Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe and Fr. Mark Mary Cristina delve deeper into the mysteries of salvation as they journey to key sites throughout the Holy Land.

Our primary apostolate as Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word is to communicate the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith through word and example. In the current day, that means we are deeply immersed in using the media—from TV and radio to the Internet so as to call back the lost and strengthen the weak in faith.

“The Lost I will seek out, the strayed I will bring back.” Ezekial 34:16

We provide generously for the spiritual and sacramental needs of the Eternal World Television Network, the Poor Clare nuns, and the Christian Faithful.

We were founded in 1987 in by Mother Angelica (founder of EWTN) and are a Public Clerical Association of the Faithful, located in Birmingham, Alabama. We also currently have a residence in Hanceville, Alabama near the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament as well as Emmitsburg, Maryland, where our seminarians attend Mount St. Mary’s.

Franciscan Missionaries Website


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