Pius XII, Consecration of Russia (1952)

Author: Colin B. Donovan, STL

On July 7, 1952, Pope Pius XII consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In an Apostolic Letter To the Russian People, he included the text of consecration which he used (below). 

While he did not perform this act in union with the bishops of the world, as asked by Our Lady in 1929 and in a letter of Sr. Lucia's forwarded to his predecessor, the Consecration nonetheless had fruit. The following March 6th the repressive regime of Joseph Stalin came to an end with his death. Stalin's policies and cruelty had been responsible for the death of millions in the Great Famine, especially in Ukraine, and millions more through political terror and imprisonment, especially inn the notorious gulags. After a brief succession by Malenkov in March, Nikita Krushchev quickly displaced him after a week and was officially elected Premier on September 14 (Feast of the Triumph of the Cross). He would eventually denounce Stalin for his atrocities, release political prisoners from the gulags, and otherwise liberalize domestic policies. 

We, therefore, so that Ours and your prayers are answered more easily, and to give you a singular attestation of Our particular benevolence, as a few years ago we consecrated the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of the virgin Mother of God, so now, in a way very special, we consecrate all the peoples of Russia to the same Immaculate Heart, in the sure confidence that with the most powerful patronage of the Virgin Mary the vows will happily come true as soon as possible, that We, that you, who all good people form for a true peace, for a fraternal harmony and due freedom to all and in the first place to the church; so that, through the prayer that We raise together with you and with all Christians, the saving kingdom of Christ, which is "the kingdom of truth and life, the kingdom of holiness and grace, the kingdom of justice, love and peace ", (8) triumphs in every part of the earth and is firmly established.

And with suppliant invocation we pray to the same most clement Mother, so that she may assist each one of you in the present calamities and obtain for your divine Son that light that comes from Heaven, and implore for your souls that virtue and that strength, by which, sustained by divine grace, may you victoriously overcome every impiety and error.


Apostolic Letter, To the Russian People, July 7, 1952 (Feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodius)