am also happy about all that has been done in this country to provide the Church with lay catechists and those responsible for small communities, who are the active links of evangelization, in constant and direct link with families, children, the different categories of the People of God. It is indeed convenient to favor all this deployment of the indispensable action of the laity, in close communion with the Pastors. I will have the opportunity to address this issue more fully during my trip.

On family life , I have already spoken at length this morning. Young people and households must be made to walk towards the full realization of God's plan for spouses and fathers of families, despite certain difficulties, while leaning at the same time on the resources of the African soul, on the secular experience of Church and in grace; Here is a primary pastoral objective. This will be a blessing for the Church and first-rate progress for the country.

One thing that parents, Pastors and all workers of evangelization must take into account is the religious education of children , —whatever the statute of the schools and, above all, because of the current statute— : initiation to the Gospel within the family, continued with a systematic catechesis, as I already explained, following the Synod of Bishops, in the Exhortation Catechesi tradendae .

11. I am also thinking of all the contribution that the Church makes to the development of the country, not only preparing the conscience of the citizens in order to loyalty, free service, a job well done, fraternity —which is directly its function— , but also attending, at very different levels , to the multiple needs of the population, frequently aggravated by tests; to school plans, health aid, livelihoods, etc. It is a supplement that charity imposes on the Church —"caritas urget nos"— and that the sense of the common good of your country makes you find normal.

12. You deeply love your homeland. I understand these feelings, because, as you know, the love I feel for the land where I was born is great. The unity of a homeland is forged, on the other hand, through the trials and efforts in which Christians have participated, especially when they form a notable portion of the nation. Your service to God includes that love for the homeland. It contributes to the good of the country, as the civil power is ordered, in its plan, to it. But your service differs from the latter and, while respecting its competence and responsibility, it must be able to be exercised, on its part, in full freedom, within its sphere, which is the education of the faith, the formation of consciences, religious practice the life of the communities. Christian, as well as the defense of the human person, of his freedoms and his rights, of his dignity. I know that this has been your concern. And I hope that a beneficial peace for all will result from it.

13. One last consideration. In order to help the Christian minority to face, according to faith, the problems that rapid evolution and contact with other civilizations and other systems of thought constantly raise, it is essential, on the theological level, that research and teaching be promoted. in your country in an appropriate way, that is, by becoming deeply rooted in the tradition of the entire Church, which has given its lifeblood to your community, the reflection that your African roots require and the new problems that arise. Hence, I make fervent wishes for your theology faculty in Kinshasa, for its high intellectual level, for its ecclesial fidelity and for its irradiation in your country and beyond its borders.

14. And for today I'm going to stop here. But it is a dialogue that must always continue with the Successor of Peter, with the organizations of the Holy See, with the other local Churches, which have only one concern: to allow the impulse of your Church to continue its course in the best conditions. "with all security and without stumbling blocks" ( Act 28, 31). I hope that this impulse not only favors you, but that it becomes more and more missionary. "Be yourselves missionaries", as Paul VI said in Kampala eleven years ago. This has largely been done. But I would add: try to be missionaries, for your part, not only in the areas of this country where the Gospel is still expected, but also outside of it, especially in the other countries of Africa. A Church that gives of itself, even within its limited resources, will be blessed by the Lord, since there is always someone who is still poorer.

The Holy Spirit has made you Pastors of your people at this important hour in the Christian history of Zaire. May He confirm the faith and charity of all those entrusted to you! And may Mary, the Mother of the Church, intercede for all of you. Be sure of my prayer, as I count on yours. With my affectionate Apostolic Blessing.


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